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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 07/19/2016

Historic District Commission
July 19, 2016

Members in Attendance
Jason Berger (JB); Ken Fowler (KF), Acting Chair; Mark Smith (MS)

Absent With Notification
Elaine Steinert (ES)

Staff Absent with Notification
Gwen Miller (GM), Town Planner

Eric Kreis, representing Steilmann; John McNinch), representing Olde Heritage Tavern

KF called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm and noted that no recording was being made of the meeting.

KF reordered the agenda to have Mr. Kreis begin, since he was present when the meeting was called to order.

Lenox Realty Group for Steilmann European Ladies Fashions, 28 Walker St., Map 43 Parcel 5. New signage.

Mr. Kreis, representing Lenox Realty Group for Steilmann European Ladies Fashion, presented plans for a new sign. He described it as being nearly identical to the sign at Talbots next door: all black with white lettering, hard-mounted on one of the existing brackets (east brackets), 16 inches deep so as not to interfere with pedestrian traffic, with no lighting.

JB moved approval; MS seconded. The motion was approved (3-0).

Approval of Minutes
Minutes needing approval are:
January 5, 2016
May 17, 2016
June 7, 2016
June 23, 2016

Only the January 5, 2016, minutes were discussed. Other were tabled as no quorum was present this evening of members who had attended the other meetings.

January 5, 2016: With minor amendments, JB moved approval; MS seconded. Minutes were approved (3-0).
JB called John McNinch, who was expected at 5:30 pm. He arrived at 5:47 pm.

John McNinch, 12 Housatonic St., Map 43, Parcel 171, aka Olde Heritage Tavern. Replacement windows on second and third stories.

Mr. McNinch seeks approval to replace older windows at the Olde Heritage Tavern building. They will be vinyl replacement, double hung windows, 2 over 2 and 32” x 16.”. Their design will match what is already on the building (windows on the first floor already are vinyl). Although the application was for approval for second and third stories, he said he will only be replacing third story windows now and will complete the second floor replacements at a later date.

JB moved approval; MS seconded. The motion was approved (3-0).Approved 3-0.

Other Business
Temporary signs and banners
MS had questions about temporary signs and banners/flags he has seen while walking around town, in particular two banners at Bagel and Brew and a flag/banner at La Pace.

KF suggested that Peggy Ammendola send a note to the building inspector’s office to ask one of the inspectors to look at both properties and make an assessment of these temporary signs. This would be a first step toward seeking compliance from both businesses.

Bylaw and guidelines
JB said both documents are as far along as they should be at this point; final touches will be completed prior to the special town meeting in the fall. KF will notify the two HCD members who were not present (Elaine Steinert and Pat Jaouen) and request them to attend the next meeting on August 2, 2016. In the meantime, JB will send around the most recent bylaw and guidelines drafts to all HDC members for discussion at next meeting (August 2).

MS moved adjournment; JB seconded. The meeting adjourned at 6:07 pm.

Submitted by
Alison Sneider