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Affordable Housing Trust Committee Minutes 05/08/2012
Lenox Affordable Housing Committee and Trustees Joint Meeting
May 8, 2012

Committee Members present:  Dave Klausemeyer (DK), Chair, Debbie Burke (DB), Kate McNulty-Vaughan (KMV), Jo Anne Magee (JAM), Ellen Jacobson (EJ) and Theresa Ahrens (TA).  Trustees present:  Dave Klausemeyer (DK), Chair, Debbie Burke (DB), Kate McNulty-Vaughan (KMV), Ellen Jacobson (EJ), Jo Anne Magee (JAM), and Jackie McNinch (JM).

Olga Weiss (OW) arrived at 3:45 PM.  

Also in attendance: Mary Albertson (MA), Town Planner.  

DK opened the meeting at 3:05 PM.  

DB made a motion to approve the April 2, 2012 minutes of the joint meeting of the Housing Committee and the Housing Trustees. EJ seconded the motion and the Committee and Trustees voted 5-0 to approve.  JAM abstained because she did not attend the meeting.

The Committee and Trustees held a joint meeting to continue the discussion of the Peer-to-Peer grant project.  Connie Kruger is the consultant.  At the April 12, 2012 joint meeting, the Committee and Trustees asked DB to refine the topic list and forward it to Ms. Kruger.  DB emailed it to Ms. Kruger April 9, 2012.  The topic list included the following:

1.  Should we rewrite or otherwise update our housing production plan now?
2.  What key criteria can we use in a decision-making matrix to set priorities among possible projects?
3.  How can the Committee and its partners remove obstacles to funding the Saw Mill Brook ownership housing effort?
4.  Are there some economic or social indicators we should understand and react to?
5.  What are the most likely ways we can increase deed-restricted affordable housing in Lenox?
6.  What have we accomplished, and how can we communicate and build on these accomplishments?
7.  What kind of information about the Lenox real estate market and community needs can we rely on and use to understand demand?
8.  How can we best fill our PR gap?

Discussion ensued regarding a final meeting with Ms. Kruger.  MA will coordinate a final meeting with Ms. Kruger.  Potential meeting dates include June 7th, 11th and 12th.  MA will contact Ms. Kruger and notify members regarding the meeting date.  MA will ask Ms. Kruger to provide a draft report prior to the meeting.  

DK offered an update on the potential land donation.  He contacted Frederick Keator who represents the property owner.  Mr. Keator confirmed the property owner is still interested in the donation.  DK plans to follow-up with Foresight Land Services.   The exact location of the lot is still undisclosed but it is DK’s understanding that the lot meets the minimum zoning requirements and has town water and sewer.  The development issues are related to wetlands and the proximity of an existing beaver habitat.  

Discussion ensued regarding the positive and negative issues associated with the land donation.  KMV suggested that a subcommittee be formed to develop criteria to make a decision on the donation.   KMV stressed the need to be thoughtful and objective regarding the usefulness of the land.  DK will contact Foresight Land Services prior to the next meeting.  KMV will prepare a draft chart on land donation criteria.  

There was a brief discussion regarding Town Meeting approval of CPA funds ($15,000) for the Housing Trust.  The consensus was that there needs to be better outreach in the community regarding the role of the Trustees.  KMV suggested that there should be a public presentation regarding the Sawmill Brook project.  

EJ offered information regarding website development.  She suggested the Trustees consider offering grants to first to home buyers.  JM said banks have first time homebuyer programs available but there are few homebuyers.  First time homebuyers are not participating in the current market.    DB suggested that our local housing issues are part of the larger global housing situation.  EJ suggested recruiting people for first time homebuyer programs.  

MA will contact members regarding the next meeting date.  The next meeting will focus on the final meeting with Connie Kruger.    

Meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Albertson, Town Planner

Approved:   June 12, 2012