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Conservation Commission Minutes,12/06/2007
Conservation Commission
December 6, 2007
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:
Chair Neal Carpenter, NC; Joe Strauch, JS; Tim Flanagan, TF; Vince Ammendola, VA; Rose Fitzgerald Casey, RFC; Dick Ferren, DF; David Lane, DL;

7:30 PM DJ Oil, 18 Crystal St., Map 4 Parcel 73, Update on work done in connection with the Amended Order of Conditions. Continued from November 15, 2007.
Thus far the only work that has been done has been the excavation of the containment and the placement of the liner.  Brent White of White Engineering has spoken to NC and has said that he will inspect the work that has been done and will advise when additional work begins.

7:45 PM, Notice of Intent, Ed Merritt, 139 Lime Kiln Road, Map 27 and a portion of Parcel 18.  

The proposed project is renovation of a single family home,  an addition, new decks and a garage.  The drive will be removed, and a curb cut is to be off of West Mountain Road.   

David Lane arrived after the start to this hearing.

There was a Site Visit on December 1, 2007.  In attendance were: NC, VA, TF and JS.
Comments have been received by Natural Heritage and DEP with the DEP File Number of 198-0234.

The Commission requested that Mr. Merritt replace eight trees that he has cut down on this parcel.  He agreed to plant four ash and four maple trees to be between 6 feet and 8 feet in height.  The stumps are to be removed and the trees are to be planted in that general location.  This work is not to be done until mid May to mid June.  Also, he is to plant the adjacent lot with specified planting plan during this same period.   Greylock Design will inspect and then notify the Conservation Commission when completed who will subsequently inspect.

The existing driveway will be removed and the fill will be removed from the site.  This will become lawn area.

There is to be a 10 foot non-disturb zone from the BVW

JS made a motion to approve the NOI with conditions stated and VA seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 6-0-1, with DL abstaining.

Other business:
·       Minutes:  November 15, 2007-RFC made a motion to approve the minutes and TF seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 7-0.
·       Certificate of Compliance William Rudge, Map 1 Parcel 34, 22 Sargent Brook Road.  NC inspected.  The Commission issued the C of C.
·       Housatonic River up date by the EPA: December 19, 2007, 5:30 PM-There will be a joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen.  
·       Aspinwell-55 Pittsfield Rd., Map 17 Parcel 40: NC received a call from a resident who was concerned about dumping of concrete from demolition on site to another site on the property.  NC inspected and advised the Commissioners that there is not a violation.
·       Site Visit-David Ferry, 91 East St. Map 8 Parcel 57.  NC has been advised that an RDA will be submitted soon for this property.
·       Stormwater Management Workshop-January 17, 2007, 6:30 PM in the auditorium of the Town Hall.  New stormwater regulations go into effect the first of January.  Mark Stinson of the DEP will be hosting the event which will be open to other Commissions, firms and individuals.  
·       Terry Burman, RDA, Map 42 Lots 28 and 30-This is scheduled for December 20, 2007.

RFC made a motion to adjourn the meeting and VA seconded.  The Commission voted to agree 7-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola