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Community Center Minutes 09/26/2012
                              Lenox Community Center
                                          Board Meeting
                                      September 26, 2012
                                              7:00 pm

Attendance:  Tom McCormick, Sheri Gaherty, Kim Graham, Steve Coon and Francie Sorrentino.  Tony Patella, Jim Sorrentino, and Shirley Benson are excused from this meeting.

Public Comment:  NONE

Acceptance of Minutes:  Minutes are amended to read June 20, 2012 instead of September 26, 2012.  The Secretary transposed the dates.

Youth Services Report:  Summer camp was awesome ~ this was one of the highest in attendance.  We averaged 57 kids a day.  Some of the events that took place throughout our camp were Lee Tennis twice a week, Discover Lenox Week, Baseball game in CT, etc.  At first our Beach Party to end the year was canceled, however, Mike Sullivan rescheduled it and did a great job as DJ and keeping the kids engaged with dancing, and just having fun.  Wrestling was also introduced to our Campers, by Leon Henry, there proves to be a great interest in Wrestling.  Kim and Tom Graham opened up their home once again this year so our Campers could enjoy swimming, fun and games, a cook out poolside.  A good time was had by all, thank you Kim and Tom for hosting this event again this season.  We also had our annual LCC Talent Show ~ you can see pictures on our Face Book page.  It was nice to see our Counselors get involved this year as well.

Fall Youth Soccer: Scott Chadwick and Nicole patella – coaches for our High School Soccer teams, along with their teams volunteer on Saturday mornings refereeing and teaching skills, and sportsmanship.  We have 74 total kids playing soccer in three different age groups.  Kim tells us that our numbers are down by about 40 kids.  The Lenox FUC now offers a travel team for Second grade.  Kim explains to our new members that this club is low on funds so they went to the younger level to pick up the money needed. Tom McCormick says, you can pay the extra money, and play two nights a week, and  that LCC is at times too babyish where the coaches are on the field with the kids trying to play and such. Kim states that she will talk to Nicole Patella to see if we can tweak it a little.

After School Program:  Sign up have begun….we are also including Middle School kids as well.  Our Homework Room is still growing strong with Pricilla Sedgwick, Rose Fitzgerald and Emily Sorrentino as our volunteers.  The Homework Room is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Our first set of classes offers working with clay, and Chess.  Kim is looking for a sewing teacher.  It is that time year again when our Holiday Bus Trip is planned…On December 8, for the cost of $60.00 per person which includes the ticket price and bus ride, a bus will leave the Center and head to Boston to see the Grinch.  The trip also includes a few hours of shopping at Quincy Market and such.  The ticket price goes to $70.00 per person after November 16th 2012.

Senior Services Report:  Good summer / high numbers ~ Our Bridge group was very popular all summer.  Eight weeks of Water Color Art class was also offered ~ Mr. Mike Cohen started with 12 artist and now is going up to 15 per class.  Kim tells us that there are nine already signed up for the next session.

My Life My Health – on September 11, ten people started taking part in a 6 week 2 ½ hour class about managing your health.  Kim tells us that this is a nice program and the class is filled.

Lunches:  Laurel Lake did the September lunch for 60 people.  This program runs through the spring at $3.00 per person.

Farmers Market coupons: Kim received 5 more packets to give out.  Coupons are worth $30.00.  Kim says that the one in Lenox is too pricey for some so we transport our seniors by van to the market at the Berkshire Mall.

The request for Food Stamps and Fuel Assistance is way up this year. Veterans Medical Assistance is now available.

We have served several new people with our van services.  We carried 113 people in June/July – 125 people in August.  A total of 427 trips were made in June, 369 in July, and 432 in August.  There were 446 trips for lunches.

Director’s Report:  Kim welcomes Tom McCormick to our board.  Kim shows us a picture of the potential swing with a small plaque in memory of Katie and John Keator that once approved by the Selectmen will replace the broken one on the Center’s front lawn.  Kim states that Ed Lane is our Liaison for the Board of Selectmen. Kim finds Ed to be very helpful and easy to work with.  Kim has all the paperwork to move forward.  Francie Sorrentino makes a motion to accept the proposal of the Keator swing upon approval by the Selectmen – Tom McCormick seconds the motion.  The board is in favor of this project.

Buildings Improvements:  Kim tells us that she has allotted $60,000.00 this budget for specs- and work that would fit in this year.  Then go back in May to the Town for CPA money for our siding/insulation project. Bradley Architect did an on sight visit – Kim shares the plans describing the project.  Kim has $8,800.00 of “old money” which covers the cost of the plans- so we still have $60,000.00 to spend.  On October 16 at Town Hall we will go before the Historic District Commission for approval of the siding/insulation, railings, etc. project, the meeting is at 5:30.  Kim shows us that the front door is an accident waiting to happen, it looses hear, it is starting to rot.  We hope to replace it with a 9 panel window door with panel on the bottom – new railings also included and the handicap entrance is to be replaced.  We are walking outside as a board so Kim can explain the project better (7:41pm) we are back inside (7:56 pm).  The French doors in the main entrance will remain, and Kim has asked for a less institutional looking railing.  The cost estimate is $23, 880.00, and once the HDS approves the projects bids can go out.  This is very exciting!

New / Old Business:  Kim tells us that Laura will go on Maternity leave in March until mid May.  We will table until our next meeting the discussion of usage rates here at the Center.  Steve Coon tells us that the Dugouts in the Dale could possibly be done in October…this has been an ongoing project that is finally getting done.  Thanks Cooner for all you have done to get this project finalized.

Meeting adjourned:  8:16         ~       Next meeting is October 17 @ 7:00

                                                                    Respectively submitted

                                                               Francie Sheehan Sorrentino