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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes11/18/2008
Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
November 18, 2008

Members present: ~ Chair Ken Fowler, KF; Jim Harwood, JH; Jason Berger, JB; Elaine Steinert, ES

Absent with notification:  Kate McNulty-Vaughn, KM-V

Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, PA

Minutes presented for approval were the following:
1.      August 5, 2008-JH made a motion to approve and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 3-0-1 with JB abstaining as he was not present at this meeting.
2.      October 7, 2008-There was not a quorum to approve.
3.      February 19, 2008- There was not a quorum to approve.

The Village Inn/Rumpy’s Tavern located at 16 Church St., (Map 43 Parcel 162), signage:   Making the presentation was Jim Callahan of Callahan Sign Company.  Presently there are two signs on the property.  One is on an existing sign post and the other is mounted on a tree.  The applicant proposes to replace both.  The one on the tree will be removed and replaced with a new, free standing sign.  The one on the existing sign post will be replaced and mounted on a new free standing sign post in approximately the same location.  Down lights will be on both signs.  Specifications for both signs are that the top of the sign will be no higher than 6 feet and the mounting will be rigid.  The distance between the two signs will be approximately 20 feet.

JH made a motion to approve both signs as presented and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 4-0.

Other Business:  KF engaged the Commission in dialogue regarding the issuance of Building Permits without review of the Commission.  He used as examples two properties that have recently undergone repairs, one without a permit and one with, but both without prior HDC approval.  This has been an ongoing problem that KF feels needs resolution.  He referred to the Guidelines, Appendix, Page 1, Procedures and Administration of the District, Section B (6) Changes not requiring review.  In particular Item # 6 which states:
“ordinary maintenance, repair or replacement of any exterior architectural feature within a district which does not involve a change in design, material or the outward appearance.”
KF was asking the Commission if he had their approval to be the decision maker when the Building Inspector would seek HDC approval for work the Building Inspector felt fell under Item 6.  After considerable discussion, the Commission concluded that they should once and for all make a clear decision in this matter. JB volunteered to extract from the Bylaws and Guidelines and prepare an agenda for the next meeting.

ES made a motion to adjourn and JH seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to adjourn 4-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola