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Conservation Commission Minutes, 07/16/2015
Lenox Conservation Commission
Landuse Meeting Room
July 16, 2015

Members present: Chair Neal Carpenter, (NC); Vince Ammendola, (VA); Tim Flanagan, (TF); Joe Strauch, (JS); Dick Ferren, (DF); David Lane, DL
Absent with notification: Rose Fitzgerald Casey, (RFC)
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, (PA)

Informal-LMMHS Detention Basin-Marc LeVasseur of Foresight Land Services-Mr. Levasseur explained that the existing basin at the high school has not been maintained effectively and recent storm events had resulted in high water volume which has backed up thru the drain line to under the foundation of the high school and subsequently into the auditorium ground floor level. He provided a brief history of the basin, noting that there had been wetlands on the site and that the DEP and Conservation Commission permitted the creation of the basin in 1994. Mr. Levasseur believes that the construction was after 1996. The original basin was expanded and a wetland replication was created which has since become wetlands. A preliminary plan for improvements that is in the works to prevent this from happening again was reviewed by the Commissioners.  They felt that the proposal would disturb of some of the wetland area which would then necessitate replication.  After discussion it was suggested that the basin depth be increased, a water control device be installed and the basin level lowered about six inches.  The existing wetland would not decrease in size, they could still put in the drain line and there would be no need for a replication area.  Mr. Levasseur will file with the expectation of meeting the deadline for publication of the legal notice in order to be on the agenda for August 6, 2015 for 7:45 PM.   It was suggested that the Commission note in the conditions that the maintenance schedule would apply to the new set of drawings and sediment that accumulates in the basin would be removed.  TF pointed out that the basin should meet the new stormwater management regulations.   

Site Visit-There was a site visit on this date at Kennedy Park.  Present were Land Use Director Gwen Miller, DPW Superintendent Sean Vandeusen and the following Commissioners: NC, VA, TF and JS. This is in regards to a Request for Determination of Applicability filed by the Town of Lenox for property located at West Dugway Rd., Map 22 Parcel 4. The project involves the performance of maintenance improvements to an existing +/- 6 foot wide pedestrian foot trail, as well as the creation of an ADA compliant picnic area adjacent to the existing parking lot. This will be on the August 6th agenda at 7:30 PM.  

Informal-Undermountain Farm Conservation Restriction Project-A letter dated July 16th from the Town Planner/Land Use Director Gwen Miller which requested the Commission’s support for the project was read aloud. The letter included a Municipal Certification for the Commission to sign that would be included in the CR application.  Berkshire Natural Resource Council would hold the CR.  The Commission voiced support of a CR, but would not sign until they help work on and approve a specific CR. PA was asked to relay this response to Ms. Miller and the Town Manager.

Other Business-MASSDOT letter of July 8, 2015 to NC on the subject of Housatonic Railroad Bridge Repairs received and informed the Commission that work will be done on two bridges in area.  Included was 401 WOC Application.  It was noted that the work qualifies for the “footprint bridge exemption” and a WPA will not be made. No action was required by the Commission.

Approve Minutes-July 2, 2015 DF made a motion to approve the minutes.  TF suggested amendments. JS seconded the motion to approve the minutes with amendments.  The Commission voted to approve 6-0.

VA made a motion to adjourn. TF seconded the motion and the Commission voted to adjourn at 8:45 PM.

VA Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola