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Trustees Minutes -- 12/30/2013

 Trustees of the Trust fund Minutes

Meeting Monday December 30, 2013  10:35 AM Town Offices (half hour late due to weather)

Attending, Helene Matesky, Treasurer, Joan Davies-chair, Martha  Benesh-secretary


1.       Approve the prior minutes from Annual meeting on Dec 9th, 2013. Accepted and approved
2.       All funds owed the Trust Funds by the town have been deposited into their appropriate accounts for year ending 2013. Department heads and chairs of committees will receive  year end balance reports.
3.       Request for withdrawal of funds $25,134.88 for Pike Industries from the State Aid Reconstruction Fund, Account number 58.
Selectmen approved at December 5th regular meeting.
Invoice number 30108
Purpose paving and leveling
Discussion: We found a lack of specificity in the invoice. We asked for input from Julie Atwell , Administrative Assistant, but she had left for the day.
It was unclear as to how much of the bill was associated with State Reconstruction and contract services and how much was for town roads which must be paid out of other accounts, according to state regulations. Contracted services on the invoice were $19,995.80.
Notes on the invoice states $20,000 of the bill was for state highway funds and the rest should be paid out of another account.
John Allen was in the office and we ran this by him, and he agreed to follow up when Jay Henry came by.  John Allen stayed while Jay clarified that the amount of $25,135.88 was incorrect as his notes for the town office staff on the invoice indicated. Only $19,995.80 should be taken from the State Aid Reconstruction Fund Account NO. 58. Only that amount had been used on State Highways in town. The remainder came out of his operating account and he believed had already been paid. 
Helene Matesky made a motion to withdraw $19,995.80 from the Sate Aid Reconstruction fund Account No 58 for payment to the town for the Pike Industries invoice. The remainder of the funds being held in cash at the bank ($5,139.08) would be returned to State Aid Reconstruction Trust Fund at Cutwater Associates and be reinvested.  Joan Davies seconded.  All voted and approved. (N.B. knowing it was the end of the year, we had taken the full amount out of investments in anticipation of the vote in order to help the Board of Selectmen finalize the books for yearend).
4.       Request for withdrawal of $2,807.71 from the Old Library Capital Reserve Fund. All approved by the Selectmen at the December 19th meeting.  Chair of the Old Library Fund had reviewed invoices.

The amount of $385.46 to Hastings Malia Law Firm –for services of David Hastings  representing Fritz Koeppel in granting of septic system  easement over to the Wentworth Hotel property to the Protestant Chapel Association, owner of the land on which the library is situated.

 The amount of $597.25 paid to Civil Solutions for review of septic system design in reference to the easement.

The amount 0f $ 1.825 paid to Weiler Building Services for sanding and finishing floors in Old Library.

Discussion The town owns the library.   We are allowed under RSA 35-1 to authorize funds for septic.  Since the town voted for a septic system and voted money for it (December 2012, Article 19), legal fees are necessary to complete the system the town voters requested.  We voted to approve the Board of Selectmen’s request to withdraw $385.46 to pay legal fees to Hastings law firm. Helene proposed, Joan second, all approved.

No discussion for Civil Solutions. Accepted and approved.

No discussion for Weiler Building invoice for floors. Accepted and approved.


No further business, meeting adjourned at 11:50

Respectfully submitted.

M Benesh