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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 04/21/2009
Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
April 21, 2009

Members present:  Chair Ken Fowler, KF; Elaine Steinert, ES; Jim Harwood, JH; Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KM-V
Absent with notification: Jason Berger, JB

Staff present:  Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA; Mary Albertson, Town Planner, MA

Bjorn Somlo, principal of the restaurant to be known as Nudle, and Steve Somlo came in to discuss informally their plans for a restaurant formerly known as Dish.   

Our other applicants were running behind schedule therefore the Commission was able to accommodate the Somlos. They provided photos of both entrances and described the changes that they would like to make to the existing deck and the placement of the sign.  They were advised to submit an application to the HDC with information for their sign, and a list of the materials, detailed plans etc.

Melissa and Sylvain Noel, 18D Franklin St., Map 43 Parcel 190, request to replace an existing sign with a new sign with new name and logo.  Presenting the application were Melissa and Sylvain Noel.  The Noels stated that they have a restaurant at this location that is known as Baroods.  They wish to change the concept to a Tex-Mex restaurant that will be known as Lenox Garage.  The sign location and size will remain the same, just the name will change.  They also wish to put a larger sign, five feet in length, on top of the building above the entrance.  The reason given for a second sign is because the curb signage does not sufficiently identify the location of the restaurant, which is toward the back on the side of the building.  There are existing lights that are along the bottom edge of the roof.  The one at the back edge could be positioned to shine on the proposed second sign.  The Noel’s said that originally there had been two signs, one of which was on the door.  

JH made a motion to approve the sign change requested for the entrance of the parking lot.  ES seconded the motion and the Commission approved 4-0.   The hearing for the application for the second sign was continued to May 5, 2009 at 5:45 pm.    

Church on the Hill, Chapel, 55 Main Street, Map 43 Parcel 60, request to replace the front door.  

JH disclosed that Tom Drain, the contractor for this proposed project, has done work for him.  No one objected to JH participating in this hearing.  

Presenting the request was Mr. Drain.  The new door will be an exact replica of the existing door except that the glass will be insulated.  The new door will be painted white.  JH made a motion to approve the door as submitted and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 4-0.  The HDC recommends a more historically appropriate door knob be substituted if available.

Church on the Hill, 169 Main Street, Map 46 Parcel 18, request to replace siding on the clock tower.  Tom Drain presented this request as well.  He told the Commission that the siding on the church was replaced within the last few years.  This project is to replace the siding on the tower using the exact same siding that was used on the main structure.  JH made a motion to approve the replacement of the siding of the tower with the stipulation that any flashing needing to be replaced be replaced with the same material as original.  ES seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 4-0.

Cornelia Brooke Gilder and Louisa Brooke, 73 Main St., Map 43 Parcel 62, request to replace the pitched sections of the roof.  Applicant did not appear.  Continued to May 5, 2009 at 6:15 pm.

Trinity Church, 88 Walker Street, Map 40 Parcel 39, rebuild porch of the rectory.  Presenting the application was Paul Horton, contractor, and Reggie Cooper, the Senior Warden of Trinity Church.  

Mr. Horton stated that the porch is in disrepair.  All work that is proposed is to replicate what exists, with the exception of the handrails, stairs and columns.  The handrails are too low and code requires them to be higher.  The new columns are made of composite and will measure only 1/8 of an inch off from the existing.  The stone stairs need to be replaced, but to do so in kind would be a significant expense, therefore Mr. Horton proposed concrete.

The Commission felt that more detail of materials to be used was needed.  The hearing was closed for approximately 15 minutes to allow Mr. Horton to produce a materials list.

When the meeting was reopened Mr. Horton handed out copies of his list.  Discussion ensued.  JH said that replacement columns were available in the same catalogue Mr. Horton had to show the proposed composite columns.  He also requested a sample of the proposed handrail, stating that the drawings presented contradicted the verbal presentation.  In regards to the use of concrete versus stone, JH said that the original use of stone was significant.  Stone veneer was discussed.  

Mr. Horton will speak to the architect to get more information.

JH made a motion to continue the hearing and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to agree 4-0.

        March 3, 2009-Tabled until JB is available.
        March 17, 2009-Tabled until all members are available.

JH made a motion to adjourn and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted 4-0 to agree.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola