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Board of Selectmen MInutes -- 07/19/2012

Jackson Selectmen’s Board Meeting
July 19, 2012

Present:        Jerry Dougherty IV, Chairman; John Allen, Selectman

Visitors:       Office Administrator Diane Falcey, Police Chief Karl Meyers, Road Agent/Fire Chief Jay Henry, Treasurer Warren Schomaker, Tax Collector & Town Clerk Jeanette Heidmann, Bob Davis, Hank Benesh, Bill Wogisch, Barbara Campbell, Kathleen Dougherty, Holly Wilson

Chairman Jerry Dougherty called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.

Chairman Dougherty called for a moment of silence in memory of Mary Wilkinson Greenberg.

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – July 5, 2012  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the minutes of July 5, 2012.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Selectmen’s Work Session – July 12, 2012  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the minutes of the Work Session of July 12, 2012.  The motion passed unanimously.  Chairman Dougherty noted the minutes were prepared by Administrative Assistant Ella Cressy; from those Work Sessions she goes right into the Planning Board meetings; it makes a long day for her; she does very good work.  
  • Public Comment  There were none.
  • Police Report  Chief Karl Meyers noted there were two motor vehicle accidents since the last meeting.  These are very time-consuming and labor-intensive; it’s a big production involving the town attorney and the medical examiner and taking witness statements.  He noted Officers Cowland and Jette have progressed to be self-sufficient regarding these investigations and can handle most of the work on their own except for what the state says the Department can’t do on its own.  Chief Meyers is very impressed with the way his Officers performed.  Fire Chief Jay Henry noted his Department finds the amount of stuff they need to do increases each year, too.  Chief Meyers reviewed other recent Department activities which included assisting the Ambulance with an elderly woman experiencing back pains; arresting a man found to be operating with a suspended license and two bear complaints.  A complaint was received about cardboard boxes on Route 16; an Officer was able to track the trailer they flew off of and the operator came to pick them up.  A call came in about a man running up the Notch with an assault rifle; Officers found the subject and found the rifle was legal; he was hiking and was jogging back to his car; he had the rifle for bears.  Officers assisted the Ambulance with an individual having a diabetic seizure.  An odd call came in at 3 a.m. for unknown people on the roof of a residence; there were two people who had been partying and were stargazing; they came upon this ground level roof and climbed up; the homeowner turned on the lights and opened and shut the doors but these folks didn’t move on.  Officers tracked them down the next day and read them t riot act.  There were several Project Good Morning welfare checks; there was a report of a suspicious person at an elderly female’s house that turned out to be a family member.  A resident dropped off old and/or unused medications which were destroyed.  Jackson won two court cases involving domestic disturbances.  Officers assisted the Ambulance with an elderly female that fell in a drainage ditch as well as with a male hiker who was dehydrated, had fainted and hurt his ankle; Officers also assisted Conway Police with checking on a subject; it’s a civil problem and Jackson is not involved but is being kept informed.  A report was taken of a vehicle broken down in the Notch; Officers called a tow company and transported the people to the Glen Ledge Corner Store where they were able to get a taxi to their destination.  A lost wallet was turned in and returned to its owner.  A report came in from Gorham regarding a southbound vehicle being driven erratically; a report was also taken of a lost wedding ring at the Falls.  There was trash found on the side of the road; it was beer cans and bottles so there was no way to identify the perpetrator.  Officers took a call regarding a renter/landlord discussion that got heated.  A resident called regarding a phone scam; Chief Meyers listened to the call and it does sound official but the message says it involved a civil suit and to call this number but if this was a civil suit the resident would have been notified by certified mail.  Chief Meyers has been talking to Transfer Station Manager John Edgerly regarding after-hours dumping up there.  A young man in his senior year went on a ride-along with Officers.  Officers assisted State Police Troop F with a motor vehicle accident by the AMC hut.  Chief Meyers would like to bring up the air conditioning downstairs; he had mentioned it last year and has found that the cheapest option would be to get a wall unit.  Officer Jette is a licensed contractor and is capable of doing the work; this can be done for approximately $1,000 and there is plenty of money in the expendable (new equipment) trust.  Chairman Dougherty would like to see this come out of the overall town budget; the Selectmen are in agreement to this.  They can’t add on to the AC unit the building has now; the unit is fully zoned already.  The cost for the door is $1200; there is $3000 in the general building maintenance trust; it can come out of that.  Office Administrator Falcey noted the Board had budgeted for the door and air-conditioning.  Selectman Allen asked how the night shift works and Chief Meyers noted there is an on-call schedule which the Sheriff’s Department has.  The answering machine at the Police Department says to call the Sheriff’s Department and their office contacts the on-call Officer.  Before Chief Meyers left the meeting it was clarified he has the Board’s permission to go ahead and install the AC unit.  
  • Highway Report  Road Agent Henry reviewed the Highway Department’s recent activities.  He’s started work on the Highlands; they did some ditching and replaced culverts; they removed some huge rocks.  He noted the Selectmen may get some complaints regarding ditching; he’s had to do some deep ditching up there but he doesn’t have any other choice; it’s the only way to get the water off the road and he has to maintain this due to the amount of sand used in the winter.  It is what it is and it’s a constant problem.  Road Agent Henry also noted Chief Meyers helped the Highway Department with traffic control today and it was a big help.  The Department has started putting gravel over Dundee, that work will be ongoing; it is not fine graded yet so it could be a little rough; he’s been letting Coleman deliver gravel at their convenience since they gave the town such a good price.  Work has begun on some of the Class VI roads.  Knotweed, which is that bamboo-looking stuff, is invasive and on August 2nd he’ll be having a meeting with Phil Davies about how to work with this.  The Board will have to decide how much and if the town wants to invest money in a program to control this.  There’s a lot of it on Green Hill, Thorn Hill and Carter Notch.  Chairman Dougherty is concerned with this not only on a local basis; if the town eradicates it, will it pop back up somewhere else?  Road Agent Henry noted Phil will answer all these questions at the meeting and he’ll come back to the Board so they can have that information before approving anything.  He knows it can’t be dug up and cutting it makes it worse.  In order to kill it Jackson will have to apply for a permit from DES and then will have to spray for two years in a row and only by someone licensed to spray the product.  That will be done in late August or early September after it stops growing but before the first frost.  It’s looking like it will cost about $3,000 depending on how much is done.  The estimate is between $2500 and $5000.  Bill Wogisch noted it will be worth it to take care of this.  Road Agent Henry feels there is a possibility he’ll have the funds in his budget to pay this as he is not hiring out so much of the roadside mowing.  Bill asked what the bills are on the paving; they are $170,000.  
  • Fire Department Report  Fire Chief Henry noted it’s been a rough week for some of the guys; there were two fires; he wasn’t at one and was at the other.  He plans to spend some of the special equipment fund; $6,000 for an air pack and $6000 for an updated cutting tool for the Jaws of Life which will have twice as much power to deal with the new stronger cars; this will provide a set of spreaders, two cutters and a ram.  This is part of the original $20,000 equipment package; no taxpayer money will be spent on these tools.  Gerald is coming back on Monday; that will be good; he’ll be on light-duty for a while.  Regarding the electrical service at the baseball diamond, Fire Chief Henry noted he and Fire Inspector Gaudreau are going to peck away at it.  
  • Lower parking lot lighting – Allen Brooks, Library Trustee  Allen Brooks is not here yet but Chairman Dougherty let Road Agent Henry know the Library wants to put lights in the lower parking lot; the Highway Department will be maintaining it.  Road Agent Henry noted he can stay for a few minutes but if he leaves he’d like the Board to keep in mind that everybody spent money on not having lights at the Highway Garage due to light pollution and neighbor complaints; he feels that’s wrong to do that at the Garage and now add lights to the parking lot.  Chairman Dougherty reiterated the Board’s concern is that the Highway Department would be maintaining this; Road Agent Henry noted he’d just add it to “the list”; he’s also not going to dig through the new walkway for lighting conduit.  
  • Electronic invoicing of property taxes – Jeanette Heidmann, Tax Collector & Town Clerk  Tax Collector & Town Clerk Jeanette Heidmann joined the Board; Chairman Dougherty is not opposed to electronic invoicing of property taxes however the document she is asking the Board to approve tonight doesn’t do that.  Tax Collector & Town Clerk Heidmann noted the first capability of this system is putting all tax information online; she noted it’s all public information and the company does provide the option for property owners to opt out; electronic invoicing isn’t available but could be by December.  Chairman Dougherty reiterated he is not opposed to invoicing; he wants to think about this a little bit and to talk to residents to see if they want to have anybody in the world knowing this information.  Tax Collector & Town Clerk Heidmann pointed out that anybody can call her on the phone and ask for this information.  Selectman Allen noted anyone can do a Google search of a street and look at your house and your license plate.  Chairman Dougherty wants the full Board to consider this so it won’t pass this evening.  This system will eventually allow for sending tax bills electronically.  Chairman Dougherty noted it’s likely the Board will approve this when the system can send the bills electronically.  He is not comfortable allowing internet access to everyone’s tax bill; what is paid and not paid; he wants Selectman Thompson to have input and he wants to talk to residents too.  The proposal before the Board tonight has nothing to do with sending bills electronically; he would be willing to consider this at the next meeting with a full Board; it will give Tax Collector & Town Clerk Heidmann an opportunity to present any updates too.  Tax Collector & Town Clerk Heidmann noted Madison is using this system; they are not doing electronic billing, which became effective July 1, 2012, but residents have the ability to pay online.  Chairman Dougherty reiterated he is opposed to this proposal as it is now; it doesn’t send bills electronically, it only puts everybody’s tax information online.  This contract is also two months old.  There are dangers involved in this; the whole Board needs to consider this.  Tax Collector & Town Clerk Heidmann noted that in the package provided to the Board she included a website to see what is on there; there may be less information on that site than the Board thinks; some systems do show pictures and mailing addresses.  She also wanted to make sure the Board finalized deeding; Office Administrator Falcey has that information and it will be discussed later in tonight’s meeting.  
  • Robert Davis – Evan parcel (Map R16, Lot 12) road frontage issue  Bob Davis joined the Board; he wants approval to have this parcel be a building lot; it was a building lot when they purchased it fifty years ago; there was a trailer on it and now it has a cabin on it; it has water hookups, electric and septic.  It has frontage on the road of thirty feet as that’s a Right of Way (ROW); there’s a bridge that shows where the road is; while this lot hasn’t got the two hundred feet Jackson requires, the state says any frontage qualifies.  Chairman Dougherty noted the state doesn’t consider an easement or ROW to be frontage; if a building permit came before the Board it would have to deny it.  Bob noted there is a lot right up the road from him that was allowed and there are houses on Dundee with no frontage; one of those houses is worth half a million dollars and another one is worth $350,000.  Chairman Dougherty noted this is a case of ignorance is bliss; RSA 671:41 was written in 1983; the Board was not aware of this RSA and under that RSA those permits should have been denied.  Jackson’s building inspector has brought the RSA to this Board’s attention and the Board has to abide by it.  The RSA clarifies that any lot with no frontage on a private road, a Class VI Road or better prevents the town from issuing a permit.  The two major reasons being fire and safety; this is a way to force subdivisions into compliance.  Chairman Dougherty noted the Board is not saying the lot is unbuildable just that it would have to deny a building permit.  Bob asked if it would make a difference if the thirty feet was deeded rather than an easement; Chairman Dougherty noted Bob would have to go to the Planning Board.  Bob noted he already went to the Planning Board and they threw it to the Selectmen.  Chairman Dougherty noted if Bob submits an application and the Board denies it then Bob would go to the ZBA; they could provide oversight regarding landlocked lots.  Selectman Allen asked why a thirty foot easement would be an issue for fire and safety as long as they can get there; Chairman Dougherty noted that is not for the Board to decide.  Bob could do a property line adjustment but the Planning Board may require the two-hundred feet.  Chairman Dougherty went up to the lot and he saw the bridge Bob referred to; if it’s been there for a long time that may kick the ball back into the town’s court.  Chairman Dougherty noted the town could see if there is an existing road over the existing easement.  Bob noted the Dunwell’s has no frontage either; Robbie White owns that entire frontage.  Chairman Dougherty reiterated that the Board wasn’t aware of RSA 671:41; if any of these came to the Board today the Board would have to deny them.  Bob noted Jackson has a lot of these in town and Chairman Dougherty agreed, noting that’s why the Board has been discussing doing an inventory.  Bob wondered why the house across the road keeps getting bigger but it’s alright with the Board and Chairman Dougherty noted that was another governing body’s decision not the Selectmen’s; the ZBA may say what Bob wants to do is alright; he suggested Bob get a building permit to the Selectmen so they can deny it and then Bob would go to the ZBA for either a variance or an administrative appeal.  Bob noted that lot has been taxed as a building lot for a lot of years and the town will owe him a lot of money if it’s determined now this is not a building lot.    
  • Building Permits - Andy Chalmers, Building Inspector
  • LaChapelle, Kip (Map V10, Lot 2) Certificate of Occupancy requested  Kip has asked the Board to reconsider issuance of a COO.  Selectman Allen believes the owner needs a COO in order to sell the house; Chairman Dougherty noted state law doesn’t require a COO but the request says the mortgage company is requiring it.  Chairman Dougherty noted that is a legitimate request but this Board doesn’t have the authority to do this; Jackson’s ordinance exempts single-family homes.  The Board can decide it has the authority or not; his opinion is that the Board does not have that authority.  Most of the homes in Jackson don’t have COOs and people do get mortgages and insurance.  Selectman Allen wants to see how to help this guy out.  Chairman Dougherty is willing to have the Board write a letter that says the state doesn’t require a COO and neither does the town of Jackson; state and town approval is required for septic.  Selectman Dougherty will compose a letter stating this and that the property was inspected and is compliant with codes but the town will not issue a COO.  Bill Wogisch noted a lot of states and towns don’t require COOs.  Office Administrator Falcey has a letter prepared which fulfills Chairman Dougherty’s request.  The Board does try to be as helpful as it can be; the letter will explain why the Board can’t approve it.  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the letter as presented.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Leigh, Richard & Joanne (Map V7, Lot 58) Remodel kitchen & living area     Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the building permit for Map V7, Lot 58.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Morse, Charles & Priscilla  (Map R16, Lot 1) Deck replacement  Building Inspector Chalmers has noted Jackson doesn’t require a building permit but the work must comply with the state building code; Chairman Dougherty does not support this.  It was noted the owners are just replacing the deck, they are not enlarging it and the cost doesn’t go beyond $10,000 so it doesn’t need a permit.  Selectman Allen is concerned with the cantilevering; he does agree no permit needs to be issued and that the work must comply with the state building code.  The Morses sent a check which the town will send back.    
  • Crane, Todd & Virginia and James (Map V10, Lot 211) Extend Building Permit   Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to extend the building permit for Map V10, Lot 211 as recommended.  Chairman Dougherty noted this permit was revoked in 2006 and was reinstated in 2006; these folks are not getting this one done.  Inspector Chalmers has been monitoring them and they are meeting state codes; he has no issues with extending this permit.  There was no further discussion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Green Hill Road Fire Invoice, Map R13, Lot 19 – Sonny Couture  This was a “controlled” burn pile that got out of control and the Fire Department had to go up there.  This is a request to pay the bill for the expenses incurred.  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to invoice for expenses incurred for fighting the forest fire on the property.  The motion passed unanimously.  Bill asked if this fire went onto state property and Office Administrator Falcey explained the fire burned the roots underground; it was Sonny’s own property.  The day he did the burn the clouds were lifting and steam was coming up out of the mountains; it was hard to tell it was a fire.  It was verified the burn pit had permits.  This was high up on the side of the mountain; it didn’t involve any houses; it’s believed this is all private land.  When the Fire Department has to put out the fire the town can bill the person involved.  Selectman Allen wondered if billing for responding is typical of a house fire as well.  When a fire is accidental then the town doesn’t bill; if the fire  was caused by negligence then the person who started it is responsible.  In this case the cost was $6,016.00 due to the remoteness.  There was a concerned resident who notified the town of the lot clearing but this is an area with nothing nearby for a good two miles; it was a Berlin contractor.  It’s possible he might have coverage through his insurance as a business.  
  • Thank you letter to Warren Schomaker, President of the Jackson Historical Society; to the Jackson Conservation Commission and the Town of Jackson for assistance with ancestral information  Chairman Dougherty read the letter from Dan and Carolyn Johnson into the record (Letter available at town offices).  Chairman Dougherty noted this is reflective of the hard work provided by Treasurer Warren Schomaker and the folks from the Historical Society; it’s nice to have taxpayers supporting this for posterity’s sake.  Bill Wogisch asked where the Johnson’s are from and was informed they are from Tennessee.  
  • Veteran’s Credit Application (Map R12, Lot 44)  Office Administrator Falcey noted the individual is eligible; the husband went into a nursing home and deeded the property to his wife; the wife applied as the spouse; this is just a formality.  Office Administrator Falcey checked the marriage certificate and verified the wife is living there.  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the Veteran’s Credit Application for Map R12, Lot 44.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Fuel bids  Chairman Dougherty noted the figures are the reverse of what Jackson did for 2011 as far as its suppliers go.  Office Administrator Falcey has locked in prices until mid-night since fuel has started to go up.  Bill asked what the difference is over last year and Office Administrator Falcey reviewed the figures.  She sent out eight letters requesting bids and only received three responses.  Chairman Dougherty asked if Lyman has been doing propane for a while and was informed they’ve been supplying propane for a couple of years; they didn’t always do it.  Chairman Dougherty’s only concern is supply; WMOP has a consistent supply.  The school ran into a problem with its propane, not from any of these suppliers, where the tank would get low and the supplier was only able to deliver a little at a time to get them by.  Bill thinks Lyman would be able to provide the supply just as WMOP would.  Chairman Dougherty wants to go by the numbers and with the fixed rate.  Bill noted the town is going with different suppliers for the products and believes it would behoove the town to contact these guys to see if Jackson bought from one supplier would they price-match.  Chairman Dougherty doesn’t think it will happen; he also likes to spread the town’s business out, too.  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go with the provider of fuel and the accompanying service contracts as follows: Jesse Lyman with the fixed rate for propane and K-1; WMOP for heating fuel  and diesel at the fixed rate.  The motion passed unanimously.   
  • Public Comment  Bill Wogisch commended Treasurer Schomaker for the beautiful job he and the Historical Society are doing with the Town Hall; they have taken a building that was an eyesore and made it into a little gem.  It was noted the Historical Society is taking donations.  Bill also would like to know what the expenses, the ramifications and the benefits derived would be from going with the electronic invoicing.  Chairman Dougherty noted the contract put before the Board tonight had a $95 per year fee for making the information available online; the Board doesn’t know if that fee will increase for doing the electronic invoicing itself.  That’s why he has issues with the contract presented tonight; it was not for invoicing; it was just to post the information online.  That would save some administrative work in the Town Clerk’s office.  The town spends $1200 a year sending invoices, so those fees would be saved for those who sign up to do it; the more that sign up the more the town saves; the Board has no idea what those numbers are.  Barbara Campbell noted there would be costs involved for using credit cards but it was clarified this system wouldn’t be for invoice payment, it would only be for sending the invoice out.  The Board wasn’t presented with that expense.  Bill suggested the Board run this past Town Counsel regarding rights being violated; it’s just another avenue to sell personal information.  Those are the privacy issues Chairman Dougherty is talking about.  When it was noted this is all public information, Bill noted the town doesn’t have the right to expose people without their input.  Holly Lewis thanked the Board for not making a decision on this for the way it was presented tonight; it was important for the Board to stand its ground and research its decision.  Chairman Dougherty noted there was no reason to make that decision tonight.  
  • Board Issues  There were none.
  • New Business  There were none.
  • Old Business:
  • Board Policy  Chairman Dougherty noted this remains on the agenda to remind the Board to keep it in mind.  He has nothing new for tonight on this.  
  • 2009 Impending deeds  The deeds are eligible for deeding as of July 26, 2012.
  • Map R12, Lot 130  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion not to deed the property when it is eligible due to creating a welfare hardship for the town and the property owner.  Following making the motion, Chairman Dougherty withdrew his motion; Selectman Allen withdrew his second.  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to not accept the Tax Collector’s deed because “in its judgment, acceptance and ownership of the real estate would subject the municipality to undesirable obligations or liability risks” per RSA 80:38 II-a.  The motion passed unanimously.  
The next deeds were for the Boston Group.  Office Administrator Falcey did not prepare a deed waiver for this one; the other properties were approved for deeding at the last meeting.

  • Map R4, Lot 5  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to not accept the Tax Collector’s deed because “in its judgment, acceptance and ownership of the real estate would subject the municipality to undesirable obligations or liability risks” per RSA 80:38 II-a and would place an undue burden on the taxpayers.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Map R14, Lot 2  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to not accept the Tax Collector’s deed because “in its judgment, acceptance and ownership of the real estate would subject the municipality to undesirable obligations or liability risks” per RSA 80:38 II-a and because the Board is not sure this can be deeded while under bankruptcy.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Map R14, Lot 9  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectmen Allen, made a motion to not accept the Tax Collector’s deed because “in its judgment, acceptance and ownership of the real estate would subject the municipality to undesirable obligations or liability risks” per RSA 80:38 II-a and because there are zoning issues with the property; it is landlocked.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Map R18, Lot 11B  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectmen Allen, made a motion to not accept the Tax Collector’s deed because “in its judgment, acceptance and ownership of the real estate would subject the municipality to undesirable obligations or liability risks” per RSA 80:38 II-a and because there are zoning issues with the property; it is landlocked.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Revision of Building Permit Application  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to accept the revision of the Building Permit Application.  Selectman Allen is concerned there wasn’t discussion about separating the residential application from the commercial one.  Chairman Dougherty feels the verbiage has accomplished that.  Selectman Allen wants to make sure Building Inspector Chalmers has looked at this; Chairman Dougherty doesn’t think he has but nothing logistical has changed; he did have input on the RSAs references.  Section 3 was added which lists the conditions for the owner to do their own work.  There was no further discussion.  The motion passed unanimously.    
  • 17 undeveloped Town owned Wildcat Townhouse PUD sites  After the meeting when Mr. Levine inquired about this, Chairman Dougherty has had some discussion with Office Administrator Falcey; under current regulations this would be more like fourteen sites not seventeen.  The town can consider selling these to an individual entity but needs to have a justifiable reason.  Selectman Allen talked to the Planning Board about this; if the town sells these, the sale may need to be approved by the Planning Board which adds further difficulty to selling these lots if the town decides to do so.  There are a lot of unanswered questions here.  Chairman Dougherty thinks the town should seek input from Town Counsel regarding what it means to have the deeded rights to this, what the options for selling or not selling are and what the process will look like; public auction, sealed bid or selling to an individual entity.  Bill asked where this property is and was informed it is across from the Dana Place Inn.  The Board isn’t sure but this may give the town rights to the Association; the town doesn’t own the land, just the building rights.  It’s a cluster development called a Planned Unit of Development (PUD).  The building rights are taxed to the developer who owns the right but not the land which is owned by the Association; the Board has to figure out how this works.  LGC was asked for some input and they said “good luck”; it’s time to get counsel.  The property was deeded in 2007; the decision needs to be made if the town should sell this and how it is going to sell it.  Office Administrator Falcey noted the value for each of the seventeen PUD sites was $37,500 back in 2007.  When the town sells it looks to recover expenses.  This isn’t going to go for $600,000; the town could put a reserve of that at the auction.  This is not going to be a quick process and is not a high priority.  The town needs to know what exactly it owns and what selling the property would entail.  Selectman Allen agrees Town Counsel is the way to go.  Office Administrator Falcey noted the Board has to think what  the goal is; is it looking for money to pay backtaxes and add to the tax base or does the Board want to consider having a hearing for those who have concerns regarding the rights of the Association owners; do they care who takes it over and what is done there.  Chairman Dougherty believes those goals can be set once the Board knows what the town owns.  Bill suggested these should be auctioned off in one day so the town will be rid of them; let Mr. Levine bid on them.  Chairman Dougherty noted the Board could do that tomorrow however he wants to make sure the Board is doing what’s right for the town.  There are eleven other units, some common land and a common building in that area.  Bill believes the Association should be approached as they may be interested in buying; selling at auction would have a direct reflection on current owners.  Two years ago everybody was ready to walk away; it’s a timeshare situation and there are over five-hundred owners.  Bill noted the town should put the money in the bank and write it off; it’s a liability.  Chairman Dougherty wants to verify the town has no obligation to the Association.  Office Administrator Falcey asked if the Board is giving her authority to contact counsel regarding this property and Chairman Dougherty affirmed this and reiterated it is not a high priority.    
  • Implementation of Bartlett-Jackson Transfer Station Agreement  Chairman Dougherty noted he has nothing further to discuss on this publically.  Bill would like to know when the Board is going to implement the Agreement.  Chairman Dougherty noted the Agreement has been signed; in order for the contract to be executed all employees must come under Bartlett and the budget split for 2011 and 2012 has to be agreed on.  He wanted folks to understand the Board is not stalling; it’s just there is a lot on the Board member’s plates right now and the two Boards have not been able to coordinate a finalization.  
  • Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 II(a) and (c)  Chairman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II(a) to discuss a personnel issue; and RSA 91-A:3 II(c) to discuss a welfare matter at 6:11 p.m.  The motion passed unanimously.
The Board returned to Public Session at 6:55 p.m

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

                                                        Respectfully submitted by:

                                                        Martha D. Tobin

                                                        Recording Secretary