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Marketing and Events Committee Minutes 03/22/2012
Marketing and Events Committee Meeting
March 22, 2012

Present: ~ Kim Reopell Flynn, Bob Romeo, Tony Simotes, Eiran Gazit (alt)
Absent:  Carl Pratt, Richard Wise, Dick Houdek (alt)
Also Present: Greg Federspiel, Town Manager

Meeting called to order at 9:07 a.m.

1.      Budget discussion.  KRF suggests that we work with existing funds left in economic development funds to launch Lenoxology campaign, but not ask for any new funds this year – besides behind the scenes development, we have nothing concrete to show for our past year.  It will be a really hard sell at town meeting with other departments needing funding more than we do.  EG is adamant that if we ask for nothing, we will never get any funding in the future.  Discussion ensued about of the money that is left in our budget, what portion has been committed already and what is still available to be used. Suggestion is made to eliminate the cultural coordinator line item and GF suggests we ask for that as a separate line item contingent upon receipt of NEA grant.  Motion is made and seconded to ask for $45,000.00 for economic development budget and an additional $45,000.00 for cultural coordinator contingent upon grant receipt. 4-0 in favor.

  • Further review of Lenoxology Marketing Campaign proposal from B-H.   After discussion it was determined that the committee could recommend the Select Board allocate $4,000.00 to pay Bodden-Hamilton for the Press Release Announcement and $4,995 for the Media Outreach.  The committee will solicit quotes for the Media Fam Trips, SEM Campaign and Content Development.  Motion is made and seconded to recommend to Select Board that they allocate up to $4,000.00 for Announcement of Press Release and $4,995.00 for Media Outreach. 4-0 in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 10:22 a.m.