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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 11/20/2014
Selectmen’s Board Meeting
November 20, 2014

Present:        Bob Thompson, Chairman; John Allen and Bill Lockard, Selectmen

Visitors:       Town Office Administrator Julie Atwell, Videographer Hank Benesh, Officer Doug Jette, Treasurer Kathleen Dougherty, Bea Davis, Jerry Dougherty, Bill Wogish, George Howard, Dean Davis, Penny Miller

Chairman Bob Thompson called the meeting to order at 4:33 p.m.  

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – November 6, 2014  The minutes of November 6, 2014 were approved as written.
  • Update on 11.6.14 Action Items
  • Police Department update  Selectman Lockard reported Sargent Sean Cowland will be resigning at the end of November and Chief Karl Meyers is resigning as of the end of December.  Their letters were read into the record.
  • Prospect Farm Key Policy  Chairman Thompson has been working on this with Office staff; the amendment to the signage is to simplify it.  He distributed a copy for review.  Both Selectmen are okay with it.   Chairman Thompson noted the “rules” that apply will come into place through the Key Policy.  When folks come into the Office to sign out the key for the gate they will read the policy and sign off that they understand the use policy.  Office Assistant Julie Hoyt put together some educational material for the kiosk.  
  • Old Library – Phones, Fire Alarms & Electric  Time-Warner is going to set up two phone lines at the Old Library; Pope is ready; they are waiting on the phones.  The set-up fee is one-hundred dollars then the twenty-nine, ninety-nine per line.  Chairman Thompson thought it was around three-hundred dollars to get it set up.  Office Administrator Atwell noted Pope may have been additional.
  • Selectmen’s Meeting Dates  The meetings will be held on December 4th and 18th at 4:30 p.m.
  • Public Comment  Jerry Dougherty noted the tax bills went out; therefore some decision was made regarding using funds from the Unreserved Fund to reduce the rate.  Chairman Thompson noted the town’s accountant advised the Selectmen that the Unreserved Fund should be in the ten to twelve percent range.  To set the tax rate at an increase of five-and-a-half percent the Board took four-hundred-twelve thousand dollars out of the Unreserved Fund; taking it down to twelve-point-sixty-eight percent which is over the recommended percentage.  The tax rate includes the readjustment evaluation.  Jerry asked about the total budget; including the school the rate is ten-dollars and ninety-seven cents.   Jerry asked how the Board arrived at the decision of what to use and was informed the Board had discussed this (see separate Minutes).  The Board relied on the accountant’s recommendation that the Unreserved Fund should be in the ten to twelve percent range; it didn’t make sense to take the Unreserved Fund down further to make the tax rate even; five and a half percent was a responsible decision.
Dean Davis noted at the last meeting the Board hadn’t been able to find anything in writing regarding ATV use on Prospect Farm so he is providing the 2004 Town Report; here it is in black and white.  For ten years there hasn’t been a problem and the Board wanted to stop it except for dragging a deer out.  Chairman Thompson noted the discussion was also about finding out what the townspeople had to say.  

Bea Davis would like to point out that there are only nine rural mailboxes in Jackson and the Davis’ box has been there for more than seventy-five years.  It was destroyed by the snowplow last year and has been replaced.  The box is visible and they don’t want to have to replace it every year.  
Bill Wogish wants to discuss the news that Sargent Cowland is leaving in November and Chief Meyers in December.  Chairman Thompson noted Public Comment is not the time for an agenda-length item; he suggested letting Officer Jette give the Police Report then Bill can add his comments then.  

  • Police Report  Officer Jette reviewed Department activities since the last meeting; some items included three residential alarms and two business alarms and three motor vehicle accidents during the first snow storm.  Officers are investigating two burglaries (taking something) and one criminal mischief complaint (damage done).  Officers have been working with the Bartlett and Conway Police Departments on a joint investigation.  There were two complaints taken of loose canines which were returned to their owners.  Two people were fingerprinted for employment; Officer Jette pointed out that Jackson does this at no cost while Conway charges twenty dollars for the service.   There was a complaint about work at the Falls that was someone hired by the Conservation Commission to build steps.  The Department took several calls about someone being up there with power tools chipping the rocks; Officer Jette asked that the Department be informed of activities like that so they can respond accordingly.
Bill noted the Police Department is going to have an empty nest; officer Jette will be the only one left and Bill is here to push Officer Jette forward to be elevated to the Chief’s position.  He’s been on the force for six years; four as a full time officer.  He’s done a good job at that and enjoys a good reputation at the court house.  Bill would like to suggest the Board put Officer Jette in as Chief while Chief Meyers is still here, Chief Meyers could work with Officer Meyers for a month to make it a smooth transition.  Bill firmly believes it is better to pull from the ranks than to pull from the open market and find a stranger.  Bill also wouldn’t like to see the Board put Officer Jette in on an interim basis as that shows the Board is not able to have faith in him.  Bill urged the Board to put the man in there as a Chief immediately so Chief Meyers can work with him and put him on probation for six months to see if he meets Jackson’s criteria.  Bill noted Officer Jette is going to be doing the chief’s duties anyway; put him in there and let him sink or swim.  Bill noted by putting Officer Jette in the Chief’s position the Board would fill a serious slot; the Department is losing two out of its three full-time officers.  Bill noted the town is running an ad for a Patrolman in the paper and he’d like to remind everyone that any new patrolman would have to go through sixteen weeks of training and field work here before being able to work on their own; Jackson is months away from having them be employees that are of use to us here.  He asked the Board to give this serious consideration.
George Howard supports Bill’s position; experience counts for a lot.  A new broom sweeps good but the old broom knows where the dust is.
Jerry Dougherty echoed what Bill and George say; it would be beneficial for the town to move in that direction.  Jerry knows Officer Jette and has taken the liberty to speak to people at courthouse; Officer Jette is highly thought of there.

Selectman Lockard noted, in theory or actuality, the Police Department reports to him; he is concerned that Sargent Cowland is leaving but the Board only recently got his notice.  The Chief has said he was retiring for several months and the Board finally got it in writing.  How this goes is the Board doesn’t officially “know” anything until it’s in writing; the ad was put in as soon as the Board knew.  Jackson also went to six communities that have recently looked for patrolmen and asked them if they have anyone to pass along and got nothing.  It is going to be a challenge to get it done but filling the position is still going to be a recruitment process and he can’t promise how it is going to go; the town may need to bring in temporary help.  Selectman Lockard has had input from others regarding Officer Jette but feels he’d be limiting his options by taking what Jackson has.  He did point out he is only one of three sitting on the Board.  There have been five applicants from the ad; all are non-certified.  Conway has been looking to fill their slots for fifteen months.

Bea asked if the town still have its part-time officer; this was affirmed.  

Bill doesn’t understand the Board’s thinking.  Officer Jette is highly qualified; Bill thinks the Board should put him in there and let him get his feet wet; Jackson will have a better transition with that option.  He doesn’t see the point in waiting when the town has a well-qualified candidate here.  It was noted the Board has not not taken advantage of anything.  Bill hopes when the Board discusses this further tonight that it will tell Officer Jette tomorrow to get his feet wet.  

Chairman Thompson appreciates the input.  There is a hiring process.  The Selectmen will take these comments to heart.  Jackson has a Chief until December 31st and a Sargent until November 30th.  

Jerry asked if the Board intends to advertise for a Chief; he noted the Board knew Officer Cowland was leaving; this should have been hopped on.  Selectman Allen noted the Board just got these notices.  Officer Cowland says he told the Selectmen he was getting done a month ago.  It was noted the Board can’t act on a verbal notice; it has to be in writing.  Selectman Lockard agreed noting the Chief has said for the last year that this is his last year but no letter was received.  Jerry reiterated his original question – is it the Board’s intention to advertise for a Chief.  Chairman Thompson noted it is the Board’s intention to have a discussion about it.  Jerry believes if the Board doesn’t want Officer Jette to take that position then they should advertise; otherwise, don’t advertised.  Selectman Lockard noted that decision would be based on Nonpublic discussion and the Board hasn’t had that meeting yet; once the Board has that discussion he thinks their decision will be public.

Bill wondered if the Board thinks it will get a better qualified candidate than what Jackson has with Officer Jette.  Chairman Thompson noted he refuses to discuss the dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee during public session.  Selectman Allen noted that the Board has to have a discussion with Officer Jette as well; is he up to taking on two new people; does he want it; this will be done in the Nonpublic session.  

  • Building Inspector  Chairman Thompson reviewed the August report and the status of some of the Building Permits that are currently in place.  
  • Weekly Report(s) Submitted by Robert Goudreau & Kevin Bennett
  • Building Permit 2014000066 Map V04 Lot 21 – (Owner- Kelley – 51 Sugar Hill Lane) – Add 13’ x 14’ porch, remodel 1st floor, rebuild deck
  • Building Permit 2014000067 Map V07 Lot 39 – (Owner – Keenan – 41 Jackson Highlands Rd) – Remodel Kitchen
  • New Business
  • Auditors Report (2013) – Needs Approval  The Board will review the report and discuss it at the next meeting.  
  • Tax Warrant – Signatures Required  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the Tax Warrant.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • 2014 Equalization Assessment Data – Signatures Required  Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to sign the Equalization Assessment.  The motion passed unanimously.

  • Fire Warden  Selectman Lockard noted Gordon Lang is retiring; Ken Crowther has agreed to take over the job.  Selectman Allen asked if the position is open for others to apply as others have expressed an interest.  Selectman Lockard will wait on making that motion then; he only heard about Ken.  Bea noted the state appoints wardens.  Ken is a deputy warden; the Board will investigate further what is required.  Penny Miller urged the Board to get the opening out to the public.  Bill Wogish is concerned that again, the Board has a qualified candidate and is putting him on the back burner.  This discussion is tabled.
  • Old Business
  • Prospect Farm  Administrative Assistant Hoyt put together information for the kiosks.  There was input on what else should be put in those flyers.  George noted there is a recognized cultural heritage of hunting.  The Zoning Ordinance talks about protecting cultural heritage.  He doesn’t see the need to authorize something that is an accepted part of living in Jackson.  Chairman Thompson agreed that hunting shouldn’t be mentioned as there are no known limits and the Citizens Committee had hammered out what could be allowed and not once did they mentioned hunting.  Historically there’s been no restriction regarding residency either however the 1972 agreement was specific to Jackson residents only.  Chairman Thompson noted the will stated the property was for the use of Jackson residents but he’s not sure that translates into Jackson residents only.  The Board is not trying to change anything; they are trying to clarify what’s been approved by the townspeople.  This Board has said it will honor what the town voted on; as long as something is an allowed use, there’s no restriction.  The key policy will bring this all together.  The Board still wants to look at the minutes from meetings to find out what was voted on and how it was worded.   Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to include the original language in the Key-Use Policy.  The motion passed unanimously.  George asked where he would get a copy of that policy; Chairman Thompson noted when someone comes to get the key to open the gate they will have to acknowledge that they will follow the policy.  Once that policy is created, it will be available at the Office.
  • Old Library – Phones, Fire Alarms & Electric  This was previously discussed.  
  • Health Insurance  Selectman Lockard had the scheduled meeting with employees and retirees on the Health Insurance plan; they are in the process of making their decision.  
  • Sign for Dundee Road Cemetery  Barbara Theriault will be authorized to get another sign for the Cemetery.  
  • Public Comment  Jerry asked if there would be formal budget hearings; this was affirmed.  Jerry asked if there are any details on the Stop Work order.  Apparently there is an overhang of a roof impinging on a setback.  Jerry noted a Stop Work order is only to be issued when there is a life safety issue.  If the order is issued, you eliminate the ability of the permit holder to fix it.  What should happen is the permit holder is notified that he has an infringement then give him a chance to respond.   Selectman Lockard will take Jerry’s words to heart and will talk to Inspector Bennett.  It’s possible a verbal notification isn’t enough to warrant the action either.    
Bea noted the Department heads used to come to the Selectmen’s meetings; recently the only Department reporting has been the Police not the Highway or Fire Departments.  Chairman Thompson noted attendance isn’t required; these folks do submit reports.

George asked about the cause of the fire at the Wentworth; the Board didn’t get any documentation from the Fire Marshall’s report.  The report is a public record; it would be available at the Building Inspector’s office.  

Jerry noted the Conservation Commission is a position in the town structure; he wondered if it is in the town budget or does it show as a separate entity.  Chairman Thompson noted the Conservation Commission has a separate budget that is distinct.  Bea noted the Conservation Commission should have a report of what they spent their money on.  The Board will ask Larry to attend a meeting to discuss this.  Selectman Allen noted there was recommendation in the audit about separating these entities, like the Library, out of the town budget.    

Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A3, II(a) at 5:47 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.  

  • Non-Public Session
  • RSA 91-A3, II(a)The dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him or her, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a public meeting, and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.  
The Board returned to Public Session at **** p.m.

(any action taken in public session to add goes here)

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at ****

                                                        Respectfully submitted by:

                                                        Martha D. Tobin

                                                        Recording Secretary