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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 04/16/2013

Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
April 16, 2013

Members present: Acting Chair Steve Sample, SS; Elaine Steinert, ES; Ken Fowler, KF
Absent with notification: Chair Jason Berger, JB
Absent without notification: Lucy Kennedy, LK
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, PA

Klaus and Bruni Beckmann, 26 Church St., Map 43 Parcel 161,  remove shrubs and replace with brick pavers over an area measuring 10’X 30’.

Mary Newton, representing the Beckmanns, made the presentation.  She said the applicants don’t want the shrubs because they block the windows and they require maintenance.  

Ms. Newton did not know what size pavers or color that would be used.  Discussion ensued and it was agreed that rather than continue the meeting until more detail could be provided, Ms. Newton agreed to use the same paver the Town installed with the renovation of the District.  

KF made a motion to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for the removal of the existing lawn and shrubs and replace the 10’ X30’ area with the condition that the pavers used will match the rest of the pavers used by the Town and that the installation will be coordinated with the Department of Public Works.  ES seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve

Other Business:
Kameron Spaulding, Assistant Editor of the Beacon, asked if the Curtis would have to come before the HDC for the repairs to the Curtis following the fire of April 11, 2013.
SS said that if the window is the same, i.e., will be “replaced in kind”, the Curtis will not have to come to the Commission.  It was clarified that the replacement would have to be wood.  KF said that he felt that the Curtis should come before the Commission.  

KF made a motion to adjourn and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to adjourn at 6:05 pm by a vote of 3-0.

Approve Minutes: March 19, 2013-Tabled as there was not a quorum.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola