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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 05/17/2016

Historic District Commission
May 17, 2016

Members in Attendance
Jason Berger (JB); Ken Fowler (KF); Elaine Steinert (ES)

Member-in-Waiting in Attendance
Mark Smith (MS)

Staff Absent with Notification
Gwen Miller (GM), Town Planner

Alana Lopez
Sean VanDeusen

KF called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

James Terry, 27 Church Street, Map 43, Parcel 169.
This is an application for a certificate for a sign. Alana Lopez from Larkin LTD presented the application for a sign for Towne Gallery Framing at 27 Church St. (not 31 Church St. as stated on application).Owners are Robert and Teresa Romeo; applicant is James Terry.

Ms. Lopez said there is an existing 6 x 6 post. The two-sided sign will be 16.6 inches by 36 inches on a 40 inch bracket. The sign will be made of PVC and will be secured by a small lower bracket to keep it secure.

KF said the dimensions are within guidelines. JB made a motion to approve the application as presented; ES seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.

Approval of Minutes
September 15, 2015 – ES made a motion to approve minutes. KF seconded. Approved unanimously.
October 20, 2015 – JB made a motion to approve minutes. ES seconded. Approved unanimously.
April 19, 2016 – KF made a motion to approve minutes. JB seconded. Approved unanimously.

Town of Lenox/Lenox Library, 18 Main St., Map 43, Parcel 173.
This is an application to demolish an overhang on the wall of the Lenox Library that faces the reading park.

Sean VanDeusen of the Lenox DPW presented the application. He said there is an auxiliary stairway at the side of the library building with an overhang above it. The overhang is rotting and needs to be removed. It will not be replaced, though some work may be needed to the door area.

KF noted that demolishing the overhand will actually make the building more historically conforming.

JB made a motion to approve the application as presented. ES seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.

HDC Guidelines
JB walked the HDC members through the draft guidelines document, asking the group to pay particular attention to the changes in red (additions to text) and the strikethroughs (deletions to text). No vote is to be taken; this is just a review of the draft document.

He noted that the document needs review by town counsel (GM was going to work with town counsel to go over some unresolved issues). The plan is to have the guidelines ready for a public hearing in the fall, prior to the special town meeting. He also noted that this document most closely reflects the HDC’s thinking (more so than the bylaw).

HDC members went through the document section by section and recommended changes, edits, etc. JB will incorporate the agreed-upon changes and send around a revised copy. He hopes to have the group review the entire document (not just the changes) another time before any public hearing.

The next HDC meeting is set for June 7.

New Member

KF made a motion to approve the appointment of Mark Smith, designer, as an at-large member of the HDC. JB seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.

  • HDC members would like a list of buildings in the historic district that already are designated as historic buildings (those on the National Register of Historic Places).
  • Future agenda item: discussion of the list of violations regarding neon sign enforcement (this was brought up in conjunction with reading of the minutes of the September, 15, 2015 meeting).
JB made a motion to adjourn. ES seconded. The motion was approved unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 7:07 pm.

Submitted by
Alison Sneider