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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes05/06/2008
Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
May 6, 2008

Members present: ~ Chair Ken Fowler, KF; Elaine Steinert, ES; Kate McNulty-Vaughn, KM-V; Jim Harwood, JH
Members absent with notification: Jason Berger, JB;
Staff present: Mary Albertson, MA; Peggy Ammendola, PA

Shelly Williams, sign and renovations, 8 Franklin St., Map43 Parcel 191. (Carol’s).  Continued from March 18, 2008.  Continued from April 1, 2008.  
Ms. Dale presented a document identified as Revision 5.08, a typed list with 8 items, amended to show 9 items.  Those items are indicated by the corresponding numbers.   This document is attached to the application.  
Ms. Dale described the (1) awnings, (material sample had been provided at an earlier meeting.), as having closed ends.  They are black with white lettering with the words “Café” on one and “Bakery” on the other for the front, and two awnings on the side.  

The sign would be black with white lettering.
She also brought samples of the following:
(2) Window Box-Iron to replace the existing vinyl ones
(3) Pavers-Two different sizes, both red brick look
(4) Railing-Black iron look
(5) Planters-Catalog of choice indicated
(6) Street numbers-Metal # 8
(8) Front door hardware-lever style front door
(9) Light fixture at front entry-Carriage style to replace the two light fixtures
The Commission indicated that the items as presented were appropriate.
JH made a motion to approve item #s 1, 2,4,5,6,7, and 9 and continued item 3 to the next meeting.  Item 8, which relates to the outdoor dining furniture, will be discussed at a later date.  The Commission will want to approve any furniture that may be of a permanent nature.   ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 4-0.  It was also agreed that on the drawing for the Exterior Elevation-North, where the new addition is depicted, the “Not Visible From Street” be stricken.

The Commission discussed the two pavers that were presented.  They were concerned not only with the look, but the stability.  Other surfaces were discussed and suggested.  Ms. Dale agreed to take more time to consider the different options.  This matter was continued to May 20, 2008 at 5:30 p.m.

John and Dawn Toole, 117 Main St., Map 43 Parcel 70, sign.  
Continued from April 1, 2008.  No one was present to represent Mr. Toole.  PA related to the Commission that Mr. Toole was out of the country, but he had advised that the placement of the sign would be perpendicular to the street, behind the Town set-back and in line with the Garden Gable sign. JH made a motion to approve the sign as proposed and in the location proposed and KM-V seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 3-0; ES said that she would approve if the Building Commission approves.  This business is located in the Residential Zone.  MA will contact the Building Commissioner, Bill Thornton, to find out if the sign has been approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Carol and Eric Haythorne 9 Cliffwood Street, Map 43 Parcel 63, renovations. Representing the Haythornes was Kristine Sprague, architect.  Ms. Sprague presented elevations for the front, sides and rear of the building.  The home was built in 1805 with an addition added later in the 1800’s.  There have been renovations over the years which included windows.  A single car garage was added in the mid 1900’s.  The project involves replacing the “haphazard” windows shown on the side elevations with more appropriate windows and in some cases, repositioning for balance.  The intent is to duplicate the original volume of the house.  The front will not change.  A catalogue with Anderson Windows was presented.  The roof will be replaced with either a dark gray or black shingle.  The exterior will be repainted with the proposed colors being a light sage for the siding, olive green for the shutters and cream for the trim.  The shutters will be reinstalled using historic hardware.  The garage is to be demolished.    JH made a motion to approve the windows as presented and the demolition of the garage as historically appropriate.  ES seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 4-0.  The Commission asked Ms. Sprague to provide a sample of the proposed roofing material and documentation to support the proposed paint colors, either photographs of other homes in the District in on Cliffwood St., and or style book.  The meeting was continued to May 20, 2008 at 6:00 p.m.

Molly Ferioli 34 Church, Map 43 Parcel 159, sign.  Applicant did not show or contact the HDC.  Continued to May 20, 2008 at 6:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola