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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 07/09/2015
Selectmen’s Board Meeting
July 9, 2015
Present:        John Allen, Chairman; Bob Thompson, Selectman

Visitors:       Town Office Administrator Julie Atwell, Police Chief Doug Jette, Building Inspector Kevin Bennett, Videographer Hank Benesh, Bea Davis, Stan Weiss, Stanley Solomon, Dorothy Solomon, Jerry Dougherty, Edith Houlihan

Chairman John Allen called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – June 25, 2015  The minutes were tabled as only one member tonight was in attendance at that meeting.
  • Update on June 25, 2015 Action Items
  • Double Head Parking Lot  Due to the need to settle the estate, there will be no movement regarding the Beals’ property for the next couple of years.  The town needs to come up with a Plan B in the near future.  The Forest Service needs to be involved as does the whole Board; a meeting will be set up.  There were two path options and the third option would be to do nothing.  
  • Upcoming Selectmen’s meeting dates  The next meetings are scheduled for July 23rd, August 13th and 27th and September 10th and 24th.  
  • Veteran’s Transitional Housing – Dorothy Solomon  Dorothy is here tonight representing Starting Home which provides transitional housing for veterans.  She is asking the Board to support them in their efforts to persuade the county to utilize the old nursing home for this project.  Carroll is the only county without a shelter for veterans.  In order to get the grants the organization has to have a location for its project.  Stanley provided the Board with a thirty second promo about Starting Home which will be airing on Valley Vision and on the Wolfeboro local station as well.  Dorothy is asking for a letter of support from the Board; the Delegation meets on August 10th.  The Delegation has put aside over half a million dollars to tear down the wings at the old nursing home that are perfectly useable.  The Board fully supports this project; Dorothy will put a sample letter in the mail for the Board to review.  
  • Police Report  Chief Jette noted a change has been made regarding municipal vehicles; these all need to be inspected in September.  Inspections were done on Jackson’s vehicles in March so the budgets will get hit twice this year for that.  There was a fatal motor vehicle accident in the Notch involving multiple agencies; it was very rewarding to know there is that kind of cooperation to get the job done.  The next couple of weeks are expected to be quiet.  Selectman Thompson drove by the accident scene; Chief Jette and Chief Henry were first on scene; their actions set the tone for the call.  Edith asked how the fireworks went; there were fewer cars and people.  Chairman Allen likes the new parking spaces that were painted in the village.  
  • Public Comment  Jerry noted there had been discussion about holding a joint meeting with the various Boards to discuss planning and zoning issues.  This will be an action item.  Chairman Allen will talk to the Planning Board tonight.  
  • Building Inspector
  • Weekly Report – Kevin Bennett  Inspector Bennett reviewed activities since the last meeting.  There was further discussion regarding the Fire Department bathroom (see agenda item 6d).
  • Building Permit 2015000026 Map R12 Lot 106 – (Owner – Garland – 143 Ridge Road) – Reframe south exterior wall, replace windows, insulate
  • Building Permit 2015000027 Map V08 Lot 19 – (Owner – Marinakis – 71 Switchback Way) – Renovation of fire damaged property, re-frame ridge and gable of great room, repair and restore porch
  • Fire Department – New bathroom – Signature Required  The Fire Department had a bathroom that was an enclosed structure with a sink and toilet; it’s being taken down and needs to be replaced with a bathroom that meets code.  There is one upstairs that they can use.  Bea noted they have a new Town Garage with bathrooms; there’s a bathroom upstairs at the Fire Department, one at the Library and one at the Town Offices.  She wonders how many bathrooms are necessary.  Stan pointed out the work has already been started and now they are coming for a permit.  Inspector Bennett noted he went in and found the old bathroom demoed.  Bea noted the permit is supposed to come first.  The planned bathroom won’t be ADA compliant but can be made so.  The Selectmen support making this ADA compliant as well as doing the necessary work to add a shower while this is being done.  The Board would like to have a dollar amount for this work and the shower can be added later if necessary.  Inspector Bennett will talk with Chief Henry about this.  This will be on Selectman Thompson’s action list.   
  • New Business
  • Abatement Appeal  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Chairman Allen, made a motion to sign the abatement appeals.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • DRA form PA16  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Chairman Allen, made a motion to sign the PA16.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Intent to Cut  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Chairman Allen, made a motion to sign the Intents to Cut.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Trustees of the Trust Fund  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Chairman Allen, made a motion to withdraw ninety eight hundred dollars from the Old Library Capital Reserve Fund to pay the GMI asphalt invoice of 6.24.15.  The motion passed unanimously.  
Selectman Thompson was going to bring this up under Old Business; the Old Library renovation project is complete.  It’s time to paint the outside of that building and there’re no funds left.  Marjorie is going to get paint estimates.  Edith would like to weigh in on this and the need to have funds set aside to maintain all of the town’s buildings.  There needs to be a plan.  There are building maintenance funds for the Fire Department, the Highway Department and the Offices.  Maintenance should be covered by the town; in the new library, their funds cover the inside of the building; the town is responsible for the outside.  This is going to be further discussed as an agenda item at a future meeting.  

  • Old Business  
  • Old Library Project This was discussed earlier (see agenda item 7d).
  • Public Comment  There were no comments.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:24 p.m.
                                Respectfully submitted by:      

                                Martha D. Tobin

                                Recording Secretary