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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 12/04/2014
Selectmen’s Board Meeting
December 4, 2014
Present:        Bob Thompson, Chairman; John Allen and Bill Lockard, Selectmen

Visitors:       Town Office Administrator Julie Atwell, Officer Doug Jette, Bea Davis, Bob Davis, Stan Weiss, Gino Funicella, George Howard, Bill Wogisch, Penny Miller

Chairman Bob Thompson called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – November 20, 2014  The minutes were approved as written.
  • E-Mail Minutes – November 17 & 18, 2014  The minutes were approved as written.
  • Non-Public – November 20, 2014 – sign minutes envelope RSA 91-A:3, II(a)  The envelope was signed.
  • Non-Public – November 24, 2014 – sign minutes envelope RSA 91-A:3, II(a)  The envelope was signed.
  • update on 11.20.14 Action Items
  • Stop Work Order  Selectman Lockard has not spoken with Inspector Kevin Bennett about this yet.  
  • Resignation of Chief Meyers  After the last meeting the Board reflected on Bill Wogisch’s comments; Selectman Lockard is pleased to announce that Officer Jette has accepted the position as Chief of Police as of January first at midnight.  The Board appreciates Bill’s coming in to make sure the Selectmen understood the candidate the Board had in Officer Jette.  
  • Resignation of Fire  Warden   Ken Crowther was the Assistant Fire Warden and has agreed to take the Fire Warden’s position.  The position does not have to be posted; the Selectmen make the appointment.  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to appoint Ken Crowther as Fire Warden.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Parking lot at Doublehead  There’s no update on this.
  • Sign for Dundee Cemetery  Barbara Theriault is working on this.
  • Signage for the end of the road at Prospect Farm  These have been ordered.
  • Locate past meeting Minutes regarding Prospect Farm  Office Administrator Atwell has sent these out to the Selectmen via email.  She cut and pasted all discussion of Prospect Farm from 2004 to now.
  • Selectmen’s Meeting Dates  The Selectmen will be meeting December 18th, January 8th and 22nd at 4:30 p.m.  On January 22nd the Board will hold the first Budget Hearing beginning at 6 p.m.  The February 5th Selectmen’s meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. with the second Budget Hearing following at 6 p.m.  The second meeting in February will be on the 19th also at 4:30 p.m.
  • Public Comment  Bea Davis would like all to know that Golda Bragg passed away this week and there will be gathering in her memory at 11 a.m. on Friday December 12th at the Red Fox.  
Stan Weiss is wondering if there is anything that can be done to improve the consistency of sidewalk clearing.  For most of the winter they are not passable and folks have to walk in the road.  No one cleaned the sidewalks two weeks ago and that was over a foot of snow.  The town contracts that work out; Stan wondered if there is someone in Jackson that would be in charge of making sure snow removal is done in a timely fashion; haphazard and he doesn’t even know who is doing it.  Stan thinks it’s not unreasonable to require that this be done within a day or two or three.   The School has complained because the students have to walk in the street; it’s not right.  Selectman Allen noted that on Route 16 the state goes back and forth so if the walkways are cleared, the plows come by and sweep it right back on; it’s not realistic to have those sidewalks clean.  In addition, the town has to find a place to get rid of the snow it removes in the village.  Stan noted the road is clear but it is all ice on the walkway; it’s sad to see the tourists walk in the street all the winter.  Once the snowfall stops, the plowing is done within the next two days.  He wondered if the Board is throwing in the towel as far as getting the walks done in a timely manner.  Stan wondered what is required of the person doing it; does he come when he wants to.  Chairman Thompson noted there’s a difference between plowing driveways and sidewalks; when they plow the road it covers the sidewalk.  He does agree that after the last snowstorm the snow should have been removed before today.

  • Police Report  Officer Doug Jette thanked the Selectmen and the town of Jackson for allowing him to serve in the capacity of Chief.  It wasn’t too busy over Thanksgiving, there was a crash in the Notch; there were no injuries.  There have been a lot of house alarms which seem to be caused by cleaners or contractors without the right code.  There was a report of a runaway dog.  One property dispute ended with the issuance of a No Trespass Order.  Officer Sean Cowland’s last day was Thursday.  The Selectmen will issue a commendation to thank him for his years of service with the Department and for the town.   
  • Building Inspector (nothing to report this week)   The Inspectors are working with the Road Agent to firm up the driveway inspection policy.    
  • Road Agent Report (added)  Chairman Thompson reviewed the Road Agent’s report; he is also working on getting policies in writing.
  • New Business
  • Auditors Report (2013) – Needs Approval  There were a couple of things noted in the Report and there will probably be a response.  The Board will review the document and by the next meeting the plan would be to have everything necessary to approve the Report.  
  • Christmas Can Cure  The Board already approved the honorary citizenships for the Christmas Can Cure families but now the family names are known.  The Board signed the proclamations.  There will be a flag raising ceremony on Friday the 12th and another one on the 13th so both families will have a flag that flew in Jackson.  This is a great program that was started by Dr. Gerald Carrier and his family.  Bea noted this year there are actually three veterans as one family has two veterans.  This is coordinated through the Wounded Warrior Project; it’s a great event and Jackson is pleased to be their base.  
  • DES Letter – Whitneys’ Pond  This is FYI; there is some communication that is on-going.    
  • Health Trust letter  This document gives approval for Health Trust to send information to the town’s retirees or employees on COBRA.  It’s standard every year.  
  • Old Business
  • Prospect Farm  The Board has all the minutes from 2004; Dean Davis asked the Selectmen to look at these to see what kind of actions the Selectmen took.  Chairman Thompson would like to reach out and make a committee to see what Jackson wants to have stated.  This comes down to key use; the Board wants to acknowledge what the voters and Selectmen of the town have approved for land use.  This project is in the home stretch.  George wondered what the plan is for the sign on the gate; as he looks at the sign that is there he is unsure if he can go in there or not; it’s not a welcome.  Chairman Thompson noted it is a road sign and constructed appropriately; it clarifies what use is permitted.  George thinks it should start with “Welcome to Prospect Farm” rather than “Attention”.  George feels that is pretty sterile and not very welcoming.  George will work one up and run it by the Board.  Office Administrator Atwell will contact the sign company to see if they are not committed to the submitted verbiage yet.  
  • Public Comment  George Howard noted the Inspectors’ report mentioned working on policy regarding driveway inspection; he’d like to know what that means.  Chairman Thompson noted driveway permits are required and there are specific criteria (drainage, pitch, entrance angle, etc.) that a driveway has to meet.  George doesn’t think that is right.  Selectman Allen clarified the permit applies just from the curb up to the first twenty-five feet; this is nothing new.
Gino Funicella noted the Board used four-hundred-twelve-thousand-five-hundred dollars from uncommitted funds to keep the tax rate low.  Last year there were several thousand dollars used.  Selectman Allen noted last year was not as much as was used this year.  Gino thinks the Board should look at a reduction in expenditures.  

Stan wants to see more done about removing snow around the Village sidewalks.  The Road Agent had put together specifications for a machine to use for the sidewalks; it was a hundred-forty thousand dollars and the town decided not to get it as it was too expensive.  There is also a liability issue; once the town removes the snow from the sidewalk if someone slips and falls there could be a case made that the town didn’t maintain it properly.  Nothing has been done to the sidewalks for years; it’s a real delicate subject.  

George wanted to know if the Auditor’s Report, once finalized, will be downloaded to the town site; this was affirmed and the Office can also email it to those interested.

Stan noted the clearing of the sidewalks may be a delicate issue but virtually every sidewalk is required to be cleaned.  He doesn’t see that as an issue; most people know the walkway could be slippery.  He urged the Board to clear the sidewalk; there’s a bigger issue with people walking in the road.

The Road Agent had said he wouldn’t have time to put up the tree for the River Walk; it will take twenty minutes to do.  

Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II (a) to discuss a personnel matter at 5:05 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.  

  • Non-Public Session
  • RSA 91-A:3, II(a) The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.
The Board returned to Public Session at ***

[any public business following nonpublic goes here]

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at ****
                                        Respectfully submitted by:

                                        Martha D. Tobin

                                        Recording secretary