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Finance Committee Meeting 11/27/2012
Lenox Finance Committee Meeting
Date:                   November 27, 2012
Members Present:        Lucy Kennedy (LK), Joe Nejaime (JN), John Hillier (JH),  Mark McKenna (MM), Colby Lewis (CL, non-voting until sworn in)
Guests: Ed Lane (Board of Selectman), Greg Federspiel (town Manager),
Absent:                 None
Meeting called to order at 6:05PM
Colby Lewis was welcomed to the Finance Committee and will be sworn in before the next meeting.  Bob Vaughan will be appointed by the BOS tonight and he will also hopefully be sworn in before the next meeting.  We continue our search for additional members and three (3) potential names were discussed and suggested to add to the finance committee.  LK, JN and MM will follow-up with those prospects and hope to fill the remaining vacant seats.
All department heads have seen the long range planning summary as presented by LK.  The presentation reflects factual history and projected outcomes based on various tax increases or decreases and expense cuts or increases.  It has been well received by most.
Liaison assignments were confirmed as follows:
•       Fire & Safety – MM
•       School – JN
•       DPW – JH
•       Others – LK and CL
First draft budgets have been submitted to TM.  LK asked that the TM send copies of the draft budgets to Finance Committee members along with a schedule of the meetings with the various department heads so the liason can join in the discussions early on.   Liason’s goal is to act as a positive resource for the various department heads while putting together the budgets.  As we begin to better understand the budgets and various department needs, we hope to be able to find unnecessary or repetitive steps which could be potential cost savings for the town.  It is understood that any significant changes would most likely need to transition over time.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday January 16, 2013 at 6pm.
Meeting adjourned:  7:05PM
Respectively Submitted,
Mark McKenna, Secretary