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Historic District Commission Minutes, 09/15/2009
Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
September 15, 2009

Members present:  Chair Ken Fowler, KF; Steve Sample, SS; Jim Harwood, JH; Elaine Steinert, ES
Absent with notification: Jason Berger, JB
Staff present:  Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA; Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA

Discussion regarding review of Chairman’s authority:
Some Commissioners have voiced concern of the authority they gave to the HDC Chairman at their January 20, 2009 meeting to facilitate urgent repairs within the District.  Bill Thornton, Building Commissioner, was present to explain the process which has been endorsed by the Board of Selectmen.  A business or property owner who has discovered a need to do an emergency repair is to first consult with the Building Inspector’s Department.  If the repair is minor and in-kind, the Inspector can issue a permit without the HDC’s review according to the Historic District Guidelines (Appendix 1.B), but Mr. Thornton consults with the Chair before the issuance of the permit. He and his assistant will not approve any work within the District that requires a Certificate without consulting with the Commission.  Mr. Thornton said that he finds this process to be efficient and helpful to contractors who are called upon to do emergency repairs.

KF said that when he has been contacted by Mr. Thornton, he goes to the site to see what work is necessary and is shown the materials that will be used.  He has in writing that the contractor is doing “in-kind work” that falls within the “changes not needing approval” listed in the Guidelines.  He further stated that when he has been in doubt with regard to architectural elements he has sought the opinion of fellow Commissioner JH who is an architect.  If KF still has concerns, he informs the owner that they must go before the Commission for approval.   

JH cautioned that there is a responsibility to be vigilant to avoid pitfalls.

The Commissioners, after discussion, decided that the process as described is working, but would like to be notified when such repairs are being approved.  

Kiosk: MA reviewed with the Commissioners the revised Kiosk design proposed for the District.  

·       August 18, 2009:  JH made a motion to approve the minutes of August 18 and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 4-0.

·       September 1, 2009:  The minutes were tabled as there was not a quorum of the Commissioners who attended that meeting.

Reorganization:  It was decided that all Commissioners should be present to discuss the reorganization.

JH made a motion to adjourn and SS seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to adjourn at 6:30 pm 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola