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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 10/21/2014

Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
October 21, 2014

Members present: Chair Linda Messana, LM; Elaine Steinert, ES; Ken Fowler, KF
Absent with notification: Lucy Kennedy, LK
Drew Davis, 67 Church St. LLC, 69 Church St., Map 43 Parcel 180, sign-Presenting the application was Mr. Davis.  He has five tenants who have their businesses upstairs and customers have had difficulty in finding them.  He presented the frame and backboard for the sign he is proposing that will be attached next to the door which leads to the interior stairs to the businesses.  

KF made a motion to approve the sign as presented for 67 Church St.  KF was corrected and advised that the actual location for the building is 69 Church.  KF amended his motion to reflect that change.  ES seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 3-0.  

Spiro Grigoropoulos, 9 Franklin St., Map 43 Parcel 81, construct egress from the back door to the fire escape.

The contractor who was expected to make the presentation for Mr. Grigoropoulos did not appear and attempts to reach Mr. Grigoropoulos failed.  The meeting was rescheduled to October 28th.  

Approve Minutes-September 16, 2014-Tabled as there was not a quorum.  LK, LM and ES were at this meeting.

Other Business:  A discussion ensued regarding the issue of neon signs.  KF said that he would like to have Town Counsel to review the HD Bylaw and determine once and for all if neon lighting is addressed.  Historically the HDC has stood firm in the belief that neon lighting is not allowed.  At a recent meeting of the HDC, it was decided that LM would speak to Building Commissioner Bill Thornton about him writing letters to Historic District businesses who have neon signs and advising them to come to a meeting of the HDC.   Mr. Thornton said that the Bylaw did not clearly address neon lighting, when prohibiting “noxious” lighting.  The Guidelines specifically mentions neon, but guidelines are not enforceable.  Furthermore, LM said that Mr. Thornton said that he did not have the authority to enforce the HD Bylaw, but said the Board of Selectmen do.  LM has spoken with Town Manager Chris Ketchen, but at this time there has not been a resolution.  She will follow up with the Town Manager regarding the enforcing authority and with having Town Counsel look into the Bylaw. LM would also like to discuss further when LK can be present.

A print out of the following information PA found on the internet was provided by PA to the Commission:
        Edmonds WA “Internally illuminated signs” include any sign where light shines through a transparent or semi-transparent sign face to illuminate the sign’s message. Exposed neon is considered to be a form of internal illumination.
        Chaska MN Illumination, Internal: Illumination of a sign from a light source that is
concealed or contained within the sign and becomes visible in darkness through a translucent surface. For the purpose of these regulations, neon signs shall not be considered to be internally illuminated.

KF made a motion to adjourn and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to agree 3-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola