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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 09/03/2013

Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
September 3, 2013

Members present: Chair Jason Berger, JB; Steve Sample, SS; Lucy Kennedy, LK; Elaine Steinert, ES

Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, PA

Garter Inn Management, aka The Gateways Inn, 51 Walker St., Map 43 Parcel 165, new sign.

Eiran Gazit, owner of The Gateways and James Callahan of Callahan Sign presented the application.  

Mr. Callahan provided the details for the sign which will be 16 square feet, the same as the current sign.  He said the existing sign was approved several years ago for the previous owner. The sign would be in the same location, made of an aluminum base material with a crown molding detail and the existing post will be replaced with a wood post, but at the same height as the existing.  The sign itself will not be illuminated, but will have up lighting.

JB reviewed the file for this property and stated he had two concerns. One is the use of an aluminum base material for the sign and the other is the height of the sign. He that it appears the sign was never approved by the HDC.  In file there is a February 1997 approved application for the “restoration of present sign with reinforcements by applying a layer of plywood on both sides” and “change the present color and lettering”.   An illustration of the sign showed it to be 4 feet by 4 feet, but there was no information regarding the posts or height.  The existing sign and the graphics provided with this application show the total height, from ground level to the top of the sign to be 12 feet.  

Mr. Callahan said the sign material could be PVC or similar material, but the aluminum was chosen for its structural support.

Mr. Gazit stated that when he bought the property 18 months ago, his attorney checked with the Building Inspector who said there were no violations of any kind.
Mr. Gazit said the reason for coming before the Commission is because the sign does not give the name of the restaurant, people have claimed they can’t see the sign and it is deteriorating.

LK noted that the size of the sign is larger than what is allowed in the Guidelines.

Mr. Gazit questioned that if the sign is in violation, why it has been allowed to continue for 10 years. JB responded stating it is a dilemma, but that it is difficult for the Commission to approve his application for a sign which appears to be in violation.   JB said that he would check with Bill Thornton to see if he has a permit for this existing sign.  

Mr. Gazit said that if the HDC does not approve, the existing sign will remain.  He also stated that because he has a bar, restaurant and an inn, three signs might be more appropriate.

JB told Mr. Gazit that if he would like, he could have his attorney call him.  

SS made a motion to continue to September 17, 2013 at 5:30 pm and requested that Bill Thornton get any pertinent information regarding the existing sign.  LK seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 4-0.  LK stated she would not be available for the continued meeting

Bagel and Brew, Philip Cohen, 18 Franklin St., Map 43 Parcel 190, sign.  Continued from September 3, 2013 as the applicant was not present on the original date of August 20th.  

Presenting the application were Philip Cohen and Sam Canfield.  The proposed sign would be the same dimensions and same location.

LK made a motion to accept the application as presented as long as the sign does not swing.  ES seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 4-0.

Approve Minutes:
April 16, 2013-SS made the motion to invoke the “Rule of Necessity” to approve the minutes.  ES seconded the motion and the Commission voted to agree 4-0.
August 6, 2013-LK made a motion to approve the minutes and SS seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to agree 3-0-1.  ES abstained as she was not at that meeting.  
August 20, 2013-LK made a motion to approve the minutes as amended and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to agree 3-0-1.  JB abstained as he was not at that meeting.    

LK made a motion to adjourn and SS seconded the motion.  The Commission voted 4-0 to adjourn at 6:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola