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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 07/16/2013

Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
July 16, 2013

Members present: Chair Jason Berger, JB, Steve Sample, SS; Lucy Kennedy, LK; Elaine Steinert, ES
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, PA

5:30 pm Lenox Chamber of Commerce at The Lenox Library, 18 Main St., Map 43 Parcel 173 add their existing sign to the existing sign post.

Making the presentation was Sharon Hawkes.  The existing sign is a temporary sign, which is not in compliance.  The Chamber is located in the library.  They have an approved sign (from their previous location) that they wish to place on the same sign as the library, but on the opposite side of the post.  

JB stated that multiple signs on one post is a zoning issue.  From the library files, it was determined that the measurement from the ground to the top of the post is 12 feet.  The Commissioners asked for the dimension of the Chamber’s sign. They also informed Ms. Hawkes that it needs to be determined how the sign is proposed to be affixed to the post.  JB will confer with the Building Commissioner with regards to the zoning issues.

SS made a motion to continue until there can be a discussion with the Building Inspector.  LK seconded the motion and the Commission voted 4-0 to agree.  This matter is continued to August 6th at 5:45 pm. ES said that she will not be avail.

5:45 pm  Bell Atlantic New England Tel. and Tel./Verizon, 48 Walker Street, Map 43 Parcel 1, sign  

Harry Auerbach of Agnoli Sign Co., Inc. presented the application.

The sign material, aluminum, was questioned.   JB objected to the sign material being metal pointing out that the guidelines state the material “shall be wood or wood like material”.  
Mr. Auerbach said there are other materials, sign foam and PVC that could be used instead, but with the graphics a grain would not be visible unless western cedar were used.  JB said to stay away from metal, but the sign does not have to be wood, but must give the appearance of wood. It was agreed the paint finish would be matte.  

Resident George Jordan said that he doesn’t like the sign, size or otherwise.  He said that he has been unsuccessful at getting Verizon to clean up their building and do landscaping.  He argues the need for a sign especially since the building is zoned residential.  (PA advised the Assessor’s records indicate the property is zoned commercial.) JB said his opinion will be noted, but the applicant is proposing a sign, and has agreed it will not be made of metal.  

LK agreed with Mr. Jordan asking why the company would want to put up a sign on a building which needs improvement.  Mr. Auerbach said that he would make their sentiments known and JB reiterated the applicant is here for a sign application only.  

Mr. Jordan wanted to see the actual sign before approval was given.  JB said the Commission has approved signs of sign foam or PVC, so having the applicant present the sign in advance is not necessary, but he said the material should be specified in the proposal.  Mr. Auerbach said he could send samples.  (Those samples were received on August 5, 2013.)

LK made a motion to approve the application with the following stipulation that rather than aluminum the material will be either foam or PVC and background be painted black matte finish.

SS prefers foam board.

LK retracted her motion.
SS made a motion to approve the sign with the dimensions in the plans, the material will be sign foam, the color will be black in a matte finish and the sign will be positioned over the door.  ES seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 4-0.  

Mr. Auerbach made a point to tell Mr. Jordan that he would express how he feels about the building, but has no authority in this matter.

Approve Minutes:
April 16, 2013-Tabled again as there was not a quorum. (SS, ES and KF)
May 7, 2013-LK made a motion to approve the minutes with one edit and SS seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 3-0-1.  JB abstained as he was not at this meeting.
June 4, 2013-LK made a motion to approve the minutes and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 3-0-1.  SS abstained as he was not at this meeting
July 2, 2013-LK made a motion to approve the minutes and SS seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 3-0-1.  ES abstained as she was not present at this meeting.   

SS made a motion to adjourn at 6:45 pm.  LK seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola