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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 08/02/2016

Historic District Commission
August 2, 2016

Members in Attendance
Jason Berger (JB); Ken Fowler (KF), Acting Chair; Mark Smith (MS)

Member Absent with Notification
Elaine Steinert (ES)

Bob Romeo

KF called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm

Bob Romeo, 37 Church St., Map 43, Parcel 169. Application for a new sign.
KF expressed his apology to Mr. Romeo for making him come back again on the same petition. (There was a problem with a quorum, physical and by phone, at the July 19, 2016, meeting at which the application was first discussed.) There were no questions for the applicant. JB moved to accept the application as presented; MS seconded. The motion was approved (3-0).

Approval of Minutes
The following minutes need approval: May 17, 2016; June 7, 2016; June 23, 2016; July 19, 2016. Only the July 19, 2016, minutes were discussed. Others were tabled as no quorum was present this evening of members who had attended the other meetings. Re July 19, 2016, minutes: with minor amendments MS moved approval; JB seconded. The motion was approved (3-0.)

Bylaw and Guidelines
JB will be unavailable until September 20 (a scheduled meeting date). KF said all members of the committee should attend this meeting to discuss the bylaw and guidelines in preparation for a special Town Meeting in the fall. Committee members should have reviewed these documents in detail prior to this meeting. JB believes the committee should consider postponing any detailed discussion of the guideline document until after the proposed bylaw changes are discussed at the fall Town Meeting; the guidelines document then could be revised to reflect passage of the revised bylaw. He believes it makes sense to wait for changes.

KF suggested that Gwen Miller notify all HDC members that, barring any applications that may come forward, the group will not meet again until September 20, but that members should prepare for discussion of the bylaw.

Action Items
  • Gwen Miller will contact all HDC members about meeting schedule and importance of September 20 meeting.
  • Gwen Miller to follow up with building inspector Jeff Clemons regarding temporary banners at Bagel & Brew and La Pace.
MS moved to adjourn; JB seconded. The motion was approved (3-0). The meeting was adjourned at 5:49 pm.

Submitted by

Alison Sneider