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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 10/22/2015
Selectmen’s Board Meeting
October 22, 2015
Present:        John Allen, Chairman; and Bill Lockard, Selectmen

Visitors:       Town Administrative Assistant Julie Hoyt,  Police Chief Doug Jette, Treasurer Kathleen Dougherty, Building Inspector Kevin Bennett, Videographer Hank Benesh, Bea Davis, George Howard, Jerry Dougherty

Chairman John Allen called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – October 8, 2015  Nancy Davis was in attendance at that meeting; there were no further amendments or corrections.  The minutes were approved as amended.
  • Non-Public – October 17, 2015 – sign minutes envelope RSA 91-A:3, II(c)  The Selectmen signed the minutes envelope.
  • Update on October 8, 2015 Action Items
  • Doublehead Parking Lot  Jackson is in a position to call Counselor Malia to get an easement drawn up for a temporary side lot.   Jackson has to come up with the document then the Beals would review it and approve it if they agree.  If they do not, then the Beals will get back to the Board so as not to have the easement drawn up.
  • Transfer Station Noise Complaint  This will be covered under the Police Report.  
  • PTL Insurance  This has to be discussed with the Bartlett/Jackson Ambulance employees as well as involving Bartlett as this cost is split with them.  
  • Upcoming Selectmen’s Meeting Dates  The November meetings are scheduled for November 12th at 4 p.m. with the Highway & Fire Budget Work Session to follow at 5 and Monday the 23rd at 4:30 p.m.  Other proposed dates are as follows:  Thursday December 10th at 4:30 p.m. with Budget Hearing #1 to follow at 5:30.  Monday December 21st at 4:30 p.m. with Budget Hearing #2 to follow at 5:30.  Thursday January 14th and 28th at 4:30.  The final Warrant Article Hearing will be held after February second if anything comes up.
  • Police Report  Police Chief Doug Jette reviewed Department activities since the last meeting.  It’s still busy but traffic is manageable.  The Department does have a heavy court caseload due to last month’s patrol; there were a couple of arrests made for reckless operation at eighty-five to ninety miles an hour.  The Department handles two to three court cases a week.  The Department has already received a half dozen calls regarding where to park at Doublehead; they are informed discussion is underway with Black Mountain and also about the lot further up the road.  The “Jackson 5” are now the four cubs as the mother was shot and is out of the picture.  Fish & Game is asking folks to be on the lookout for the cubs as they’d like to move them before winter.  Regarding the shooting range complaint, Chief Jette talked with Mr. Forest and told him that for the remainder of the year he will curtail shooting to Monday through Friday; this will alleviate some of his concerns and they will continue to work on resolutions.  There is nothing that is obvious regarding a long term solution; they have reached a short term solution and he hopes to come back with an idea for another training site.  Bea asked why the mama bear was shot; Chief Jette noted a hunter shot it; it was a legal kill.  Bea noted Roger Garland has a firing range on East Conway Road; Chief Jette will give him a call; he thanked Bea for the information.
  • Public Comment  There were no Public Comments.
  • Building Inspector
  • Weekly Report – Kevin Bennett  Inspector Bennett noted it’s been very busy and there’s more to come.
  • Demolition Permit 2015-51 Map R17 Lot 06 – (Owner – Glazer – 19 Moody Farm Road) – Demolish 2 car garage due to failed foundation
  • Building Permit 2015-52 Map R09 Lot 03 – (Owner – Miller – 12 Partridge Road) – Extend Building Permit 2014-57
  • Building Permit 2015-53 Map R16 Lot 18 – (Owner – Weeder – 49 Doublehead Drive) – Relocate existing bedroom from loft to first floor, pour concrete footings & frost walls under existing structure
  • Building Permit 2015-54 Map V01 Lot 26 – (Owner – Rochefort – 187 NH Route 16) – Remove old paneling and ceilings – put up sheet rock opening up one wall
  • Building Permit 2015-56 Map R17 Lot 06 – (Owner – Glazer – 19 Moody Farm Rd) – Demolish existing garage, remove existing foundation, build garage with master bedroom above connect to house, remodel kitchen, re-roof house, re-side house
  • Building Permit 2015-57 Map V10 Lot 109 – (Owner – Harvey – Balsam Drive) – Build new 33’ x 25’ second home, 2bdm, 1.5 bath
  • Building Permit 2015-58 Map R31 Lot 12 – (Owner – Roberts – 650 Town Hall Rd) – Build 32’ x 6’ front porch with roof
  • Building Permit 2015-59 Map R15 Lot 02 – (Owner – Davis – 156 Dundee Rd) – Install 35 solar panels on roof to connect to NHEC
  • Blasting on Presidential Road (added)  Chief Jette noted he received several phone calls last week about the blasting on Presidential Road.  The company involved did let Chief Jette know; he wondered if there’s a requirement to let neighbors know this is going to happen.  The Fire Department and the Sheriff were notified.  Office Administrative Assistant Hoyt noted the blasting company had contacted Jackson for a list of abutters so she believes they all got a letter.  There is nothing regarding blasting in any town ordinance.  
  • Caldwell case (added)  Jerry asked if this had come to trial yet; Inspector Bennett noted this has been postponed; it’s out a ways; it’s gone to the NH Supreme Court.  
  • New Business
  • Building Inspector Position – George Howard  George noted he has no personal grudge here; this is a procedural issue.  The questions started with how Jackson accounts for money; Jackson’s building code directive calls for Jackson to maintain accountability of all fees and financial transactions.  When George looked at the program the school put out for lower elevation students they identified the costs of that.  He noted Jackson can take the fees and be as detailed as the Board wants; the cost/benefit becomes an issue.  George thinks it is appropriate to look at the position and all the costs associated with that position.  Selectman Lockard noted the Building Inspector position was designed before he came on the Board; he works for George and he’ll do it any way he wants it done.  What George is saying is look at the wages, medical insurance, etc.; it all addresses the income from fees; there should be a line item for costs that are associated with the position other than fees; there should be a line item of revenue that comes from the General Fund.  He thinks there is a formula that sets what percentage of the cost of the Building Inspector should be other than fees.  The Board wants to know what there is other than fees.  George looked at what the school put in for a new position; it included things like heat and administrative support.  There are costs involved other than the Building Inspector’s fees.  George goes back to the ordinance that specifies Jackson needs to be maintaining accountability of funds; Jackson needs to show that there are other costs that are not covered by fees.  He asked the Board to take a look at it; that is where he is coming from on this.  The Board thinks it would be appropriate to have a Work Session with Office staff, Inspector Bennett and George to work on that break down to add in to the budgetary process.  Additionally, George noted everything in the job description for the Building Inspector should be backed up by authorization in an ordinance.  He’s talking about the Building Code; he went through it and he’s asking for the RSA references that give the Inspector authorization.  One of the duties is inspecting test pits for septic systems; he can’t find any reference in the RSAs or the Building Code.  There are specific responsibilities required of the Building Inspector; all of those should be backed up by a regulation that states, “Here is the authority that is granted to the Selectmen to do these things”.  George couldn’t find anything to back it up.  George will get copies of this information to the Board.  
  • Christmas Can Cure – Official Proclamation – Signatures Required  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Chairman Allen, made a motion to accept the Official Proclamation making the Juan Carlos Campos family honorary citizens of Jackson for Christmas Can Cure.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Cemetery Lot agreement – Signatures Required  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Chairman Allen, made a motion to approve the Cemetery Lot Agreement.  The motion passed unanimously.   
  • Supervisors of the Checklist Resignation /Deputy TCTX Resignation /Supervisors of the Checklist Letter of Interest – FYI  Karen Amato has resigned as she is leaving town.  Additionally, Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector Jeannette Heidmann has also submitted her resignation.  She has put in a letter of interest in the Supervisor of the Checklist position.  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Chairman Allen, made a motion to appoint Jeannette Heidmann as Supervisor of the Checklist.  The motion passed unanimously.  Selectman Lockard did talk with Town Clerk/Tax Collector Burton about her backup.  She has found someone who is qualified and can walk in to the position at no additional cost.  
  • Parking – Improve Library Parking and Solar Lights – pave lot between office and fire station – discussion  These are items for the wish list if there’s extra time and money.  This would provide more lighting for the Library.  It should be a separate line item.    
  • Set General Fund Balance (added)  The percentage of the Fund Balance has to be set by Tammy; it will be signed out of session.  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Chairman Allen, made a motion to sign the DRA Fund Balance out of session.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Pending Lawsuit Resolution (added)  Selectman Lockard noted there’s been an effort over the last three to four months to resolve an on-going court case around the Town Office Staff.  He would propose that Jackson take fifty thousand dollars to the settlement.  This has to come from somewhere; Jackson has to find it.  Jerry thought there was insurance for this; there is but this is above that.  The town has done everything that it can do.  Jerry noted this may be an inappropriate question but wondered if this is for the older case or the newer one.  This is the older one; one of the cases has been settled.  Selectman Lockard is not a legal analyst but he feels there’s probably no value to go to court over this; Jackson can’t just stonewall it and if it goes to court he’s found the court would not be on Jackson’s side on this sort of issues.  He’d like to put fifty thousand dollars out to the other side; that number will go back to them; there’s no other way to put it in the budget.  George wondered if the Board could give a refresher on the case; the Board cannot; this is an ongoing case.  
  • Old Business
  • Dundee Road Parking  This was discussed previously.
  • Public Comment  There were no Public Comments.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:07 p.m.
                                Respectfully submitted by:      

                                        Martha D. Tobin

                                        Recording Secretary