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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 01/17/2013
 Selectmen’s Board Meeting
January 17, 2013

Present:        Jerry Dougherty IV, Chairman; John Allen and Bob Thompson, Selectmen

Visitors:       Office Administrator Diane Falcey, Treasurer Warren Schomaker, Police Chief Karl Meyers, Engineer Burr Phillips, Frank Benesh, Hank Benesh, Gino Funicella, Beth Funicella, Jerry Dougherty, Marilyn Rodes, Joan Aubrey, Roger Aubrey, Joyce Allen, Planning Chair Scott Badger, Bea Davis, Susan May, Margie Furlong, George Howard, Edith Houlihan & Denise Sachse.

Chairman Jerry Dougherty called the meeting to order at 4:33 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Non-Public Session – October 4, 2012  Chairman Dougherty noted the Board will do the amendments for this when the Lewis minutes are unsealed.
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – January 3, 2013  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the minutes of January 3, 2013.  Selectman Thompson noted Dave Mason is listed as a visitor; he didn’t see him; it was verified he was in attendance.  Office Administrator Falcey needs the time and motions for going in and out of Non-Public Session and the end of the meeting; Chairman Dougherty gave her the information.  There were no further additions.  The minutes were unanimously approved as written, with the added motions and times from the Non-Public Sessions.  
  • Public Comment  Beth Funicella read her comment into the record; the comment is as follows:
To:     Jackson Board of Selectmen                      Thursday, January 17, 2013

I attended this Board of Selectmen’s last meeting on January 3 when Office Administrator Diane Falcey publicly read a Complaint of Retaliation concerning a grievance complaint that she had filed against Selectman Jerry Dougherty IV for discrimination, threatening and bullying.  It was stunning to hear these allegations and very disheartening to hear in this Complaint of Retaliation that these behaviors continue to occur.  I was particularly disturbed to hear that this board has allowed disparaging comments to be made publicly about Diane Falcey in this forum.  During public comment on January 3, 2013, I requested that this board disclose the report of an investigation conducted in this matter.  Jerry’s response was that this is a personnel matter and was not subject to disclosure.  I disagree.

Pursuant to Chapter 91A, governmental records, disclosing actions of an elected official are not exempted under 91-A:5, IV since the investigation report is not a disclosure of personnel practices, such as employee discipline, hiring or firing, but rather an investigation of an elected official’s acts.  Furthermore, on February 2, 2012, a non-public session took place to review Diane Falcey’s grievance against Jerry Dougherty IV, a public official, which was not sealed.  Pursuant to 91-A:4, II, every citizen has the right to inspect all notes, materials, tapes or other sources used for compiling the minutes of such meetings and to make memoranda or abstracts or to copy such notes, material, tapes or sources inspected…such as Diane Falcey’s grievance.

Therefore, I request the Selectmen release the investigation results which the taxpayers have funded in the amount of approximately $12,000 and Diane Falcey’s grievance for reasons just stated, within 5 days as prescribed under the Right to Know Laws.

Beth Funicella
Jackson Resident

(The above read into the record of January 17, 2013, Jackson Board of Selectmen’s meeting during public comment).

Beth distributed copies to the Board.  Chairman Dougherty noted he would have to review the record to be certain but he believes Beth is correct about the February 2nd minutes not being sealed; they are available to the public.  Regarding the other thing Beth is requesting; the Board will take it into consideration.  There was a grievance, the Selectmen are being open about that; the results of the investigation into that grievance are a personnel matter and that’s where the Board has left it.  There are actions Beth can take beyond that; this Board was advised by Town Counsel that this is a personnel matter and the Board has an obligation to protect the person involved.  Beth wondered if that would be different if the person in question doesn’t care if the information is released.  Chairman Dougherty noted that the Board, as the person’s employer, has to protect that information.  Beth reiterated, as she said in her comment, she disagrees.

Gino Funicella was surprised to learn from the December 20, 2012 meeting notes that the town has hired a part time police officer.  A letter from Penny Miller was read into the record regarding her concerns with the hiring process and the comment was made by Chairman Dougherty that if the hiring were significant it would have been advertised; Gino feels hiring a part time police officer who has a gun, a badge and a club is a significant hire.  

Secondly, Gino is requesting the Board release the non-public sessions regarding the Holly Lewis litigation, as agreed at the December 20th meeting, to the public within five days in accordance with the Right to Know Laws; the Board promised three months ago to release them; the townsfolk should have that information; it’s getting close to the vote.  Chairman Dougherty noted the minutes were sealed due to litigation; the Board has been busy with much more important things to conduct the town’s business; the Board will not release these in five days; the Selectmen will get to them when they can.

Frank Benesh noted there may be a vote regarding the Building Code Ordinance; he’d like the opportunity to speak about it.  Chairman Dougherty noted this is on the agenda for later; Frank asked if he’d be allowed to speak before the Board takes a vote; Chairman Dougherty noted he doesn’t know if there is going to be a vote on this; he will take comments from Frank during that agenda item.
  • Police Report  Police Chief Karl Meyers reviewed Department activities since the last meeting; some items discussed included four false burglar alarms; fingerprinting two residents for employment purposes; a sick fox report was taken, the ACO captured it.  A call came in to check on the welfare of an older citizen; a 911 hang-up was a misdial.  Chief Meyers reminded the Board of the case involving the person at the Grammar School and noted there have been some strange phone calls to the school regarding that and with the case coming up the folks at the school are on edge; the Police are keeping close contact.  There were some District Court cases and with the snow, there were several vehicles into snow banks.  A report came in of an open door in a house on top of Tyrol; Officers investigated and found no issues; it looked like the door was not shut properly and the wind blew it open.  A tractor-trailer ran out of gas in the Notch; Officers assisted to get the driver going again; there is a landlord/tenant dispute going on that is heating up so Officers are keeping contact with both parties.  A vehicle was stopped on Route 16 and the driver had no license and was arrested.  An eighty year old citizen got a phone call and was pressured into buying an extended warranty for her twelve year old car; she gave them her bank information so Officers went to the bank and were able to stop any transactions so the resident is not out any money; Officers assisted the Ambulance with a person having a seizure; a call was taken for an overdue person from Berlin; Officers checked the sides of the road but found nothing.  A car slid off the road and hit a twelve year old pedestrian; it is being investigating.  Selectman Thompson asked when that accident occurred; it was yesterday afternoon.  The pedestrian had bruising and soreness but the driver of the car didn’t contact the child’s parents or the Police and had a duty to do so; Chief Meyers knows who the driver is and has had a discussion with that driver.   
  • Road Agent  Chairman Dougherty apologized to Treasurer Warren Schomaker who is in attendance to address questions regarding using the Unreserved Fund for roadwork; Road Agent Henry is not in attendance for this discussion.  Chairman Dougherty will write a note to Treasurer Schomaker about this.
  • Building Matters – Andy Chalmers, Building Inspector
  • Lewinger, Beth (Map V2, Lot 37A) Add additional work to original permit: change roofline & add 6’ x 10’ covered porch  Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to approve the building permit for Lewinger, Beth (Map V2, Lot 37A) to add additional work to original permit:  change roofline & add 6’ x 10’ covered porch as recommended by Building Inspector Chalmers.  Selectman Thompson asked about the additional work and Chairman Dougherty reviewed that information.  There was no further discussion.  The motion passed unanimously.    
  • Building Code Ordinance  Chairman Dougherty requested this be on the agenda for further discussion regarding the Selectmen offering the amendment on the single-family dwelling portion of the ordinance; he wants to address where the Selectmen stand in regards to support and the reasoning behind it.  He wants the Selectmen to take a stance on the viability of Jackson’s current process and the Selectmen’s reason for wanting this to pass so the Board has proper authority.  The consensus, outside of the single-family exclusion, is that the Board is strongly in support of the Ordinance because it gives the town the proper authorization to enforce the state building code.  A lot of this has to do with reconciling Jackson’s current process; he feels Jackson’s current building permit process is not working very well; this will get it to work a lot better but he wants feedback from the other Selectmen regarding the status of the current process.  
Selectman Allen noted the Ordinance has to be changed just because of the $10,000 exemption; he is very happy with the outcome at this point and feels this should go forward.  

Selectman Thompson thinks the gentleman doing building inspections now has made it clear that Jackson doesn’t have a very good process; the Selectmen have learned a lot from other towns that are doing it; he doesn’t know anybody who thinks the process can’t be improved substantially; when he ended up running for Selectman last year at this time he talked a lot about this process.  When the Planning Board missed its deadline to put an article on the town ballot they understood that a year from then, meaning now, there was going to be a warrant article on the ballot; that’s what the people on the Planning Board have been working toward over the last “x” number of months; to be more fair and equitable and better serve the needs of the town.  There is a compromise and he’s pleased that the Planning Board understood the importance of having something for the voters to approve that would finally get the proper authorization to enforce the state building code at the town level.  

Chairman Dougherty noted that right now the Board of Selectmen is enforcing the state building code which is not proper by law; it’s not proper enforcement of the state building code.  The most important piece is that the Building Inspector should be issuing the permit and Certificates of Occupancy independent of the Board of Selectmen.  The Board should consider having that happen anyway; the Selectmen don’t know the information in the state building code; the Selectmen shouldn’t be the ones making that decision.  

Regarding the single-family exemption, Chairman Dougherty noted the Planning Board is in a dilemma and that’s why the Board of Selectmen was asked to bring this forward.  Chairman Dougherty noted he will take comments but will allow the Board to make comments first.

Selectman Thompson noted the warrant article was passed by the Planning Board so they would have to rescind their approval of that warrant article.  Selectman Thompson is on the record for the last “x” number of months that he didn’t see a need for that but if that’s what it took for the Planning Board to compromise, so be it.  Planning Board Chair Badger noted as a point of process that according to Counsel so long as what the Planning Board voted on is on the ballot then what the Planning Board voted on will have been fulfilled; it does not matter whether the Planning Board or the Board of Selectmen puts it on the ballot; there is no need to rescind their vote.  Selectman Thompson wondered what the difference would be and why the Board would want to do this with the Planning Board’s work.  Planning Board Chair Badger noted the Planning Board is very divided on this issue; he feels the suggestion of the Selectmen bringing this forward was made in exasperation; it makes sense for both articles to be put on the ballot by the same board.  Planning Board Chair Badger also noted if the Planning Board puts this on the ballot it would likely not be recommended by the Board which is an odd situation to be in.

Selectman Allen is supportive of the opportunity to give voters the chance to respond regarding the single-family issue; he is in favor of bringing this forward.  That having been said Selectman Allen believes the building code is a big city problem and Jackson doesn’t have those issues; he noted it is not necessary to put forward a Building Permit process when there isn’t a need; for commercial properties it’s obvious; in his opinion there is no need for the option to have single-family homes exempted.

Chairman Dougherty noted it makes more sense for transparency purposes for these to come from one board; from a process standpoint it would be awkward for the Planning Board to propose the article then not recommend it.  The reason boards vote after the Public Hearing is because it allows the board members the opportunity to change their minds.  Planning Board Chair Badger concedes the consistency point; there may be some reason to put it on the ballot even if the Planning Board can’t recommend it.  Chairman Dougherty would like to see that happen but he doesn’t think this Board should do that; the most important aspect is to have these in place for the voters.  Chairman Dougherty is in favor of the single-family exclusion but wants it to come from the Planning Board at this time.

Frank thanked Chairman Dougherty for his support of the overall ordinance. Noting he is just one member of the Planning Board but his opinion differs from that of Planning Board Chair Badger; the Planning Board has been unable to agree on the language of the ordinance; in fact there was a proposed language that was voted down at the last meeting; he doesn’t know what the second amendment looks like; he’s not sure it even exists.  It makes sense for the Planning Board to do this.  Frank noted he is personally distressed that the Planning Board is dealing with the single-family exemption as the vote last year was clearly in favor of continuing them.  Chairman Dougherty noted he hears that a lot; this whole thing stems from that vote; the voters appear to want to enforce the state building code but Section 16 doesn’t do that.  He wanted to clarify that folks can’t assume what the voters meant.  Right now, the Board has been asked to solve a dilemma the Planning Board is having; it is not proper for the Board to offer this option.  

Gino doesn’t think Chairman Dougherty explained what the amendment is; he wondered how many people know what the amendment was that was asked of the Selectmen to propose.  It was that there would be no more single-family inspections in Jackson.  Gino would also like to know what the missing ingredient was in the vote Jackson took last year; Chairman Dougherty won’t get into that; he has been addressing that for two years now.

Bea Davis believes Zoning Ordinances should be brought forward by the Planning Board.  She thought there is supposed to be a Public Hearing on this at 7:30 tonight; this was affirmed; the Public Hearing will be with the Planning Board.  This was put on the Selectmen’s agenda as it seemed that the Selectmen are being asked for it.  He reminded folks that even if single-family homes are excluded from inspections, by law, work still has to comply with the state building code and the Zoning Ordinance; folks have to get a Building Permit before construction can begin.  

Jerry Dougherty noted, in defense of Planning Board Chair Badger, the Planning Board has reached an impasse regarding this amendment; he suggested, since this was given to the Planning Board by the Selectmen, that the Selectmen solve the impasse by offering the amendment to the Planning Board; the Planning Board would accept that in the same manner they accepted the warrant article to enforce the state building code; this is not a new concept for this to come from the Selectmen as did the first one.  Selectman Thompson understands the situation better with that explanation; this needs to come from the same entity; however the votes stack up, they stack up.  Jerry agrees; he was thinking of the Selectmen aiding the Planning Board.    

  • Old Library Management Committee – Old Library Fund Capital Reserve  Joan Aubrey has sent in the package for 2013 to establish a Capital Reserve Fund for the Old Library with $10,000 and the Selectmen in charge of those funds; this is straight forward.  This will not have a large budget impact; it makes sense to put funds away to take care of this one-hundred year old building.  Last year warrant Article 23 allotted $5,000 to investigate getting water and septic to the building; of that $5,000 $2850 is left; the year has ended they have funds left and there is still work to do; Joan would like to know how the Committee can access funds to continue work.  If was explained that those funds no longer exist; funds remaining go back to the Unreserved Fund; the Committee will have to ask voters to appropriate money for this year.  It was noted that from a construction perspective work won’t be happening but Engineer Phillips is working on this.  Engineer Phillips noted he should have had this done earlier; he will wait for payment if he has to. The septic is going to get expensive and then the windows need work and there may be lead paint too.  The Committee would like to establish the fund with $10,000 to start; they are trying to establish a 501(c)3 but they need the septic plan first to get the estimate.  Chairman Dougherty has reread the article; Capital Reserve Funds are usually for long-term expenditures in one spot; the money can go, for now, into the Maintenance of Town Property line then the town can appropriate less for the Capital Reserve Fund.  This puts the money in a different part of the budget; the Trustees would have to approve the money to come out of the general fund; if the Committee can identify how much it needs to spend that amount can be put somewhere else in the budget.  Joan noted the Committee is not there yet; right now the $10,000 makes sense.  Engineer Phillips noted $10,000 for the septic plan is pretty close; he’ll have a number from a contractor for the budget.  The Committee wants to also do the second exit and there is electrical work to be updated; they’d like to do it all at once.  The woodwork has one-hundred years of scuff marks on it; they’d like to get someone in who restores wood to let them know what can be done.  
Selectman Thompson asked where the septic option stands; Engineer Phillips reviewed the map, setbacks, etc.  He went to Fritz Koeppel who had said the area behind Fairlawn was where to put it but they found that there are utilities out there.  They are now looking at a site on the opposite side of the driveway for the leach field; that would involve running three-hundred-fifty feet of pipe to pump into the system; Fritz hasn’t given official approval but is pretty receptive to it.  The Committee also has to get water to the building and it’s not an option to dig there.  The plan would be to come across Route 16A to get water; it’s possible they could bore under the road to get it.  $20,000 is a fair guess for septic and water; the Committee has fundraising to do!  The Committee needs to be candid with the voters; here is a building everyone wants to preserve but to what extent; is it going to be just a cute building or will folks put money into it and be able to use it.  Joan noted this is just the beginning of where the Committee is going; it’s going to be a lot more than $10,000 but at least there will be a plan.  

Regarding the $2850 remaining from last year, Chairman Dougherty suggested they request funds above and beyond the $10,000 and say in the article that some of the funds are to come from the Unreserved Fund balance (i.e. $2850 from Unreserved Fund, $10,000 from appropriations).  There will have no use of the money until they ask for it again.  

Regarding the draft 501(c)3 paperwork; Chairman Dougherty noted he and Town Counsel Malia have talked about it; Counselor Malia saw no problems; he recommended who to use to execute it and had numbers for the cost of either $750 or $1700.  Joan will proceed and get this filed.  

  • Old Library Management Committee appointment – Margie Furlong  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to appoint Margie Furlong as Citizen-at-large on the Old Library Management Committee.  The motion passed unanimously.    
  • Town Hall Furnace Replacement – by Jackson Historical Society  The Selectmen thanked the Jackson Historical Society and Treasurer Warren Schomaker for their continued graciousness; they have begun the process of replacing the furnace; they are changing it from oil to propane.  
  • Timber Matters
  • Intent to Cut – Garland Lumber Co. (Map R19, Lot 477/THAN Unit #3) 12-231-10 Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to approve the Intent to Cut – Garland Lumber Co. (Map R19, Lot 477/THAN Unit #3).  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Household Hazardous Waste Day – 2013 Letter of Commitment  Office Administrator Falcey sent out an email about this; the amount fluctuates between $600 and $1200.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to approve $1000 for Jackson’s 2013 Household Hazardous Waste Day.  The motion passed unanimously.  Office Administrator Falcey will send this out tomorrow to get grant money to reduce the cost.     
  • Town of Bartlett - $15,000.00 Reimbursement for Bartlett-Jackson Station Operations  Bartlett sent a check; Chairman Dougherty spoke to Bartlett Selectmen’s Chair Gene Chandler about this; Bartlett is okay with the $39,000 number but they don’t have the whole amount now; they just wanted to send some of the money now.  This should be accepted as unanticipated revenue; this will be put on the agenda for the next meeting.  Office Administrator Falcey asked it is the Board’s attention to just accept it; she believes there should be a Public Hearing; she was asked to schedule a Public Hearing for the next meeting.  One reason Chairman Dougherty is not too concerned with Bartlett paying up is because Jackson owes close to $25,000 to reimburse Bartlett for money owed towards employee salaries; that $39,000 comes from the cost-share from March 2011 to April 2012.  Bea noted this has been a long time coming.    
  • Tin Mine Road – Tree Cutting Authorization Letter to NHEC for pole replacement  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the Authorization Letter to NHEC.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • 2013 Budget  Office Administrator Falcey would like the Board to go through the budget line-by-line; this needs to be done before the Public Hearing so she can complete the presentation.  The Board reviewed the budget; most line items were all right as put in; line items with discussion are listed below.  
General Government

4130.00 Elected Officers’ Salaries  This excludes the Town Clerk; there has been discussion about adding a stipend for the Auditor position.  The Health Inspector is paid a stipend of $500 and the auditor works a lot harder and is paid nothing; a stipend may entice folks to run.  This is an important position; Selectman Thompson wondered how much time this takes.  Chairman Dougherty noted this takes a minimum of twenty hours.  Office Administrator Falcey reminded the Board the auditor meets with all the different boards; the amount of time it takes depends on the person’s skills and experience; if the same person were to be elected they would be quicker at it.  Frank noted Martha (Benesh) spent more than double that easily.  On a personal note, no one is doing this for the money so he doesn’t see the point.  Edith Houlihan noted she’s been on the receiving side of the audit; she feels the position should be a three year one.  She noted when you look at the time involved the stipend will work out to about seventeen cents an hour.  Frank suggested the town pay for expenses like trainings and supplies.  Selectman Thompson pointed out that seventeen cents an hour translates into most of the pay for elected officials; it’s not compensation for the work done.  Chairman Dougherty noted this has been discussed; since folks are not strongly in favor of adding the stipend it’s time to move on.  

4131.00 Town Clerk Office Wages  There is an increase in this line from the warrant article; this would only require approval when there is a change in compensation.  Selectman Thompson wondered if there would be a $20,000 adjustment; Office Administrator Falcey noted this doesn’t represent an increase over last year because the money was appropriated in the warrant.  The Deputy is increased by $300 but the Town Clerk is not changing her wages; a request hasn’t been received yet as the Town Clerk is waiting for the town to vote to approve the budget.  

4131.04 Collection Fees to State of NH  This is the gross appropriation for money the Town Clerk collects for the state; there is no change in appropriation.   

4140.00  Elections & Registration Expenses This line has decreased; last year there were four elections and there is only one this year.

4150.00 Office Wages  This line is staying the same; the only increase is in the Highway Department; the Police Department also was left flat as Office Administrator Falcey thought that was the way the Board wanted it.  Selectman Thompson noted that’s an oversight on the Police Department’s part; they had assumed a decision would be made on a rate increase by the Board for them.  The Budget Hearing is February 7th; there has been no discussion regarding salary increases at all.  The Board is aware of the 4% increase request for the Highway Department.  The Fire Department is separate but the Police and the Office need to have a recommendation from the Board.  The Board needs to have this discussion; Selectman Thompson noted the Police are asking for a 4% increase as well; he has asked Chief Meyers to put his budget together with the increase and that hasn’t happened yet.  After calculating the increase, line 4210.00 Police Department Wages will be increased by $5650; this line is over by the part-time officer; there is also an increase in the pension too.  Medicaid only will increase, not FICA.  The Board was redirected to the original discussion of line item 4150.00.  

The Board asked to see an increase of 4% for Office, Police and the Road Crew.  Last year these folks had a 3% increase with the exception of Chief Meyers and Officer Cowland.  Office Administrator Falcey will update the budget based on this recommendation and send an e-mail attachment out to the Board for their review.    

4150.06 Supplies  This line was over for 2012 because there was a great deal on paper so Office Administrator Falcey stocked up.  There is a small adjustment on this.  

4150.10 Association Dues  This line was under last year so an increase is requested for this year.

4150.11 Computer Technology & Support  There has been discussion of taking over the town website, making it official and having the town run it; the Board wants to know if this would be the line for that increase.  Office Administrator Falcey isn’t sure; it will depend on who does it; this line will remain the same; the Board will discuss this topic over the summer and plan that for next year.  Selectman Thompson asked if there is a line for stipends for non-elected officers; he’s thinking ahead about a stipend for the website; it was noted this will take a bigger conversation.  

4150.13 Minute Recording  This line was a bit under; the town has needed more recording time so it has been increased.

4152.00 Reappraisal, Reval, Tax Map Update  Office Administrator Falcey requested an additional $2,000 here because there are two abatement cases with large businesses that will require more time.  

4153.00 Legal Expenses  Chairman Dougherty noted this line can be lowered; last year the town had two pending court cases that have ended; traditionally $10,000 was appropriated; Selectman Allen believes taking five-thousand off would be safe; this line will be set at $15,000.

4191.00 Jackson Planning Board  Planning Board Chair Badger recommends a separate warrant article for the Master Plan update.  These fees are for mailings surveys, consultations, reviewing plans with the Engineer, et cetera; it’s everything outside of Legal.  

4194.00 Maintenance of Town Buildings  Office Administrator Falcey noted the last page of the budget handout shows the breakdown; the total is $37,500.  Some things were added back in which were previously there.  Selectman Thompson noted that Road Agent Henry is always speaking about how tight this is and that he doesn’t always have the money he needs; Selectman Thompson wants to know if Road Agent Henry signed-off on this amount.  Chairman Dougherty noted Road Agent Henry didn’t sign off on this in its entirety; typically the Board appropriates around $20,000; there was a $20,000 single purchase for the tractor so the Board is seeing a significant increase over what it typically appropriates.  There is a significant increase for parking lot lighting based on an informal proposal from a local electrician; $6500 would be the minimum for the hardware; this amount does not include the ground work; Chairman Dougherty recommends increasing this by $1500 to accommodate that as he doesn’t want any additional expenses absorbed anywhere else. Jerry noted the contractor was expecting the town crew to provide labor; Chairman Dougherty noted this will still be the case but he wants to keep the increase; Selectman Thompson wants to make sure the Board provides Road Agent Henry with the resources he needs to keep the town up; the park has never looked better; a lot of things in town are in tip-top shape.  Road Agent Henry did increase some other figures in here; it was noted the Library grounds figure has the ground work already in there so no changes are needed; this amount will remain at $6500.

4197.00 Intergovernment Diesel Fuel  This is for school use only; Office Administrator Falcey is not sure if more fuel will be used so she increased this line.    

4199.00 Health Insurance Others  This line is reserved for Selectmen who wish to be on the town’s insurance; they are eligible to buy it so this amount is reimbursed by the persons who take the insurance.

4240.00 Building Inspections  Chairman Dougherty is concerned with the amount here; this is somewhat of a gross appropriation; some of the money goes to the Engineer for site disturbance; there are a lot of unknowns here; it’s a lot lower than it has traditionally been.  It was noted this is lower primarily due to not much building happening.  Chairman Dougherty asked if Selectman Thompson is at all concerned with this figure.  Selectman Thompson noted the Board just took $5,000 out of the legal line; he wondered if the Board should add it back in to this line.  Selectman Allen feels this should be left at $15,000; the town didn’t come close to spending it last year.  Office Administrator Falcey reminded the Board the town gets revenue for building inspections so the town gets a lot of this back.  

4700X Debt Service  This has been increased by $500 due to the TAN.

General Government has an increase of $18,000; the Board took out $5,000 leaving a $13,000 increase.  Office Administrator Falcey reminded the Board the Town Clerk’s salary is in a line item now resulting in an actual $7,000 decrease.


Office Administrator Falcey was thanked for all the work she has done here; Barbara loves it as there is less for her to do.  Chairman Dougherty asked how the town transfers funds from the checking account into the General Fund and Office Administrator Falcey noted these are donated funds which can’t be co-mingled.  The bills are paid through the General Fund and that comes out of appropriated money.  There are no monies in the Trust Fund; the Fund gets $200 a year in interest; they can’t use the principal.  There is an increase of $2,000 for maintenance.


Police Department wages have been discussed; Medicare will change and Pension may increase with the salary increases.

4210.04 Gas/Oil, PD  Chief Meyers recommends an increase of $2,000 so this line needs to be $12,000 not $10,000.  Office Administrator Falcey noted this went down from $11,000 to $10,000; there were some bills still outstanding so the line went over.  Selectman Thompson needs to clarify if the $2,000 increase is to the $10,000 amount or to the $11,000 amount; Office Administrator Falcey will wait to hear from Selectman Thompson on this.

4210.07 Communication Technologies  Selectman Thompson needs to confirm this figure.

4210.08 Special Equipment, PD   This line is up; last year there was a separate article in the amount of $11,000 for radios.  There has been no information about this increase; Selectman Thompson will find out about this.  

4210.10 Special Detail  This is a gross appropriation and is down to $5,000.

Bartlett-Jackson Ambulance  

The appropriation for 2012 was $5,000; they spent $7,800.  The total of $6400 is their request this year.  

Fire Department

4220.00 Fire Wages  This is increasing to $60,000 to cover increases in wages from this year; Fire Chief Henry has already explained this.

4220.07 Operating Expenses, FD  This line is down; Selectman Thompson wants to know what this represents; Chairman Dougherty will ask Chief Henry.  

4220.11 Training  Training is a separate line item now; it was previously in Operating Expenses.

Before the Board moves on with the next budget items, the Board will move to page 5 to look at the Article for the Jackson Public Library; Denise is available; Edith had to leave as she had a prior commitment.  

Jackson Public Library  The Library is asking for $52,553; they expended $52,231 last year; they went over by 3.5% in salaries as they didn’t account for the fifteen minutes before opening and after closing.  The Library is looking at flat wages now because they need to cover the overage; the increase will also cover staff time for technology training.  The total is $69,503; with $16,950 coming from trusts and gifts.  

Chairman Dougherty spoke to Allen Brooks and may also have spoken with Sam Harding about putting an article on the warrant authorizing the Library to receive donations and retain revolving donations from year-to-year.  He asked if Denise had any information on that; this was discussed; it was agreed this needs to be done.  Office Administrator Falcey noted the Trustees did vote to go forward with this; it’s been added into to the warrant article section regarding retaining money that has been generated; the town has already approved receiving and retaining private gifts.  

Highway Department

4311.00 Highway Wages  This reflects the 4% increase.  

4311.03 Highway NHRS Pension  This reflects the increases.

4311.06 Heavy Equip Parts & Repairs This is essentially the grader expenses; Chairman Dougherty talked with Road Agent Henry about increasing that line; Road Agent Henry thinks he might be able to shift some funds from other parts of his budget; he feels he can manipulate his figures to meet the needs.  

4311.10 Contract Hire, Mowing & Rental  This is down due to the mower purchase.

4721.01 Bond Interest Garage & Salt Shed  This needs a warrant article to spend the unused funds.

Jackson Transfer Station  

Chairman Dougherty will talk to Bartlett Selectmen’s Secretary Brenda Medeiros to find out what to appropriate for wages; Office Administrator Falcey put in $50,000 as a guess; Chairman Dougherty will get a more solid figure before February 7th.

Office Administrator Falcey wondered what happened to the need for buying a container bin; Chairman Dougherty will find out where that belongs in the budget.

4324.06 Operating expenses  Selectman Thompson wondered what was purchased out of this; Office Administrator Falcey noted this is for things like printing forms (receipts) for them.  

Going back to 4324.04 Joint Operating Acct, this is an item the Board wants to change the name of and appropriate about $10,000 for the bin.  Chairman Dougherty assumes the bin would come out of the Joint Operating Account but this is not joint property.  He’d suggest calling this line Equipment not the Joint Operating Account and appropriate $14,000.  Selectman Thompson wondered if the account is needed for joint operating expenses; Office Administrator Falcey noted the town has an account that is shared with Bartlett from money coming in.  Currently, Bartlett is not appropriating any funds for the Joint Operating Account.  Chairman Dougherty would like this line’s name changed to Equipment and to add another $8,000 for a total of $12,000.  

4411.00 Health Inspector  This remains the same.

4419.00 Animal Control Officer  This was overspent last year but can stay at $500 for this year.

4419.02 Animal Control FICA & Medi  This is new.  

4442.00 Public Welfare Office Administrator Falcey is comfortable with this figure.

Recreation & Parks

4520.01 Bartlett Recreation Dept and 4520.02 Fireworks remain the same.

4520.03 Jackson Conservation Commission  Chairman Dougherty will verify this amount with Larry Siebert .

4520.05 Video Taping Meetings  This is the $3000 for taping meetings; it is projected to cost less than $3,000.  

The Board moved on to the remaining 2013 Proposed Warrant Articles on Page 5 of the report.  Office Administrator Falcey noted the Board will be voting on these articles as she needs tallies for the town report.  

Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to recommend $25,000 for the Highway Truck Capital Reserve Fund.  The motion passed unanimously.  

Selectman Allen, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to recommend $38,000 for Highway Repair & Reconstruction.  The motion passed unanimously.  

The Board agreed it will review the rest of these articles separately then vote following review.  

Heavy Highway Vehicle Fund  Chairman Dougherty noted $25,000 will come from tax appropriations; they will also be asking for $100,000 out of the Unreserved Fund for an appropriation of $125,000.

Fire Truck Capital Reserve Fund for $50,000.

State Aid Reconstruction ETF for $20,000.

Bridge Repair & Maintenance ETF  This currently has $31,635 in it; Chairman Dougherty is okay with this amount; the Board will need to have a large discussion on this for next year; the town has put a bandage on an axe wound; leave it at zero for now.

Jackson Public Library  The Board already discussed this for $69,503.

Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund  This is set at $10,000; Chief Meyers had originally requested $20,000 as he didn’t realize there was that much in there.

Police Dept Equipment ETF  This is set at $3,000.

Baker Prospect Farm Trust Timber Sale Office Administrator Falcey found a 1962 Article that says 10% of this goes into the Baker Prospect Farm Trust; she hasn’t heard back from Larry on that; the figure of $8980.98 comes from timber sales.  Chairman Dougherty is not sure how an article from 1962 applies to 2013; it’s only for that year.  Office Administrator thought the 10% was forever.  Chairman Dougherty noted the voters can vote what to do; there is no need to change it.

Transfer Site Buildings Recycling Equip ETF The $7535.00 represents the 2012 receipts which go into the Expendable Trust Fund; this is Jackson’s receipts for their recyclables.  Selectman Allen wondered if the container could come out of this; Chairman Dougherty talked to Bartlett Selectman Doug Garland to discuss the larger concept/Master Plan for up there.  This will be for another year and another Board to figure out.

Video Taping Selectmen Meetings is now in the general operating account.

Town Office Equipment Fund  This currently has $10,066 in it but will be reduced with the purchase of the server; the copier was replaced in 2010 so that has a lot of use left.  Chairman Dougherty wants this set at $0 for this year as the Office has all new equipment; the Board agrees to take the $3,000 out and reduce it to $0.

Propose Old Library Capital Reserve Fund  This was discussed previously; it will be set at $10,000.

Knot Weed This is set at $5,000; Chairman Dougherty is not sure about this.  This is a Selectmen’s Article.  

Chairman Dougherty suggested the Board vote on all the Articles except the Knot Weed; perhaps the Board could make a motion at another time after the Public Hearing.  Office Administrator Falcey noted this needs to be ready for the Town Report which will be printed the third week in February; the Board can vote to recommend or not at the Budget Hearing on February 7th.  Chairman Dougherty wants feedback on the Knot Weed before making a recommendation.

Office Administrator Falcey noted Jackson usually gets requests from White Mountain Community Health, Gibson Center, Tri-County Community Action, Children Unlimited, Starting Point and Eastern Slope Airport Authority.  Requests have only come in from the Gibson Center and Tri-County Community Action; they have a while to get that in still.   

New Public Safety Facility ETF  This is going to be closed out and this will go to the General Fund.

Public Safety Facility ETF  This is going to be closed.  

Sand & Salt Shed CR  This is going to be closed.  

Road Construction CR  This account has no money; it was not funded.  Chairman Dougherty questions if it is valid.  Office Administrator Falcey read the warrant article; the town was going to fund it in a previous year but that never happened; it won’t hurt to close it out by having this on the warrant.  Chairman Dougherty noted the fund was created but the town didn’t fund it so it is not a fund; the townsfolk could have put $1 in it but they didn’t so it never became a valid Capital Reserve Fund; he will find out before the February 7th meeting.

Retain Revenue from Library Copier as proposed by the Library Trustees.  

Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to recommend the warrant articles that require tallies with the exclusion of the Town Office Equipment Fund.  The motion passed unanimously.  The Board will vote on the other articles on February 7th.  Office Administrator Falcey will incorporate the changes and send out an e-mail to the Selectmen.

  • Public Comment  Jerry quipped that Chairman Dougherty and Selectman Allen are clearly suffering with illnesses tonight noting Selectman Thompson should share how he is able to maintain his good health.
  • Board Issues  There is nothing to add tonight.
  • New Business  There is nothing to add tonight.

  • Old Business  There is not time tonight for the Board to work on any Old Business.
  • Board Policy
  • Job Descriptions
  • Unseal Lewis Litigation Non-Public Session Minutes
  • Shaw & Chase water drainage matter
  • Right to Know Law – Implementation of Non-Public Session Checklist Form
The Board went into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A3, II(a) at 7:10 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter.  

Respectfully submitted by:

Martha D. Tobin

Recording Secretary