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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 12/19/2017

Historic District Commission
Landuse Meeting Room
December 19, 2017

Members present: Chair Ken Fowler, (KF); Mark Smith (MS); Jason Berger, (JB)
Absent with notification: Pat Jaouen (PJ)
Absent without notification:  Kameron Spaulding, (KS)
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, (PA)

The meeting was recorded.

Certificate of Appropriateness, 48 Main Street. Map 43 Parcel 197, sign to be placed on the building- Presenting the application was Thomas Gleason, Project Manager with Cumming. The Commission reviewed the application.MS made a motion to approve the sign as presented. JB seconded the motion. The Commission voted to approve 3-0.

Approve Minutes: December 5, 2017-JS made a motion to approve the minutes as amended JB. MS seconded the motion. The Commission voted to approve 3-0.

Other Business:
Letter of appreciation- The Commissioners signed a letter thanking Elaine Steinert for the many years she has served on the Commission.  
Sign-off of Building Permits-The Building Department uses an online permitting program referred to “Permit Eyes”. There are times when a Building Inspector will email PA asking for a sign-off from HDC.  JB felt that one member of the Commission, not the Land Use Clerk, should be responsible for signing off. (When asked to sign off for any of the Land Use Boards, PA would confer with the Chair of whatever board/commission being asked or provide a copy of a formal written.)    Discussion ensued and it was agreed that as the HDC’s liaison to the Building Department, JB, will be the one to sign-off.  The Building Department should be advising the HDC of any activity in the District.  PA advised that when a Certificate of Appropriateness is given to an applicant, a copy is scanned and sent to the Building Department.    
MS made a motion that JB proceed with the coordination between the Building Department and the HDC as described by JB.  KF seconded the motion and the Commission voted to agree 3-0.  
Signs-Streamlined process-Following up on the discussion of December 5th regarding a more streamlined process for sign requests, JB provided to the other Commissioners an outline for them to review. He tried to include all categories for signs, but asked the others to give thought to what he has done and help develop a comprehensive check list for the Building Department. It is expected that this will be helpful to the applicant, Building Department and Commission.

January 2, 2018 Meeting-It was agreed to cancel the meeting of January 2nd and at the following meeting work on the concept of making guidelines for signs to speed up the process for the Building Department.  

JB made a motion to adjourn. MS seconded the motion and the Commission voted 3-0 to adjourn.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola