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Community Center Minutes 01/16/2013
                                         Lenox Community Center
                                     January 16 2013
                                      Board Meeting
                                            7:00 pm

Attendance:  Tony Patella-Chairman, Shirley Benson, Steve Coon, Kim Graham-Director, Sheri Gaherty, Tom McCormick, and Francie Sorrentino~ Jim Sorrentino is absent.

Public Comment:  NONE

Acceptance of Minutes:  Minutes amended and accepted.
**Kim wants to be sure the LCC Board understands that the $1,000.00 for the Dugouts is perhaps an “Old Capital” Line Item – not necessarily “Budget.”  Shirley Benson made the motion to amend the minutes and Steve Coon second the motion-motion carries.

Directory Report:  The Holiday trip in December was another success; forty people went and enjoyed a wonderful day.  Our Wreath making class was attended by sixteen people; everyone had a great time and made beautiful wreaths.  Another banner year for Mr. and Mrs. Claus, we hosted a brunch this year and the attendance was up from last year.  Kim reports that we had very low numbers for the school vacation- we had 12 to 15 kids per day. Kim is seeing a lot of new faces in our second session of classes.  Some of the classes being offered in this session are Beads, Art, Water-color being taught by Ellen Jacobson; Tanya Shepardson is back on track with the kids’ fitness class.  The next Clay Class is for beginners only.  Lenox Day at Bousquet was done through the Center again this year.  We simply do the sign ups and the rest is done by Bousquet.  Eight kids registered through the Center this season.

Guys Night Out:  January 18 there will be a Guys Night out held at Morris School.

Senior Services:  Once again in December we participated in the Home Instead gift giving program ~ eleven people received gifts this program.

Kim tells us that the AARP Tax Assistance Program is filling up quickly.  This is a very popular program that runs from 2/14 through 4/11, seeing ten people each time. This program includes our seniors and Low Income participants.

Haven Café will be doing our January Luncheon, these Luncheons’s are becoming very popular, although we limit it to 50 people.  The Christmas Party was hosted by Kimball Farm and 80 people attended.  The Congregate Meals being offered here at the Center fed 106 people in December.

The Cookie Exchange among our seniors was a lot of fun.  Kim made ornaments with them as well.

Brown Bag has increased to 90 bags a month.

Our van continues to be extremely busy with increased numbers of participants.

Director’s Report:  Kim hands out an updated draft of our Budget along with the Town Departments Budget:  Roof estimate is in our 5 year plan.  Increase $299,570.00 / $304,202 = 2% increase in salaries and an increase in insurance.  Kim suggests we take home these copies and contact her with any questions or concerns.  Tom McCormick asks about the Park Maintenance being low.  Shirley Benson states we are the only utility income/department generating income. Tom shares that he got on board to improve our parks, he states that they do not look good.  Kim shares that she is coming up with a plan with Forsight regarding the Basketball Court and the grass area between the porch and the court.  

Kim shares that on 1/25 she will sit down with Bradley Architect about our doors / ramping=putting it off now for another month.

Tony Patella-Chairman tells us that 1/30 there is an Open Space/Rec. meeting.  Kim is on this committee- Lenox’s 5 year plan committee consists of many town bodies.  First Public meeting is January 30 at 6:30 an Town Hall.  It would be nice if a few could go.  The biggest goal is to get as much info and resources from the Town, and to get the public involved as much as possible.  Tony states that it opens other money-potential money out there /how to have approved open space and to apply for funds.  Tony suggests that we talk it up to get the word out.

Appreciation Night:  This years Appreciation Night will be March 9th at the Cork n Hearth. This year’s theme is “You Rock.”

Coverage for Laura:  Dan Pignatelli was not interested, so Kim is going with a temporary person.  Laura is gone from March 8th through June 3; Kim will need coverage throughout these dates from 11:30-5:30 and full time during April vacation.

New and Old Business:  Tony suggests that emails response should only be to Kim do not use respond all due to the Open Meeting Law.  Tony asks about snow markers for the new driveway so it doesn’t get ruined by the care.  Kim responds that is done by the school bus. Tony asks about the gutters, if they are in the plan for the front.  Kim did contact them and yes gutters and railings are now in the plan.  Tony asks about a retaining wall in the back for parking and such.  Kim says it has been mentioned, and when we get more into the project we can talk about it some more.

Old Business:  Batting Cage @ Tiltson Park

        Tony requests that we put off the Batting Cage for one year then in 2014 come back to it.  Tony patella, Shirley Benson, Steve Coon, Tom McCormick, and Sheri Gaherty voted to put off the Batting Cage for one year to be revisited in 2014.  Francie Sorrentino voted NO, stating that we already tabled it in our previous meeting of November 28th 2012.

Kim will send a letter to Mr. Farrell (baseball coach) stating that he can come before the LCC board again in 2014.

New Business:  Steve Coon proposes for a score board for both War Memorial and Tiltson.  Steve states that they are fundraising for the full cost of the scoreboards.  Steve handed out a copy of the proposal in detail.  Steve asked about the electric; as explained in the proposal Jim and Deb Prew are granting us access to electricity drawn from their garage that is adjacent to the field.  The question is, what happens if the Prew’s sold or move?  Potentially the scoreboard could run on a portable generator.  Tony asks about the size of the scoreboard and about the permits= is the Booster Club responsible=Kim suggests they start with Bill Thornton, Building Inspector.  Kim gets the small town and volunteers, however, as Director to the Community Center there is a process of getting things done.  Fran states that the Director should be made aware of projects, funding, and field usage, it is a common courtesy.   

The scoreboard project is approved by the LCC Board providing all permits and funds are secured.  Once the necessary steps are taken and all parties involved are on board then a formal vote will be taken.

Meeting adjourned at 9:03pm

                       ****Next Meeting is March 6th****

                                     Respectively submitted by,

                             Francie Sheehan Sorrentino, Secretary