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Historic District Commission Minutes, 06022009
Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
June 2, 2009

Members present:  Chair Ken Fowler, KF; Jason Berger, JB; Jim Harwood, JH; and Steve Sample, SS
Absent with notification: Elaine Steinert, ES
Staff present:  Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA; Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA

St. Ann Church, 132 Main St., Map 46 Parcel 54, new windows.
Presenting the application were the following:
Father C. J. Waitikus
Joe Cacciola
Mike Wilser
Doug Tremblay, contractor for replacing windows

Mr. Cacciola explained that an energy audit of the rectory resulted in a recommendation to replace windows that would be energy efficient.  They wish to replace most windows in stages over a three year period, starting with the front of the structure and doing one side at a time.  The window choice of window is vinyl clad and will be custom made to fit the opening.  

The attic windows will be restored and not replaced.

There was discussion as to whether to have windows with a grid or without.  The Commission felt that the existing look should be replicated; therefore windows without the grid would be preferred.  

JB made a motion to approve the replacement of windows without grids excluding the attic windows and upper portion south side and south side door side lights.  No doors are being replaced.  SS seconded the motion and the Commission voted to agree 4-0.  

Trial Period for Chair granting approval for replacement “in kind” projects-Continued discussion-KF wanted to hear from the other members as to whether he should continue to work with the Building Inspector on permitting applicants who are making repairs to proceed without submitting a formal application.  The idea is to help applicants who may need to make urgent repairs.   JB does not wish to continue with this trial period until a process is refined citing that it is not the authority of the Commission to approve.  Discussion ensued.  It was agreed that the liability should be on the applicant, perhaps requiring an affidavit or certification, that the changes the applicant is wishing to make do not require review.  PA suggested that this document be a part of the HDC application so that there will be a record on file of the work that is being proposed.  The applicant would be certifying that the project does not require the Commission’s approval.  The Building Inspector would have to sign off on this application as well.    

JB made a motion to adjourn the meeting and JH seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to adjourn.  Meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola