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Marketing and Events Committee Minutes05/17/2012
Marketing and Events Committee Meeting
May 17, 2012

Present: ~ Kim Reopell Flynn, Tony Simotes, Eiran Gazit (alt),
Absent:  Richard Wise, Carl Pratt, Bob Romeo, Dick Houdek (alt)
Also Present:  Dave Roche, Select Board Liaison and Channing Gibson, Selectman

Meeting called to order at 9:19 a.m.

1.      Minutes of May 3, 2012 were approved.

2.      Brief review of Berkshire Cycling Classic by KRF.  There was some feedback that it was not promoted locally enough, but KRF pointed out that the focus, given the tight time frame was towards cycling clubs, online cycling magazines and blogs to get the riders here for the first year and give them a great experience.  The overall feedback indicates that we were very successful with that aspect.  Next year there will be more focus on local promotion along with adding other events over the rest of the weekend.  Tentative date for next year is May 5, 2013.  KRF will confirm.
EG raised issue that the logo presented at the event was not “Lenoxology” but just ”Lenox” with a cyclist “o” and underneath.  KRF will confer with Bodden-Hamilton to find out what the logos are supposed to be.

3.      Billy Soto submitted his application for campaign type buttons promoting Lenoxology for merchants to hand out.  He is asking for $500.00 from Marketing & Events budget fir funding.  TS expressed his concern that perhaps “Lenoxology” has served it’s purpose in opening discussions about Lenox.  EG feels that marketing of Lenoxology has not even begun and feels we need to do real push. KRF expressed concern that funding one project may open the door for others to seek funding for other things like t-shirts, mugs, hats, etc.  EG stated that these buttons would be give a ways whereas others would want to sell their items for profit, in which case town would not be part of that effort.  EG also suggests that perhaps this is a project for the Chamber of commerce.  BS was not in favor of that idea.  Motion by EG to recommend allocation of $500.00 for buttons and stickers to be given to visitors by merchants.  TS seconds. 3-0 vote.

4.   Discussion on direction of M & E Committee postponed until Board of Selectmen can have an opportunity to do a review of all boards and committees in town.

5.      Old/New Business:  
        CG asks about Tanglewood 75th anniversary this summer.  TS mentions it is Shakespeare & Co.’s 35th anniversary season and that The Mount is celebrating its 150 anniversary.  DR mentions several events going on in and around town to promote these events.
        EG passes around an article about a “mile” long dinner event and suggests something like this could be done in Lenox Dale down Crystal Street perhaps in conjunction with the annual block party in August?

Meeting adjourned at 10:02 a.m.