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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 10/06/2015
Historic District Commission
Landuse Meeting Room
October 6, 2015

Members present:  Acting Chair Lucy Kennedy, (LK); Mark Smith, (MS); Pat Jaouen, (PJ)
Member absent with notification: Elaine Steinert, (ES); Jason Berger, (JB); Ken Fowler, (KF)
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA

The meeting was called to order 5:30 PM.

G & G Properties, 18 Franklin Street, Map 43 Parcel 190, Replace existing deteriorated and dented cream-colored aluminum siding and replace with cream colored HardiPlank horizontal siding to mimic clapboard.

Presenting the application was Keith Roy, owner of the building.  The work to replace the existing aluminum siding which is old and falling off of the structure is about two thirds of the way done.  Mr. Roy said that he wasn’t aware that he was to come before the HDC for approval.  Don Fitzgerald, Building Commissioner, advised PA two weeks earlier that he had given Mr. Roy a building permit for the work, but that he overlooked that the property was in the HD, therefore he did not advise Mr. Roy to apply to the HDC.  Originally the plan was to replace all of the siding with HardiPlank, but Mr. Roy told the Commission that they have discovered a “block” exterior under a portion of the siding and he would like to leave that exposed as it appears to be the original.  He said that this isn’t concrete block, but either concrete or granite. The application doesn’t address the block issue or other work Mr. Roy spoke of such as replacing wooden shakes, removal of a door and re-shingling the overhang, therefore the Commission felt that there should be an amendment to his application.  MS made a motion to continue to the next meeting so that Mr. Roy could provide the requested information and the Commissioners could go to site to familiarize themselves on the project.   Discussion ensued as to whether a new application should be submitted or if this matter could be continued.  LK amended the motion that a new application would be submitted, but then withdrew the amended motion.  PJ seconded the original motion and the Commission voted to agree 3-0 that the meeting would be continued to October 20th.  Each Commissioner will go individually to the site.    Mr. Roy said that he will meet tomorrow with the Building Commissioner to discuss the work, materials, etc., so that he can provide that information to the Commission.  Mr. Roy said that if it is determined that the block isn’t in good shape, he would continue with the plans to cover it all with the HardiPlank.  

Other Business:  LK informed the others that she would be away during the winter and suggested that PJ become a regular member and LK would be an alternate.  After discussion it was decided that they would remain as they are, with PJ being able to fill in in LK’s absence.  LK said that if necessary, with advance notice, she could be able to return for a hearing.  

Minutes: September 15, 2015-Tabled as there was not a quorum.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.  

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola