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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 09/01/2011
Selectmen's minutes, Sept 1
Selectmen’s Board Meeting
 September 1, 2011
Present:  Beatrice Davis, Chairman; John Allen Selectman (Selectman Jerry Dougherty IV left just prior to the meeting to meet with the FEMA representative)
Visitors: Office Administrator Diane Falcey, Police Chief Karl Meyers, Treasurer Warren Schomaker, Kevin Killourie, Chris Matte, Paul Belluche, George Howard, Roger Chambers and Paul Keane  
Chairman Davis called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.
  1.  Amend & approve minutes
  1. Selectmen’s Meeting – August 18, 2011  Chairman Davis has one correction to the minutes; the chicken for the Open House at the Highway Garage was donated by Whitney’s Inn and she apologized for missing that at the last meeting.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Davis, made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1. Police Chief Report
  1. Rebecca Hains – Contests parking ticket  Chief Meyers has responded to this; Ms Hains has misunderstood why she was ticketed; she was parked in the roadway not in a No Parking zone.  The ticketing was not due to signage; she was parked in the travel lane and it causes cars to cross the double yellow line to get around cars parked like that.  Chief Meyers noted this is an on-going issue that requires vigilant enforcement. 
  1. Boil order  Chief Meyers noted the boil order has been lifted; the test results were negative this morning and the NH DES called for another test.  The chlorine has been amped up a bit; there may be a residual chlorine taste but it is okay to use. 
Chief Meyers reviewed Department activities since the last meeting; some items discussed included a tree down on Town Hall Road (prior to Tropical Storm Irene), one false burglar alarm and a noise complaint on Northern Highlands which involved two houses that were back-to-back and they were chatting back and forth between the homes late at night and again at 6 a.m. the next morning.  A Bed & Breakfast reported a mother bear and three cubs in the trash; there were a lot of people stopping; it’s neat to see but everyone was every which way.  The property owner came out and was able to move the bears along.  There was a complaint about a reckless driver that was passed on to Bartlett; the department assisted at a house fire.  Chief Meyers would like to point out that Officers got to see the Fire Department, the Ambulance Service and the Highway Department during the hurricane; everybody did great; everything went well; we had the communications; we were all on the same page; it went great.  The Department received a report from a woman from Rochester who reported getting unwanted phone calls from Jackson; Officers called the number and it was a company out of Florida; performed a VIN verification; took a 911 call at a bar where a patron and bartender got into words; the patron was told not to come back and a threat charge was pressed against him.  A report was taken of an erratic driver where the car passed on the double yellow line; it turned out to be an employee at one of Jackson’s restaurants; Chief Meyers had a sit down with him; a lost purse was reported; a complaint about cars spinning tires in the school parking lot was taken but they were gone upon arrival.  With the damage above Jackson on Route 16, the State is working on the road and put up barricades; they asked Jackson Police to turn cars around.  Most folks turned around but one driver acted like he was going to turn around and then continued on up the road; Officer Jette was just up the road and stopped and ticketed the driver.  There was a Project Good Morning check that turned out to be a person who forgot to call in.  There have been several court cases; the waitress caught stealing another waitress’s money pled guilty; the DWI from last September pled guilty and in the assault case from a local hotel the judge didn’t make a decision.  The Department had a number of out-of-town owners asking for a property/home check after the storm. 
  1. Road Agent Report  Chairman Davis read the Road Agent’s Report; Tropical Storm Irene left mostly minor washouts and erosion however Dundee Road is washed out and impassible; the ditches and culverts couldn’t keep up with the storm; water flowing over the road created a ravine four to eight feet wide and three to five feet deep as well as washing out two twenty-foot sections completely.  The road crew has worked quickly to make it passable but it is not in the condition it was before the storm.  Road Agent Henry is in the process of estimating costs for repair and will probably hold a public hearing to discuss this during the next few weeks.  Dundee will remain closed until the road dries out and is deemed safe for passage.  Chairman Davis noted that FEMA is going around right now checking on the roads.  LADrew went over on Monday to see what was needed on Dundee and came on Wednesday to do the repairs; the re-decking of the Wilson Road Bridge is on hold until we get a cost on what it will take to repair Dundee.   
  1. Kevin Killourie – Home business on 28 Dundee Road  Kevin noted Chris Matte is interested in buying this property and moving his landscaping business there; he would be moving all of his equipment from where he is now.  Chris indicated there would be mulch and sand piles as well. Selectmen unanimously decided to obtain an opinion from town counsel in determining whether landscaping activities is allowable pursuant to Jackson’s zoning Ordinance as a Customary Home Occupation in the Rural-Residential District. Bea suggested to also get an opinion from the Planning Board; they will be meeting on September 8th.   
  1. Fuel quotes  Chairman Davis noted quotes were received from Jesse Lyman, Inc. and White Mountain Oil and Propane (WMOP); the Board is going with the least expensive on each item which splits the fuel products between the two vendors.  Jackson will purchase heating fuel and K-1 from Jesse Lyman; propane and diesel through WMOP.  There is no issue with splitting the products between the two.  Office Administrator Falcey also would like a decision regarding burner service; Jesse Lyman provides this for $129 while WMOP is charging $229.  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Davis, made a motion to purchase the Burner Service ($129), Heating Fuel ($3.349) and K-1 ($3.699) from Jesse Lyman Inc. and to purchase Propane ($2.290) and Diesel ($3.49) from WMOP.  The motion passed unanimously.    
  1. Thompson House Eatery – Request permission to extend liquor licensed area  The Thompson House Eatery would like permission to serve alcohol outside of their regular serving area on Saturday October 1, 2011; this is private property and the proper license has been obtained  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Davis, made a motion to extend the liquor permit as requested for October 1, 2011.  The motion passed unanimously.   
  1. Forest Fire Invoice  This is an invoice for the cost of the fires caused by the CSRR train going to Crawford; CSRR will reimburse the town for that but it requires the Selectmen’s signatures.  The document was signed.
  1. Building Permit Business – Andy Chalmers, Building Inspector  
  1. DiFruscio, Frank (Map V8, Lot 25-2) Rebuild deck with screened porch  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Davis, made a motion to approve the permit, as recommended.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1. Howard, George (Map R19, Lot 10) Auto & lawn equipment shelter  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Davis, made a motion to approve the permit, as recommended.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1. PDM Inc. (Map R12, Lot 74) Window & chimney replacement; add exterior foam insulation & vinyl siding  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Davis, made a motion to approve the permit, as recommended.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1. Benoit, Brian & Christine (Map V9, Lot 18) One year permit extension Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Davis, made a motion to approve the one year permit extension, as recommended.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1. Russo, Eric & Amy (Map R12, Lot Lot179) Refinish flooded basement to install bedroom, den & garage  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Davis, made a motion to approve the permit, as recommended.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1. Holloran, Cynthia (Map R17, Lot 13) Install roof over existing deck and screen in half of deck  Selectman Allen, seconded by Chairman Davis, made a motion to approve the permit, as recommended.  The motion passed unanimously.
     g.  Friedman, Helen (Map V5, Lot 18) New 3 bedroom homeDriveway/Underground
    Cable Permit  It was noted that this application is pending septic approval and
    the applicant needs to provide a site disturbance plan. This item was tabled.
  1. Public Comment  Paul Belluche would like to see Wilson Road fixed; it was not so great before the storm.  Roger Chambers is concerned that repairs on the Wilson Road bridge are going to be waived; Chairman Davis noted the Board has to find out how much Dundee Road is going to cost first; Roger noted the Highway Department could at least fill the holes with blacktop or even cement.  Chairman Davis noted that wood has already been ordered for the decking.  Selectman Allen noted the Board was trying to divvy up the money so each section of the town would be repaved but everything has changed now.  Roger would prefer an answer now.  The Board can do no more than it already is at this time.  Paul noted he may be beating a dead horse but he’d like to know if the authorization of Upton’s on that request from two people asking for legal advice has been settled; is the town paying for it.  Chairman Davis noted the charge was in conjunction with a meeting the Board had here.  Paul noted there are rumors swirling around and he’d like to put those to rest.  Chairman Davis noted if it’s any different she’ll let the public know.  Selectman Allen noted that some of those meetings were to assist him to get up to speed with the situation.   
There being no further business the meeting adjourned by motion at 4:34 p.m. 
Respectfully submitted by:
Martha D. Tobin
Recording Secretary