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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 10/20/2015

Historic District Commission
Landuse Meeting Room
October 20, 2015

Members present:  Acting Chair Lucy Kennedy, (LK); Mark Smith, (MS); Pat Jaouen, (PJ)
Member absent with notification: Elaine Steinert, (ES); Jason Berger, (JB); Ken Fowler, (KF)
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA

The meeting was called to order 5:30 PM.

G & G Properties, 18 Franklin Street, Map 43 Parcel 190, Replace existing deteriorated and dented cream-colored aluminum siding and replace with cream colored HardiePlank horizontal siding to mimic clapboard. Continued from October 6, 2015 for the applicant to provide more information.

On October 19th, Mr. Roy filed an amendment to his original HDC application.  The amendment detailed the work for the project and included photos that were identified as Exhibit A, Exhibit B and Exhibit C.
Mr. Roy, referring to Exhibit A said that it is his intention is to remove the wooden shakes which are in disrepair and replace with either dark grey or black asphalt architectural shingles.  It is possible that some sheathing is rotted and if so it would be replaced as well.  

Exhibit B refers to fascia board, trim and flashing. This also needs to be replaced.  

With regards to Exhibit C, Mr. Roy said that he plans to remove the siding on the north side and expose a decorative concrete block which had been a part of the siding before the surface was covered with the aluminum siding.  If the block is in good shape he would like to preserve it, but if not he would cover it with the HardiePlank.  

LK and PJ spoke of the history of the parcel and said that at one time there had been a large livery operation and feed store at that location.  The house was moved to the corner of Franklin St., and both barns were either torn down or burned.   LK felt that the existing structure was not historic in nature but that its appearance should be as consistent as possible with the other buildings and since the HDC has accepted HardiePlank as wood she said Mr. Roy’s proposal for that product as siding would be appropriate.   MS said that he was curious about how the block would look paired with the HardiePlank and based on his observation of the cold joints in the concrete he believes that the building is at least 100 years old.

PJ made a motion to approve Exhibit A, removing the wood shingles and overhang and so forth, replacing that, and Exhibit C, the front of the building and the Commission will approve using HardiePlank if necessary, but if taking the cover off now and it reveals something extraordinary then the Commission can revisit and leave it alone or put HardiePlank on it.  MS seconded the motion, but added that he was unclear.  He retracted his motion and asked to clarify if the Commission wanted to approve the application as submitted and that after the north side is stripped and Mr. Roy wanted to keep the concrete exposed, if he would have to reapply to the Commission.  After discussion PJ withdrew her motion.  Discussion continued.  LK said that she preferred that of all of the siding be HardiePlank.
MS made a motion to approve the application as submitted for: Exhibit A-the roof; Exhibit B- the fascia board and trim and Exhibit C-replacing the north side of the building with HardiePlank to match the west side of the structure.  PJ seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 3-0.  

Mr. Roy was told that if he considered leaving any of the concrete decorative block exposed once he removed the remainder of the aluminum siding he would have to reapply to the HDC.  
Approve Minutes:  October 6, 2015 MS made a motion to approve the minutes as presented and PJ seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 3-0.  

MS made a motion to adjourn and PJ seconded the motion.  The Commission voted 3-0 to adjourn at 6 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola