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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 02/20/2014
Jackson Selectmen’s Meeting
February 20, 2014

Present:        John Allen, Chairman; Bob Thompson, Selectman

Visitors:       Town Office Administrative Assistant Julie Hoyt, Treasurer Warren Schomaker, Emergency Management Director/Health Officer Tom Grieg, Police Officer Sean Cowland, Edith Hoolihan, Denise Sachse, Joyce Allan, Bea Davis

Chairman John Allen called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – February 6, 2014  The minutes were approved as written.
  • Update on Action Items
  • Health Insurance for Police Department  Selectman Lockard will have this information for the March 6th meeting.
  • Communications Protocol  Selectman Thompson will have this for a future meeting.
  • MOU for the Building Inspector  The MOU does include enforcing Building and Zoning.
  • Building Inspector Interviews  Administrative Assistant Julie Hoyt noted there is one interview set for Thursday the 27th at 11; EMD/HO Tom Grieg believes a second one is set for Thursday at 10.  
  • Letter to Dave Matesky  Dave has been sent his letter of appointment as a regular member of the ZBA.
  • Forest Service Comments  Notice that the Forest Service is seeking comments has been published in the enews and the Jackson column; no comments have been received so far.
  • Forest Service Presentation  A call has been placed requesting a presentation from the Forest Service; no call back has been received.  
  • Public Comment  The AED training at the Library was rescheduled; it will be March 6th at 7 p.m. should town staff care to attend.
  • Police Report  Officer Sean Cowland reviewed Department activities since the last meeting; some items included two broken down vehicles, one 911 call, one DWI arrest, two motor vehicle complaints, two false burglar alarms, one turn in of prescription medications and one welfare check.  The various first responders had regional training.  The cruiser had a problem with its throttle but it has been repaired and is back on the road.  Selectman Thompson has information he will forward to the Police Department regarding protocols for taking in prescription drugs.  
  • Building Matters
  • Building Application  The new application was reviewed; Andy’s name has been removed; the Fire Inspector’s approval has been added.
  • New Business
  • Permit for a Wildlife Exhibit at Nestlenook  This is a request for any concerns or comments on this application.  This is for three baby red deer; they are a regulated species of wildlife, thus requiring the permit.  The Selectmen have no concerns about this permit.
  • Power of Attorney for Health Trust  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Chairman Allen, made a motion to authorize Chairman Allen to act as POA for the town of Jackson Health Trust.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Sign the Budget  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Chairman Allen, made a motion to sign the budget.  The motion passed unanimously.  Selectman Thompson noted the budget will be in the Town Report.
  • George Howard’s comments regarding the Building Inspector position  The comments are attached.  It’s not possible to include all of the items in the MOU or Job Description for the Building Inspector as it would be a ten page document.  Selectman Thompson noted George has provided well thought out input.   
  • Treasurer Warren Schomaker  Treasurer Schomaker has twenty days left in the position; he’s provided the Board with a job description that shows how he does the job; it is not necessarily the way it will be done by the next person; he’s a firm believer that there is more than one way to do something right.  The heart of the system are the Excel spreadsheets and he’s maintained these on the Historical Society’s computers; this is going to need to be transitioned over to the Office computer system.  He had two weeks left; will be gone for a couple of weeks and then will be available on demand to help in any way he can.  The Board had asked for his input regarding the position being appointed or elected; he has submitted that as well.  This job is a lot more than taking deposits to the bank; it’s important that all work be done in a timely fashion; the person taking on this position needs to have the time to be there every day that s/he’s needed.
  • Historical Society’s request  The Historical Society wants to borrow the painting that is currently hanging in the Meeting room; it will be replaced with another one which is worth more than the one they are asking to borrow.  The painting will be on loan from April to September.  
  • Estate administrator request  A resident of Jackson passed away and the town has been asked if its attorney would be willing and/or eligible to administer the estate.  Chairman Allen asked for this to be tabled; he believes he has an individual who would be willing to serve.  The Board isn’t interested in involving the town in this situation.
  • Old Business
  • Public Comments  Edith is sorry Treasurer Schomaker left early; she wanted to thank him for all his hard work; she asked what his opinion was regarding the position.  Chairman Allen read the letter Treasurer Schomaker gave them earlier.  He sees no reason an appointed treasurer would act any differently than an elected treasurer.  He asks why this has come forward; why an appointed treasurer would be better and if the town would be providing more compensation for an appointed treasurer.  
Bea asked where Martha is tonight; Chairman Allen noted she was unable to attend the meeting tonight.  She will transcribe the minutes from Hank’s tapes.   Hank was thanked for getting the tapes online and onto ValleyVision.  

Denise noted the Selectmen’s position is difficult; there are a lot of meetings and then there are liaison meetings too.  She’d like to see a representative attend the Library Trustee meetings once a month.  She would like to know if there is a policy about attendance.  There is no policy; Selectman Lockard was unable to attend tonight; Chairman Allen has missed one meeting when he was ill; he doesn’t feel the Board has had any attendance issues.  

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:12 p.m.

                                                Respectfully submitted by:

                                                Martha D. Tobin

                                                Recording Secretary