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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 02/09/2012 Special Meeting


Selectmen’s Board Meeting

February 9, 2012

Present:           Beatrice Davis, Chairman; Jerry Dougherty IV and John Allen, Selectmen

Visitors:           Gino Funicella, Dave Mason, Jerry Dougherty  

Chairman Beatrice Davis called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m.

Chairman Davis read the following statement:   

On February 2nd, Diane Falcey submitted an employee grievance to the Board of Selectmen against Jerry Dougherty IV.  The employee requested an impartial investigation in accordance with the Jackson Personnel Manual.   

Peter Malia, Town Counsel recommends to the Board of Selectmen to contract with Devine & Millimet to conduct the investigation and to determine whether the grievance letter submitted by the employee should be made public.

Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to contract with Devine & Millimet to conduct the investigation.  The motion passed unanimously.

Selectman Dougherty would like to discuss the line item on the budget for an Animal Control Officer before this meeting adjourns; he would like to know if the Board is going to add this additional $200 into the budget.  Chairman Davis doesn’t think it’s necessary; Jackson has a contract with Betty Holmes for this in the amount of $500.  Selectman Dougherty would like to wait for the Budget Hearing and have Chief Meyers discuss it.  Selectman Allen queried as to how many calls the Department gets; Chairman Davis noted there are three Police Officers for a town of eight-hundred-fifty people and there is a second police vehicle; Officers can handle this.  Selectman Dougherty noted Betty Holmes is the official Animal Control Officer but she never responds when there is a call from Jackson and that is the issue.  Chairman Davis noted there is a man in town who has expressed willingness to do whatever the town wanted him to do in the realm of Animal Control.  There will be additional discussion of this during the Budget Hearing.

Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to dissolve the meeting at 3:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Martha D. Tobin

Recording Secretary
