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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 06/26/2014
Selectmen’s Board Meeting
June 26, 2014

Present:                Bob Thompson, Chairman; John Allen, Selectman

Visitors:       Town Office Administrator Julie Atwell, Town Office Administrative Assistant Julie Hoyt, Videographer Hank Benesh, Police Officer Sean Cowland, Bea Davis, Bob Davis, Susan May, Peter Benson

Chairman Bob Thompson called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – June 5, 2014  The minutes were approved as written.
  • Update on Action Items
  • Whitneys’ Pond  Selectman Allen has spoken with Don Bilger at Whitneys regarding the pond; they have invested two thousand dollars in plans; things are progressing.  Chairman Thompson would be interested in whether DES has set any timeline for milestones on that work.  George Howard is wondering why Town Engineer Burr Phillips is involved in this project if it’s not a town issue.  Engineer Phillips has been hired privately by Black/Whitneys.
  • Eagle Mountain House  An email has been received by their new director; they are working with a cross-country ski group to address the river area that is getting washed out.  
  • Dundee Cemetery Sign  Selectman Allen hasn’t looked for the sign yet.
  • Transfer Station Options  Town Engineer Phillips was asked to provide an estimate for an engineering study to look at how the Transfer Station could be reconfigured as part of a Capital Improvement Plan.  He could come up with three different options with different levels of investment required from the towns; then the two Boards (Bartlett and Jackson Selectmen) would meet to discuss costs and flush out preferences.  As it stands, the Engineer’s work for doing that analysis would cost some money which the Board is still trying to figure out; this would be at a fifty-fifty split.  Town Office Administrator Atwell has spoken with Brenda; Bartlett’s Selectmen are supposed to be discussing this.  George wondered if the folks who work at the Transfer Station have been involved at all; Chairman Thompson noted the plan was for the two Boards to meet with Engineer Phillips and Transfer Station Manager John Edgerly; this hasn’t occurred yet however Engineer Phillips has been working with Manager Edgerly during this process.  George wondered what engineering is required and Chairman Thompson noted this is to come up with a comprehensive plan covering what it would cost to move the compactors, where would they go and what that would end up looking like.  The plan would provide a real understanding of the changes that would be required; it is the plan that needs to be clean and clear so the Boards don’t end up after the work is done finding out they didn’t consider “this” or think about “that”.  George thought this was going to be more of a plan for traffic flow.  Chairman Thompson noted improving the traffic flow is the driver for the work up there and no one has the expertise to generate that kind of plan so the Board is asking its Engineer to develop one.  Selectman Allen noted this all hinges on how much money the towns want to throw at the Engineer to develop these options; if it turns out to be a large figure then the game plan will change.  
  • Easement for Culvert  Town Office Administrator Atwell noted she, Road Agent Henry and Counselor Malia are working on this; there is no update at this time.
  • Meeting Dates  The Selectmen’s meetings will be July 10th and 24th.  The Fiscal Planning Committee has a tentative date of August 11th; the Safety Committee is meeting on July 10th at 3:30 p.m.  The Ambulance meeting hasn’t been rescheduled.  
  • Public Comment  George would like to know why Carter Notch Road, which is a state road, isn’t striped all the way; he spoke with State Representative Chandler who suggested a letter from the Board would be the way to start.  Peter Benson believes the striping stops where the road classifications lowers by Patrick Hill.  The Board would like confirmation on that being the reason for the striping to stop; they’d like input from Road Agent Henry and Police Chief Meyers as to whether further striping would enhance the road.   
  • Police Report  Officer Sean Cowland reviewed Department activities since the last meeting.  Some items discussed included several trips to District Court for cases; one report of a suspicious vehicle; a couple of dog complaints; two domestic disturbance calls; two medical assists; two false burglar alarms and two bear complaints.  One subpoena was served; there were three motor vehicle accidents; one assist to the State Police for a motor vehicle accident at the junction of  Routes 16 and 302 by Dairy Queen.  The fireworks are scheduled for July 5th.  
  • Building Inspector
Inspector Goudreau had responded to George’s question regarding the demolition permit; this is a document most communities are required to have on file to take the structure off the taxable roles.  Neither the Building Inspector nor the Fire Inspector have a signature line on the document; it was not created by the town.

  • Weekly Report(s) Submitted by Robert Goudreau
  • Building Inspector – Update  The Hiring Committee has a recommendation.  The position was posted two separate times for a total of twenty-three days.  There were three applicants:  Kevin Bennett; VIS out of Burlington, Vermont and a candidate from Gorham, Maine.  Kevin Bennett is the recommended candidate.  He is not certified however he is working on that and is approximately seventy-five percent of the way towards certification.  The candidate from Maine has only recently become certified and VIS, while certified, was very expensive.  This could be a step-process for Kevin; he’d have performance reviews and Inspector Goudreau is certified and will remain the Building Inspector while Kevin completes his certificate and learns the job.  Bea Davis would like to know if Kevin will be hired as an employee or will he be a private contractor.  The Building Inspector will be a part time hourly employee of the town and will not be eligible for benefits; Bea noted the town would still have to pick up expenses like Workers Compensation on the employee.  The cost of inspections is borne by the property owner so there will be revenue coming in to cover those expenses; there is money in the budget for this position.  Kevin is incentivized to finish his certification; a short time ago he was only sixty percent complete and now he’s at seventy-five; Inspector Goudreau feels very positive about this recommendation.  George asked if there is a job description available; Town Office Administrator Atwell will get this to him.   Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to retain Kevin Bennett as Jackson’s Building Inspector, pending certification.  The motion passed unanimously.  The Committee members will be getting letters of appreciation for their work and letters will be sent to the other two candidates regarding this decision.   
  • Jackson Fire Department Building Permit  - Needs Selectmen’s signatures  This is a slow process; the plan is to remove a load-bearing wall to create a larger opening to accommodate a bigger vehicle.  Nothing has been budgeted for this year which will just be prep work; Inspector Goudreau is involved and there will be more discussion on this for next year’s budget.  
  • Building Permit 2014000016 Map V08 Lot 26 - (Owner – McLaughlin) – Remove existing 1st floor structure and add breezeway & Garage
  • Building Permit 2014000017 Map V10 Lot 06 - (Owner – Waterhouse) – Renovate existing bathroom and change interior doors
  • Building Permit 2014000019 Map V07 Lot 128 - (Owner – Kornack) – Build 2404 sq. ft. new vacation chalet
  • Building Permit 2014000020 Map R08 Lot 26 - (Owner – Good) – Build 16x20 detached garage 25 ft. from house
  • New Business
  • Communication Recommendations  Chairman Thompson distributed the results of the Communication Survey; some of the recommendations seem like good items to act on.  He thanked all those that participated in the Focus Groups as well as the final meeting.   
  • Red Fox – Request to expand licensed liquor area  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to approve the Red Fox’s request to expand its licensed liquor area as proposed.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Eagle Mountain House – Request to expand licensed liquor area  Town Office Administrator Atwell noted this is a revision to a previously approved expansion; the original was for the tent area only; this one adds the barbeque area.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to approve the Eagle Mountain House’s request to expand its licensed liquor area as proposed.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Department of Revenue – PA-28 Form – Signatures Required  This document requires signatures; it informs the DRA that Jackson does not use the PA-28 Form.  
  • Intent to cut – R17 Lot 8-D – Signatures Required  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to approve the Intent to Cut.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Tax Abatement – Signatures Required  The US Forest Service was billed for property; it was an oversight.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to sign the tax abatement for the US Forest Service as presented.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • PLT – Power of Attorney – Signatures Required  The name Health Trust was not approved; it has returned to the name of PLT; the Power of Attorney has to be assigned to them under that name.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to assign Power of Attorney back to PLT from Health Trust.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Trustees of the Trust Funds  - signatures required  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to withdraw three-hundred-seventy-five dollars from the Police Equipment Expendable Trust fund to pay the invoice for reflective signs dated 6/19/14.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • HEB – Melloon Road Landfill Report – FYI  There were no concentrations exceeded during the testing.  This monitoring was supposed to continue for only five years but recently changed to continue for several more years (ten to twenty).  
  • Old Business
  • Old Library – Land Use Agreement  Based on input from Counselor Malia, the Old Library Management Committee will be reinstated to allow the town to then have operating authority and enter into an agreement with the PCA.  Originally the Committee was to include one member from the church or chapel association, one member from the Friends of the Library; one member from the Jackson Historical Society and one member-at-large from Jackson; Susan May doesn’t think it’s necessary to have members from the Library or Historical Society involved and the church never filled the seat when their representative resigned.  
Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion for the Board of Selectmen to reform the Old Library Management Committee.  The motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to reappoint the five individuals who were serving on the Old Library Management Committee in March, 2014 to the reformed Committee.  The motion passed unanimously.   Susan is concerned that there is no term limit established; she’d like those staggered so the Committee doesn’t fall apart with everyone’s term ending the same year.  Chairman Thompson noted the purpose of tonight’s motions is to get the Committee reestablished with members willing to serve so the town can enter into an Agreement with the PCA.  A notice will go out in the Enews and town column that the Committee is seeking two more members giving those interested a couple of weeks to submit their names.  

  • Jackson Historical Society – they are deferring the “sign project” at this time – FYI
  • Pay Structure – Elected Officials  Elected officials are currently paid in such a way that they receive a W-2 for wages actually earned in the first quarter of the next year.  After asking other towns how they pay their officials, the Board is making an operational decision to pay elected officials on a quarterly basis beginning with the June 27, 2014 payroll.  
  • Gazebo Rental – Revisit Insurance  TULIP insurance has turned out to be more expensive than the town was led to believe; Town Office Administrator Atwell talked with the Risk Assessment representative at PLT about this; they had thought this was a rental for full day functions not for an hour’s use for a wedding.  As long as those using the gazebo sign a document stating they will not be consuming alcohol, using flames (or fireworks) then TULIP will be recommended but not required.  This is true whether the town charges for use of the gazebo or not; Town Office Administrator Atwell will put together a document outlining this and send it to the Risk Assessment representative at PLT for review.  She will also contact the couple that had wanted to use the gazebo for a July 7th wedding but didn’t take it due to the cost of the insurance.
  • Diesel Bids (added)  The bids for prepaid/fixed price on Diesel have come in; Jesse Lyman is three fifty four nine ($3.549) and WMOP came in at three fifty six ($3.56).  For a number of different reasons the recommendation is to go with WMOP.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to enter into a yearly contract with White Mountain Oil and Propane for Diesel at three fifty six.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • NHPR Charitable Exemption (added)  The Board didn’t allow this exemption as members interpreted Assessor Call’s comments as a “non-recommendation” which was not his intent.  This has been approved for a number of years.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Thompson, made a motion to allow NHPR to have the Charitable Exemption as requested.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Public Comment  Bob Davis would like to know if there will be more work done on Dundee before they tar it as there are rocks coming up through the road; the area needs to be filled in.  Selectman Allen is not sure of the status of that work; Bob noted the center line has been painted; if there’s more work to be done he doesn’t see why they would have striped it.  Chairman Thompson thinks paving is scheduled to start around July 12th; he’ll see if Road Agent Henry can give some input on this before the next meeting.  Bob would also like to find out why the town is dumping brush and ditching material at the Melloon Road Landfill property; if anything happens with the testing wells, all the fill will have to be removed and the town is just adding more.  Susan would like to know if Balsam Drive is going to be paved; a list of paving projects went out via email.  Susan would also like it noted the Highway Department has a made a mess with its ditching; all the pavement has been dug up and will erode; additionally, it’s really ugly and she sees no useful purpose or the logic to four foot ditching.  Road Agent Henry will be asked for input on this.  
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.

                                                        Respectfully submitted by:

                                                        Martha D. Tobin

                                                        Recording Secretary