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Marketing and Events Committee Minutes 11/21/2012
Events Committee Meeting
November 21, 2012

Present: ~Carl Pratt, Kim Reopell Flynn, Tony Simotes
Also:  Channing Gibson, Lauryn Franzoni
Absent:  Bob Romeo

Meeting called to order at 4:08 p.m.

1.      Minutes for October 3, 2012 were approved and all others were postponed.

2.      Interview with Lauryn Franzoni who has expressed interest in being appointed to Events committee.  She has lived in Lenox for 12 years, has been involved in Shakespeare & Co. and St. Anne’s Church.  Has experience in marketing.  KRF gave a brief overview of committee’s function.  CP and TS asked is she had any areas of specific interest or passion.  LF very interested in promoting communication & information to community and beyond.

3.  CP reported that he had reached out to the Albany Times Union reporter about a Fam trip several times and got no response.

3.      Old/New Business:  Frank Newton had an application for support for the Inn Tour and is asking for $250.00 to defray printing expenses.  The next Select Board meeting before the event is November 28 and we will not meet again before that date, so the committee agreed to review the application.  Motion by CP, second by TS to recommend Select Board allocate $250.00 to Inn Tour.

Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.