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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 03/17/2015
Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
March 17, 2015

Members present: Chair Linda Messana, LM; Elaine Steinert, ES; Ken Fowler, KF
Absent with notification: Lucy Kennedy, LK

Also present were:  Town Manager Chris Ketchen; Building Inspector Don Fitzgerald; and Sean VanDuesen, Superintendent of the Department of Public Works

Jim Biancolo, Biancolo Real Estate Trust, 136 Main St., Map 46 Parcel 53- Install a new front walkway/ramp, platform and steps.

Mr. Biancolo noted that previously he had appeared before the HDC informally to discuss this proposal.   He carefully reviewed his detailed formal application and also provided photos and measurements of the ramp at Lenox National Bank which is more massive than Mr. Biancolo’s proposal.  Mr. Biancolo also responded to the comments made in opposition to his proposal during the informal meetings with the HDC.  The comments were:  Structure is too massive, front wooden steps are a significant characteristic of the historic building, and the ramp should be in the rear.  He provided documentation detailing his argument against those comments and included three letters of support. One was a March 5, 2015 letter from Jill Fisher of Larson Fisher Associates, Inc.-Historic Preservation & Planning Services.  Ms. Fisher reviewed the photos of the dwelling and the proposed access ramp and new steps up to the front entry and stated that the design of the ramp would have minimal impact on the historic architectural character of the house.  She stated that the steps are very basic and do not reflect any particular architectural style that relates to this house and their loss would in no way diminish the architectural or historic character of the dwelling.  Mr. Fitzgerald has also reviewed the proposal and wrote in an email on February 6, 2015 to Mr. Biancolo that MGL, Chapter 40A, Section 3 forbids any town’s zoning bylaw from restricting one from placing an accessible ramp within any front, side or rear setback of their home. The third letter, dated January 16, 2015, was from Catherine Carchedi, Program Manager for AdLib-Center for Independent Living who also reviewed this proposal favorably.  KF made a motion to approve the walkway ramp as presented. ES seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 3-0.  

Olga Weiss, Chairperson of the Historical Commission, commenting on Mr. Biancolo’s project, said that she was concerned about setting a precedent, noting that there will be a major difference in the front of the home.  She said that the ramp at Lenox National Bank should never have been approved as it did make an incursion into the historically significant façade of the building.  She believes that there were other options.  She agrees that everything should be done to accommodate the needs of the people, but she feels that a solution shouldn’t compete with the historic design of a structure.  

Alessandro DeGregori and Sarah Hitchcock-DeGregori, The Gables, 81 Walker St., Unit 2, Map 40 Parcel 25-2-install an aluminum storm door on the third floor balcony.

Presenting the application was Ms. Hitchcock-DeGregori.  She provided a photo depicting the placement of the storm door as it relates to the structure and stated that the dimensions are not standard and the door will require custom fabrication.  She provided two options, but for financial reasons preferred the first option stating it will have little or no impact on the appearance of the house from the street.  KF made a motion to approve the storm door as presented.  ES seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 3-0.

Town of Lenox, Lenox Library, 18 Main St., Map 43 Parcel 173, replace the front steps and handrails.

Mr. Ketchen and Mr. VanDuesen presented the application.  Mr. Ketchen said that they have applied to the Community Preservation Committee for funds to properly reconstruct the marble steps which he described as a public safety hazard and unsightly due to freeze-thaw cycles.  They old marble steps, not original to the structure, will be removed and stored as it is planned that they can be used for another purpose.   New footings, poured concrete, will be installed. The cost is estimated to be $20,000.  The CPC will be meeting on Monday to decide which projects are approved to go to the Annual Town Meeting for a vote.  Mr. Ketchen said that he felt it is necessary to have an approval from the HDC to support the request for funding.  ES made a motion to approve the application for the new marble steps as presented.  KF seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 3-0.

Other Business: Recommended changes to the Historic District Commission Bylaw, Section 3.3.1 (a) and Section 3.3.1(b) for 2015 Town Meeting and Appointment of new member to fill vacant AIA slot.  GM said that on February 5, 2015 a letter and email was sent to the Western Massachusetts Chapter of AIA requesting nominations for the HDC no later than March 5th.  No nomination was made.  According to MGL Chapter 40 C, the Board of Selectmen can now appoint a member not fulfilling this requirement.  Currently there are three members and one alternate and meets the following requirements pursuant to Section3.1 (a) of its own Bylaw:
  • It has one property owner in the district;
  • One member of the Lenox Planning Board;
  • One member from two nominees submitted by the BCHS; and
  • One member from two nominees submitted by the Board of Realtors covering the area
There have been recent discussions about the inability to find Commissioners who would qualify under the HDC Bylaw which reads: The Lenox HDC Bylaw states that the HDC shall consist of five members and two alternates appointed by the Board of Selectmen including one resident of or property owner in the district, one member of the Lenox Planning Board, one member from two nominees submitted by the Berkshire County Historical Society, one member from two nominees submitted by the chapter of American Institute of Architects covering the area and one member from two nominees submitted by the Board of Realtors covering the area.  

GM provided four options for amending the Bylaw.  After reviewing the options, KF made a motion to adopt Option 3 which would amend the Bylaw to read:  The HDC shall consist of five members and two alternates appointed by the Board of Selectmen.  Where possible, the HDC shall include one resident of or property owner in the district, one member of the Lenox Planning Board, one member from two nominees submitted by the Berkshire County Historical Society, one member from two nominees submitted by the chapter of American Institute of Architects covering the area and one member from two nominees submitted by the Board of Realtors covering the area.  ES seconded the motion and the Commission voted to agree 3-0.

Approve Minutes:  February 17, 2015-Tabled as there was not a quorum.  
Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola