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Historic District Commission, 08/17/2010
Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
August 17, 2010

Members present: Chair Jason Berger, JB; Steve Sample, SS; Elaine Steinert, ES; Jim Harwood, JH

Absent with notification: Ken Fowler, KF

Staff present:  Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA

Frederick, LLC (Kemble Inn) 2 Kemble St., Map 7 Parcel 22-3, a new sign.  
Representing the new owner of the Kemble Inn, Scott Short, was Rob Akroyd of Greylock Design Associates.  The existing sign was permitted by the ZBA in 1993.  The proposed sign will be somewhat smaller than the existing sign.  The new sign will be in the exact spot and configuration, same height or possibly a little lower than the existing one.  

JH motion to approve the sign as presented and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 4-0.

Michelle Alden, 27 A Housatonic St., Map 43 Parcel 176, a new sign
Making the presentation was Chris and Michelle Alden.  They wish to place their proposed double sided sign on the existing eight foot tall post.  JH advised that applicants that the post is pre-existing, non-conforming as it is taller than what is allowed.  

ES made a motion to approve the sign as presented and JH seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 4-0.

Berkshire Regional Transit Authority, Main Street at the intersections of Franklin St (Map 43 Parcel 69) and Cliffwood St. (Map 43 Parcel 80, erect two covered seating areas in two locations.  

Making the presentation was Scott Laugenour who represents BRTA.  This is Town property.

Mr. Laugenour cited that people are always inquiring where the bus stops and what the schedule is.  Presently there is a bench on the east side of Main Street at Franklin St. Mr. Laugenour would like to replace the bench with a shelter and to also put another across the street as presently there is not a designated spot.  The shelters will be erected and maintained by BRTA at no expense to the Town.  The siding would be clear mar-resistant polycarbonate glazing with a schedule holder which secures the schedule sandwiched within the polycarbonate.  

Mr. L said that these shelters are already constructed and cannot be redesigned and are available on a first come, first served basis.  JH stated that there is an existing bench standard for Lenox, and he would like to have that standard used for the bench within the shelter.  

ES felt that a site visit was warranted.

ES made a motion to continue the hearing to September 7, 2010 at 5:30 pm and have a site visit at 5:00 pm starting at the BRTA shelter that is across the street from Aspinwell on Pittsfield Rd.  JH seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 4-0.

Town of Lenox, Lilac Park, Gazebo Project, Map 43 Parcel 59, sign.

JH recused himself from the HDC to present a sign for the gazebo project only.  

Also present was Town Manager Greg Federspiel.

Mr. Harwood stated that the Board of Selectmen has granted the temporary sign, but because it is expected to be in place for one to two years, the HDC should review and approve.  Location of the sign is approximately 2 feet from what is indicated on the plans because a plaque is already in place there.   

When asked by JB, Mr. Harwood said it has been discussed that he will establish a fee, but depending on how the fund raising goes, he may be making a contribution of his time.  He is very fond of the community, likes the idea and wants to see the project done well; therefore he is willing to make a contribution.

ES made a motion to accept the sign as presented for the period up until Sept 15, 2011.
SS seconded the motion and the Commission approved 3-0.

JH returned to his seat on the Commission.

Other Business:

JB stated that he has contacted the Building Inspector regarding the excessive signage at Shots and the issue with regard to the repairs being done at Firefly and the placement of plaques by the Historical Commission.  To date there has been no response.

Meet with C of C, provide the existing rules and ask if the businesses in the District feel that the rules are too restrictive.  Cited lack of enforcement

Present at tonight’s meeting was Claire Cantone who is interested in becoming a regular member, replacing Ken Fowler.   She submitted her application to the Board of Selectmen some time ago.  Mr. Federspiel said that her letter of interest is on the BOS Agenda for August 25, 2010.  She understands that she will have to join the Historical Society. JH made a motion to recommend to the BOS that Claire Cantone be appointed to the HDC.  ES seconded the motion and the Commission voted 4-0 to approve.   

JB asked, since Ms. Cantone was present at the hearing, if she could participate in the continued hearing of BRPT.  Mr. Federspiel will check with Town Counsel.

August 3, 2010-JH made a motion to approve the minutes and ES seconded the motion. The Commission voted to approve 4-0

ES made a motion to adjourn and JH seconded the motion.   The Commission voted to adjourn at 6:50 pm 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola