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Conservation Commission Minutes,06/04/2009
Conservation Commission
June 4, 2009
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:
Chair Neal Carpenter, NC; Joe Strauch, JS; Tim Flanagan, TF; Vince Ammendola, VA
Dick Ferren, DF; Rose Fitzgerald Casey, RFC; David Lane, DL

Notice of Intent, Richard Heiss, Sargent Brook Road, Map 1 Lot 2 of Parcel 35.  Continue to mow an existing 6’ wide grass path through the buffer zone and BVW to Laurel Lake; mow a 12’ by 12’ sitting area; install a boat rack, 2 pipes for attachment of removable floating dock, weed-whack parcel two times a year and remove invasive shrubs. Continued from August 21, 2008, September 4, 2008, September 18, 2008, October 2, 2008, December 18, 2008, March 19, 2009, April 16, 2009, and June 4, 2009.  Continued to July 16, 2009.

RDA, Stephanie Ogeneski 73 Lime Kiln Rd. Map 27 Parcel 14, replacement of failed septic system.  

Mike Parsons presented the application as well as a revised set of plans which complied with the Commission’s request for an improved, more specific delineation   The proposed septic will be a mounded system and the work will be confined to the buffer zone.  DL made a motion to grant a Negative 3 Determination and JS seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to agree 7-0.   Mr. Parsons will have the contractor notify the Commission when the silt fence is in place.

•       Site Visit for this project was on May 28, 2009 and attended by Mr. Parsons, NC, TF, RFC, VA and JS.

Notice of Intent, Town of Lenox, Map 9 Parcel 16, construct a canoe launch on bank of Housatonic River, (Housatonic St. at Lenox Station). Dan Herzlinger of ESS Group presented the NOI.   

Dennis Regan of Housatonic Heritage was present.  

Mr. Herzlinger told the Commission that ESS Group, Inc. has worked in partnership with the Housatonic Valley Association and community members to screen over 40 sites along the Housatonic River in Western Massachusetts for enhanced public access. The screening was based on land availability and physical, hydrological, and natural resources. The list of potential sites was refined and five access points were nominated for improvements.  This site was one of the five.  

Mr. Herzlinger provided a site plan and an overview of the project. This will be a temporary floating dock system that will be put in and taken out by the Highway Department.    He said that this project complies with the performance standards.   Natural Heritage was notified of the project proposed, but no comments have yet been received.  

DEP comments were individually addressed by Mr. Herzlinger.  He will respond to DEP and advise the Commission of their response.

JS asked about the pipes that are depicted on the plans.   He is concerned for the safety of the public.  Mr. Herzlinger said that he will look into the pipes, the elevation and how they are finished off.

The Commission asked for a re-delineation of the BVW by drawing a line from the bridge abutment to a dominant tree to the south of the dock location.  They also requested that the 100 square foot area being covered by the dock be replicated in a 200 square foot area of bank to the west of the proposed dock site. Replication would also include removal of invasive plant species.

RFC made a motion to continue the hearing to June 18, 2009 and VA seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to agree 7-0.

Massachusetts Highway Department- Kemble Street Reconstruction Project (DEP File # 198-202) On June 1, 2009, a request was made to extend the Order of Conditions Extension that was issued on June 15, 2006.  DL made a motion to grant the extension to September 5, 2009 and RFC seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to agree 7-0.

Minutes of May 21, 2009-DF made a motion to approve the minutes as presented and RFC seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to agree 7-0.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola