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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 09/06/2012
Selectmen’s Board Meeting Minutes
September 6, 2012
4:30 p.m.

Present:       Jerry Dougherty IV, Chairman, John Allen and Bob Thompson, Selectmen

Others present: Hank Benesh, Bea Davis, Jerry Dougherty III, Kathleen Dougherty, Warren Schomaker, Holly Lewis, Joyce Allan, Huntley Allan, Alex Protasowicki,   Priscilla Protasowicki

Chairman Dougherty called the meeting to order at 4: 32pm        
  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting  - August 16, 2012 Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to approve the minutes of August 16, 2012.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Non-Public Session #1   -  August 16, 2012    Tabled
  • Non-Public Session #2  -   August 16, 2012    Tabled
  • Public Comment
    Bea Davis has 2 items.
  • She would like to compliment the Jackson Historical Society on how nice the   
building looks with the renovations at no cost to the Town.
2.   The barrels by Fire Station have been emptied for the year.

        Joyce Allen wanted to make sure the information was received regarding work Gary Spears         is doing at Library. Jerry thinks it’s a great idea; his only concern is if trees are planted where     possible buildings may go in the future. Hopefully he has enough information to place them      in an appropriate spot.

        Alex & Priscilla Protasowicki would like to set up meeting with all three selectmen to go       over some personal items. Jerry said they can have it placed on next agenda and go into         nonpublic session to go over their concerns.

       Bea asked about the agenda item concerning the Deputy Health Inspector and wanted to            know how we were going to pay that person? Whose budget will that be coming out of?     Jerry responded they would go over that once they reach that item on the agenda.
  • Police Report  Karl went over incident at local hotel, that complainant will be pressing charges; 3 false burglary reports; a car went into a drainage ditch; disorderly subject at hotel intoxicated and causing disturbance; gun shots heard on Black Mountain Road early in the morning, it was found a worker shot into the air to scare off a bear, Karl spoke to him about rules and laws pertaining to this, and the Department of Agriculture will be notified;  political signs were stolen and damaged, used camera to get pictures and that person will be prosecuted; a lost wallet was turned in and through AAA they were able to contact the owner and it was returned to them; a raccoon was found on a screened in porch; someone on Eagle Mountain    Road heard someone or something around 10 pm, it was unfounded; at a wedding reception there was a verbal domestic disturbance, and the people were given separate rooms for the night;   a subject backed up into driveway to turn around, not noticing the no turn sign until after they had, and got yelled at, they just wanted police to know what happened; a lost    pendant in the falls area; took report at condos regarding a spigot that was replaced with a damaged one; we fingerprinted for employment purposes; assisted ambulance with a subject having a diabetic seizure; a report of a broken down vehicle on Black Mountain Road, Wildcat Service was called; there was a report of vandalism at Eagle Mountain golf course;  went to motel for two reported disturbances between staff and guests in one night; and a dog fight between two dogs at the Wentworth Condos was investigated.
  • Highway Report   Written report given see attached Jerry believes paving is shimming and in the area of Carter Notch. The highway crew added gravel behind Town Hall building and more to be done on Green Hill Road
  • Building Permits - Andy Chalmers, Building Inspector
  • Dame-Moser, Lisa (Map V1, Lot 15) Replace sill under foundation Andy spoke with contractor, may be above limit of 10k, recommend granting permit. Jerry recommends tabling until more info is received. Application was tabled.
  • Lappin, Leo & Roberta (Map V8, Lot 36B) Rebuild burnt home. Andy recommends granting. Selectman Thompson moved and John Allen seconded to approve the building permit as recommended, all were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Aldrich, Allan & Comeau, Linda (V7, Lot 2) Replace deck. Andy recommends. Selectman Thompson moved and John Allen seconded to approve the building permit as recommended, all were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
  • McPherson, Robert (Map V3, Lot 24) Remove steel flue, chimney wood covering & steel fire place. Andy recommends, under 10k, but safety issues. It was determined that a permit was not needed or necessary.
  • Darby, Christopher & Kimberly (R14, Lot 13) Install in ground pool. Andy recommends. Selectman Thompson moved and John Allen seconded to approve the building permit as recommended, all were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Jackson Historical Society October 12, 2012 Reception Selectman Dougherty has letter, and he read into record. See attached requesting to serve wine. Historical Society has insurance, as long as not selling. Private invite only. Warren says it will be a big event for New Hampshire, a blue ribbon affair. Warren added that Jay and Town crew have done a wonderful job with drainage; it’s the first time it has been done right; hats off to jay. Selectman Thompson wanted to mention on record that the town park looks wonderful, recognizing crew and Town for keeping it looking great.
  • Tamarack Construction Co. – Request to trench under Thorn Hill Road  Road Agent Henry has signed off on it, but need Town permission as well. Selectman Thompson moved and Selectman Allen seconded to allow, all were in favor, the motion passed unanimously.
  • NH Electric Co-op: Right of Easement Deed  - for pole near the Gazebo. Selectman Thompson moved and Selectman Allen seconded to sign, all were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.  The deed was signed and witnesses by Notary Diane Falcey.
  • Notice of Intent to Cut – Couture, Arthur (R13, Lot 19) 12-231-04   Selectman Allan moved and Selectman Thompson seconded the approval for cut. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Jackson Ski Touring Foundation – Binder Easement -  Selectman Allen moved and Selectman Thompson seconded to approve for 1 season, all were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.  Selectman Dougherty IV signed both copies.
  • Deputy Health Inspector Appointment – Official use needed for certain inspections, current inspector is not certified. This deputy is certified for Health Inspecting. It would be on a per diem basis only, at the recommendation of the County and Town Attorneys. Selectman Thompson made a motion to appoint Shawn Bergeron as the Deputy Health Inspector, and was seconded by Selectman Allen. Administrator Falcey spoke with the State regarding this position, and they recommend that the term have an end date and also recommend the term to run concurrent with the Current Health Inspector, which is 4/12/13. The previous motion was withdrawn. A new motion to appoint Shawn Bergeron as Deputy Health Inspector pursuant to RSA 128:5-b at an hourly rate of around $80/hour on call, on an as needed basis was made by Selectman Thompson and seconded by Selectman Allen, all were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Public Comment  Jerry Dougherty III wanted to know how the Town would determine when to use the Deputy Health Inspector and who would determine when they would be used. Selectman Dougherty replied that either himself or the Selectmen as a board would determine that, and they would go through Jim Davis to do so.
  • Board Issues  Selectman Thompson said the Board has been talking about the idea of having clear and concise job descriptions for all town staff. He feels we need to move this higher up on the priority list, and to identify staff that do not have a job description in their file and work on those with none. Selectman Dougherty asked how the board wanted to tackle this. Selectman Thompson would like to have a work session first to identify which ones are needed. Selectman Dougherty feels we have none, Administrator Falcey has one for herself and her staff, Road Agent Henry may have one, but she hasn’t seen any for the Police Department or Town Clerk/Tax Collector staff. Selectman Dougherty feels we need them for the office, road crew, but that none are needed for police and clerk’s office.  Selectman Thompson asked about road agent needing one.  Selectman Dougherty said the Local Government Center would be happy to supply templates for them. We need to schedule a work session to delve into them. There was discussion on scheduling the work session and while they were looking at dates, they need to reschedule the next Selectman’s meeting due to Selectman Thompson being out of Town.
        The Selectman’s meeting was rescheduled from 9/20/2012 to 9/27/2012 at 4:30pm. The      Job Description Work session will be on Wednesday 9/12/2012 at 6pm.

        Selectman Thompson would like a sense of where we are with planning board and building  inspector’s job description. He feels we need that one for the Thursday 9/13/12 Planning        Board meeting. Selectman Dougherty found out that that position can be contracted out if        necessary and that way you don’t need a job description, the inspector will be going by the     State Statutes. There are implicit rules if it is to be contract out. Selectman Thompson asked  if we have looked to the Planning Board to see what they feel, whether the inspector is an      employee or contracted, and seek their input. Selectman Dougherty said this aspect could be     determined by the Board of Selectmen. He feels it would be less expense for small town to       be contracted out. Selectman Thompson feels that the Town needs a scope of services     spelled out. Selectman Dougherty doesn’t feel you need a contract; we can just use a third      party. The Town needs to let that person know our expectations (what we want) versus a       job description if they are contracted or a third party.

  • New Business – Political Signs on Town Property  There is no current policy or ordinance found regarding Political Signs that Administrator Falcey can find, we do have sign ordinance that says if the sign is not made out of wood it’s not allowed (on private versus town property). Selectman Dougherty feels we should just say they are not allowed on town property, and have the police or road crew remove them. Selectman Dougherty made motion to not allow political signs on Town property. The motion was seconded by Selectman Thompson. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
Administrator Falcey asked about Mr. Boyle speaking at a selectman’s meeting is that going to be allowed or not? Selectman Dougherty feels as the chair he will not allow political purviews in an open selectman meeting. There are other venues to do that. Jerry Dougherty III thinks that the chair of the Select board should rule on those sorts of things, in anything that does not pertain to town business. This would include poems etcetera.

  • Old Business
  • Board Policy
  • Bartlett-Jackson Transfer Station
  • Implementation of Bartlett-Jackson Transfer Station Agreement  The employee has been transferred to Bartlett. The Town does have a payment arrangement for cost sharing with Bartlett. Selectman Dougherty would like to see what board would like to do to inform the public about this agreement. It was decided to have a public hearing to inform people prior to budget season. This will be scheduled at next Selectman’s meeting. Transfer Station Manager Edgerly started working for Bartlett effective August 31, 2012. Administrator Falcey spoke about going back to March 31, figures. She provided a spreadsheet with the Transfer Station figures. Mr. Bryans 50% has been reimbursed by Bartlett for 2011. Selectman Dougherty will present $124,000 number to Bartlett at their next meeting. He will get confirmation from their chair. He would like to make sure we have the correct numbers from Bartlett. He will do this between now and our next meeting.
         ii.  Amend & Approve B-J Joint Meeting Minutes – July 31, 2012  Selectman   
              Thompson moved and Selectman Allen seconded to approve the minutes as
              written. All were in favor, the motion passed unanimously.

         iii.  Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 II(a) – Personnel Matter          Selectman
               Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go into Non-
           Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II(a) to discuss a personnel
               matter at 6:10 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.  

The Board returned to Public Session at 6:43 p.m.

  • Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 II(c)- Reputation  To protect the reputation of those involved Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II(c) to protect a reputation matter at 6:45 p.m.  Selectman Allen moved and Selectman Thompson seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
The Board returned to Public Session at 7:07p.m.
  •  Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 II (e)- Litigation   Selectman Thompson seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with
 RSA 91-A:3 II(e) to discuss a litigation matters at 7:08 p.m.  The motion passed

During this session, myself and Administrator Falcey were told we were no longer needed, and to leave. The remainder of the minutes will be taken by the Chair of the Selectmen, Jerry Dougherty IV.

The Board returned to Public Session at 8:10 p.m.

  • Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 II(a) – Personnel Matter  Selectmen Thompson, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II(a) to discuss a personnel issue at 8:11 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.
The Board returned to Public Session at 8:27 p.m.

Selectmen Chair Dougherty IV motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Selectmen Thompson, and all were in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ella Cressy
Administrative Assistant