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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 12/15/2015

Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room

December 15, 2015

Members present: Chair Ken Fowler, KF; Elaine Steinert, ES; Mark Smith, MS

Absent with notification: Jason Berger, JB

KF called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM.

Certificate of Appropriateness Town of Lenox, Academy Building located at 65 Main Street, Map 43, Parcel 196, repair the cupola located on the top of the Academy Building.  There will not be a change in appearance of the area being repaired.

Presenting the Town’s application was Tim Face, Trustee of the Academy Building.  After repairing the roof, the Town discovered rotten corner boards and the cupola ceiling.  The ceiling joists and the maypole were also discovered to be rotten.  Finally, the copper roof and weather vane are both damaged and in need of replacement.  The plan calls for the workers to duplicate the cupola.

KF asked about the condition of the pillars.  Mr. Face indicated that the pillars are in good shape.  MS asked about the material to replace the maypole.  Mr. Face indicated that the material had not been selected yet, but the look would be identical.

KF, ES and MS each voiced approval for the proposal and thanked Mr. Face for his volunteer time and efforts on the project.

MS made a motion to approve the Town’s application as presented.  ES seconded the motion and the Commission approved 3-0.

ES made a motion to adjourn.  MS seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to adjourn 3-0 at 5:44 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Christopher J. Ketchen