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Board of Health Meeting Minutes 09/01/2004
Town of Lenox
Board of Health

Minutes of Meeting - September 1, 2004

Members Present:   Joseph A. Kellogg, Chair, Marie V. Feder, Andrew J.  Breslin

Chair J. Kellogg called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Lenox Town Hall. Minutes of the August 4, 2004 meeting were reviewed and signed by all members.

A proposed, revised application for massage license was reviewed by the Board.  Members made several comments for changes and M. Feder agreed to forward them to Tri-Town Health for incorporation in a new application form.

M. Feder reported that she had attended a recent meeting held with massage practitioners and establishments relative to the new requirements for criminal background checks.  She said those in attendance at the meeting thought the new requirement was a good idea.

J. Kellogg said he had talked with Peter Kolodziej regarding the Rubenstein application for a well variance at 80 East Dugway Road.  He reported that he was comfortable with the information received and arranged for the necessary signatures from other Board members to approve the variance.  

The mail was read and included the following:

?       copy of letter from Peter Kolodziej, Tri-Town Health, to Nolan Trucking & Excavating, advising that they need to complete the installation of a septic system at 63 Sherwood Drive in order for a certificate of compliance to be issued
?       copy of letter from Kathleen Phelps, Tri-Town Health, to William Thornton, Building Inspector, advising that the existing septic plan for 871 East Street is sufficient for a three bedroom home
?       copies of letters from Kimberly Kelly, Tri-Town Health to Olde Heritage Tavern, and Fin Sushi, both located on Housatonic Street, informing them  that complaints were received about patrons smoking within 10 feet of the main entrance to these establishments, and that such action is in violation of the Town’s workplace smoking regulations
?       copy of agreement, signed by the Selectmen, between the Town and the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association to provide public health services to Lenox residents for the sum of $9,315.00

Lenox Board of Health
Meeting Minutes - September 1, 2004
Page 2.

?       letter from Maxymillian Technologies, advising that they have been retained by Daniel Hunter to conduct an Immediate Response Action relative to the release of #2 fuel oil at 28 Elm Street, LenoxDale
?       letter from Maxymillian Technologies, advising that they have completed an Immediate Response Action and Response Action Outcome Statement relative to the release of diesel fuel at the sedimentation pond at the reservoir
?       well completion report relative to a well installed at 54 Yokun Avenue
?       copy of letter from Peter Kolodziej to Robert Romeo, advising him that he needs to make provisions for recycling for his tenants at 11 Housatonic Street
?       copy of letter from Kathleen Phelps to Foresight Land Services, advising that the well at 215 Kemble Street may be used for irrigation, subject to the receipt of a letter from a licensed plumber, certifying that no connection exists between the well and either the home’s water supply or any public supply
?       copy of letter from Kimberly Kelly to Tanners Market, 2 Crystal Street, LenoxDale, informing them of the actions of a recent compliance check which found them selling cigarettes to a minor; a fine of $200 was assessed

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.


Joseph A. Kellogg

Marie V. Feder
Andrew J. Breslin