From:                              Randy Cooper []

Sent:                               Thursday, January 06, 2011 5:08 PM

To:                         ;

Cc:                         ; 'Claire Glackin'; Daren Levitt

Subject:                          RE: Emailing: Daren Levitt to Town of Jackson ZBA.pdf

Attachments:                 Equitable Waiver Application Page 1.pdf


Dear Mr. Benesh,


I just noticed that the first page of the Equitable Waiver application was entitled incorrectly as an Application for Variance.  I attach a revised first page, and by sending a copy of this e-mail to Daren Levitt, I am asking him to print this first page, sign and date it, and bring it to the Town Hall to substitute for the incorrectly titled first page. 




Randy Cooper



Randall F. Cooper

COOPER CARGILL CHANT, P.A. - Attorneys at Law

2935 White Mountain Highway - North Conway NH 03860
110 Pleasant Street - Berlin New Hampshire 03570
(603) 356-5439 [TEL] / (603) 356-7975 [FAX]


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From: Claire Glackin []
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 4:31 PM
Cc: Randy Cooper;
Subject: Emailing: Daren Levitt to Town of Jackson ZBA.pdf


Dear Mr. Benesh:


Please find attached the package that was delivered today to the Town of Jackson ZBA by Daren Levitt.


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Very truly yours,

Claire Glackin

Assistant to Randall Cooper

Claire Glackin, Legal Assistant
COOPER CARGILL CHANT, P.A. - Attorneys at Law
2935 White Mountain Highway - North Conway NH 03860
(603) 356-5439 [TEL] / (603) 356-7975 [FAX]
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Daren Levitt to Town of Jackson ZBA.pdf

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