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Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 11/10/2008
Lenox Historical Commission
November 10, 2008, 4:00 p.m.
Town Hall, Land Use Room


Commissioners present: James Jurney, Suzanne Pelton, Olga Weiss, Sharon Hughes

Meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.  The minutes of the October 13 meeting were approved.


Great Estates Preservation By-law – James will work on wording to forward to Planning stating the historical asset preservation needs of the Town as seen by our Commission, for future re-writes of bylaw, to be referred to hereafter as Lenox Cottages Preservation By-Law.

Cemetery Restoration  – MPPF (Mass Preservation Project Funds) letter of intent deadline is December 15. Suzanne will write and send to Olga and Ellie for input before next meeting, December 8.

Date Plaques for Historic Buildings – Sharon and Suzanne brought samples and costs but no decision was made on shape or material. Need more examples for next meeting. It was decided to offer plaques to property owners at half price if we can get funding for the other half from Community Preservation funds.


Community Preservation Funds – Olga will prepare application for our request for cemetery assessment and restoration planning funds as well as for historic date plaques for review at Dec meeting. The deadline is January 8.

Updating Property Surveys of Historic District and Cliffwood Street – Suzanne will email MA Historical Commission MACRIS listing of Lenox historic properties to all HC members. We will discuss further how to share the work of updating surveys by next June. The Library provides information to visitors to Lenox and needs updated information. Perhaps this can be a joint project with Historic District Commission.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30  pm.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Suzanne W. Pelton