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Conservation Commission Minutes, 05/17/2012
Lenox Conservation Commission
May 17, 2012
Town Hall

Members present: Chair Neal Carpenter, NC; Joe Strauch, JS; Vince Ammendola, VA; Tim Flanagan, TF; Dick Ferren, DF; Rose Fitzgerald Casey, RFC
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, PA

RDA Mass Audubon, 472 West Mountain Road, Map 21 Parcel 1, Installation of a water flow control device at the outlet to Pike’s Pond.

Site Visit:  May 15, 2012 JS and DF

Making the presentation was Rene Laubach of Mass Audubon.  Mr. Laubach said that the Pike’s Pond was built in 1932 and beavers have lived there since then without any problems, but within the last year it has been observed that the water level has increased and is spilling over the earthen dam along the trail.
Natural Heritage has determined that this project, as currently proposed, will not adversely affect the actual Resource Area Habitat of state-protected rare wildlife species.   

Mr. Laubach told the Commission that Michael Callahan of Beaver Solutions would install the device in the outflow area.  The intent is to keep the beavers there while lowering the level gradually to give the surrounding wildlife the opportunity to adjust and not be stranded.   

DF made a motion to issue a Negative II Determination and JS seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 7-0.

TF pointed out that the rate at which the water level will be lowered should be inches a day to avoid downstream flooding.

Approve minutes:  April 19, 2012-DF made a motion to approve the minutes as amended and RFC seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 7-0.

Other Business:
Hillcrest Educational Centers, Kemble St., Right of Way.  The project consists of excavation of several test pits within the paved portions of the street to determine conditions for a future water line replacement. A Negative 3 Determination was approved by the Commission on April 19, 2012 with a condition that updated drawings would be submitted.  The updated drawings were received in the interim and were reviewed by the Commission at tonight’s meeting and were found to be lacking information that had been requested.  Mr. Fournier will be filing for an NOI for this project, and it was discussed that the necessary detail would have to be provided with that submission.   
Site visits by NC:
1) Housatonic Street sewer on April 26, 2012
2) LD Associates, David Ward’s property known as Lenox Commons on April 20, 2012.  A resident had expressed concern that materials were being dumped on the site so NC spoke to Matt Ward.  NC said that he and Matt met and reviewed items which required remediation.  NC said that a new silt fence and hay bales are in place and a clean up at the back hill has been completed.
3) Burman, Map 42 Parcel 30 at 40 Brunell Ave.  NC followed up to make sure that the landscapers are complying with correct installation of silt fencing.
        4) DPW Superintendent Jeff Vincent called NC on May 14, 2012 for an emergency repair of a storm swale at Housatonic and Crystal Streets.  The repair was made with rip rap.     

Post Farm-NC was given a letter from Gige Darey dated May 8, 2012 which included the recorded document whereby Mr. Darey and his wife Patricia were paid the sum of $12,500.00 on August 6, 1993 by the Town of Lenox “through its Conservation Commission for administration control and maintenance under the provisions of the General Laws Chapter 40, Section 8C as amended”.  Mr. Darey wanted this information to be placed in the Post Farm file as it is a confirmation that this is a part of Post Farm which is where solar panels are being proposed.

RFC made a motion to adjourn and DF seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to agree 7-0 to adjourn at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola