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Conservation Commission Minutes, 02/16/2012
Lenox Conservation Commission
February 16, 2012
Town Hall

Members present: Chair Neal Carpenter, NC; Joe Strauch, JS; Vince Ammendola, VA; Tim Flanagan, TF; David Lane, DL; Dick Ferren, DF
Absent with notification:  Rose Fitzgerald Casey, RFC
Staff present: Peggy Ammendola, PA

Notice of Intent filed, Kevin & Kristine Sprague, 385 Under Mountain Rd., Map 16, Portion of Lot 16, construction of a new leaching facility on the subject parcel and discontinue the connection to the shared leaching facility on the southern side of Under Mountain Rd.

Site Visit: February 8, 2012 attended by Rob Akroyd of Greylock Design Associates, Kristine Sprague, NC, TF, JS, and VA

As a result of the site visit, RA revised the original site plan and presented it to the Commissioners. He stated that the site chosen for the new facility is the only site available on the property.  A retaining wall will be constructed to avoid any BVW impacts as requested by MA DEP.    

Upon inspection of the revised plans, the Commissioners determined that the site is closer to the wetlands than the required 50 feet; therefore the applicants must seek approval from the DEP Waste Water staff.

Mr. Akroyd said that this project could not meet the 50 foot requirement.  The Commission advised him to contact the DEP Waste Water staff.

TF made a motion to continue this hearing to March 1, 2012 at 7:30 pm.   VA seconded the motion and the Commission voted to agree 6-0.  
Minutes: TF made a motion to approve the minutes of January 19, 2012.  JS seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 5-0-1.  DF abstained as he was not present at that meeting.  

Other Business:  Mike Kulig of Berkshire Engineering requested to be put on the agenda to inquire about the Order of Conditions that had been approved in December 2008 for James Chervenak of 60 Hawthorne Rd., Map 6 Parcel 26. With Mr. Kulig at tonight’s meeting was Stephen D’Alessio, the contractor for the project.  The project originally proposed in the Notice of Intent was for a garage with a foundation.  Since that time, the property owners have decided to use six piers as opposed to putting in a foundation.  This will result in minimal impact to the site and eliminates the necessity of removing trees.    

The Commission agreed that there would be no adverse impact with this change and asked that Mr. Kulig submit a letter of a notification of a project change, and an update to the plan to show the diagram of footings. (On February 17, 2012, Mr. Kulig submitted the requested documents.)

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola