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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 06/23/2011
Present:     Beatrice Davis, Chairman; Jerry Dougherty and John Allen, Selectmen
Visitors:     Office Administrator Diane Falcey, Police Chief Karl Meyers, Road Agent/Fire Chief Jay Henry, Building Inspector Andy Chalmers, Martha Benesh, Hank Benesh, Jerry Dougherty III, Kathy Dougherty, Larry Siebert, Holly Lewis, June Garneau and Roger Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. 
  1.  Amend & approve minutes
  1. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 2, 2011  The minutes of the Selectmen’s Meeting of June 2, 2011 were approved as written.
  1. Non-Public Session – June 2, 2011  The minutes of the Selectmen’s Non-Public Session of June 2, 2011 were approved as written.
  1. Discussion of Lewis Litigation – June 9, 2011  The minutes of the Selectmen’s Meeting of June 9, 2011 to Discuss the Holly Lewis Litigation were approved as written.
  1. Police Chief Report  Chief Meyers reviewed Department activities since the last meeting.  There was a tree down on Dundee Road; Officers assisted the State Police with an accident by Wildcat.  There was an accident with a moose in the Notch; someone found a set of keys, turned them in to the Department and Officers were able to return them to the owner.  A sick raccoon was reported; Fish & Game was contacted.  Someone called in a suspicious vehicle that turned out to be a person who works in town parked in a goofy place; Chief Meyers noted the vehicle reported matched the vehicle thought to be used in an attempted child abduction; it was a resident who belonged in the area but this report shows that townsfolk are paying attention.  There was a fireworks complaint; it was a rental and Officers spoke to those involved and they stopped.  There was a loose canine complaint; three false burglar alarms and a medical call at the grammar school.  Chief Meyers noted that dispatch did not notify the Jackson police even though they were on duty; the call should have come from the county.  Chief Meyers had them fax up the call and he has spoken with the Lieutenant there; he’s expressed his unhappiness with this situation.  Officers assisted the Ossipee district court with service of a subpoena.  There was a person yelling at cars and lying on the pavement.  In speaking with him Chief Meyers learned he was trying to get to Berlin and Chief Meyers gave him a ride to the AMC Hut.  A fire alarm turned out to be a bad detector; there was a disturbance call at a local motel, staff member to guest.  There was theft from a residence of a jewelry box; there had been a worker in the house and that worker is a possible suspect.  The lock box for snacks at a local establishment had been tampered with. There was a report of identity theft and a report of vandalism where windows were smashed out.  The new cruiser was picked up and dropped at OME. Chairman Davis noted there was an issue with a tree blocking the sightline on Dinsmore Road; a letter was sent to the owners; the                tree has been cut.  Road Agent/Fire Chief Henry noted the owners must have done it Tuesday morning.  Selectman Dougherty asked what the protocol is regarding that ambulance call at the grammar school.  It was explained that “911” goes to Concord then Concord calls the county.  The principal dispatcher there now has instructions to say to county to call the local police.  Selectman Dougherty asked why the local police weren’t called; it was the fault of the dispatcher; they usually do tone the police when they tone the ambulance.  It was bike week and the county does get swarmed at times.  Chief Meyers was told it “slipped through the cracks”.  Sarah Clemons noted she takes care of several residences in town and one had a large plate glass window that was smashed; it was either heat or vandalism; the alarm system didn’t go off and the owner wanted Sarah to make the Police aware.
  1. Road Agent Report 
  1. Letter of Appreciation from John Fichera and Don Bilger  Chairman Davis read the letter into the record (see attached).
Road Agent Henry reported that Eagle Mountain Road is paved; it cost $30,000 for five-hundred feet plus a few hundred feet of shim; it should plow much better and it came in a little under budget; some work on Dinsmore is coming in over budget so it evens out.  LADrew worked fast to get that all dug out.  On July 27th Pike will start reclaiming on Tyrol; the ditching and headers are done and it’s ready to go.  Road Agent Henry is going on vacation July 7th and will be back around that time; Chairman Davis is Road Agent while Road Agent Henry is gone.  Lately the Department has been doing summer maintenance; mostly ditching.  The winter sand started coming in yesterday two months behind schedule.  The Department definitely will have to update the mower next year; it has seven-hundred hours on it and he thinks that’s a lot; it’s a 2005.  Selectman Allen asked about the Wilson Road bridge; that will be done in September; Road Agent Henry has been talking with Billy Dugan about doing it and it’s a good bid for what is going to be done.  Tamarack was asked but he got no price from them.  The decking has been awful; there’s nothing left to screw down.  The Department did get the logs out of the top of Carter Notch.  Selectman Dougherty asked how the washout on Dundee held out this spring; it held up well; the road was raised with inch-and-a-half gravel; it’s nice and smooth and the rocks in the ditch will hopefully stop the washout but that’s been a problem spot forever. 
  1. Building Permit Business – Andy Chalmers, Building Inspector
  1. Aubrey, Roger & Joan (Map V3, Lot 34) Insulate garage  This is not habitable space so no permit is needed.
  1. Benesh, Frank & Martha (Map R8, Lot 11-A) 9 x 11 Bathroom in garage attic space  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the permit as recommended.  The motion passed unanimously. 
  1. Ludington, Carol (Map V3, Lot 25) Install 4x10 porch  Inspector Chalmers noted this needs to go to the ZBA; they have the site plan laid out and the whole front of the house is up against the setback; he recommends denying the permit.  Selectman Dougherty asked if that side of the house is a ROW; it’s in the setback but it’s not a ROW.  They had it surveyed and the setbacks are demarked pretty well.  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to deny the permit on the basis of RSA for being inside the fifty foot setback of the roadway.  The motion passed unanimously. 
  1. Davis, Dean & Nancy (Map V3, Lot 25) New 4 bedroom residential home  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the permit as recommended.  The motion passed 2-0-1 (Davis abstains). 
  1. Myers, Patricia E.  (Map V1, Lot 4) Install cooking range in studio apartment  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the permit as recommended.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1. Canty, Peter & Nancy (Map R12, Lot 85) Construct gazebo on existing deck  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the permit as recommended.  The motion passed unanimously. 
  1. Loynd, John & Elizabeth (Map R14, Lot 12A) Indoor Basketball Gym  Inspector Chalmers noted the Loynd’s are adding another building where they are building their new home.  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the permit as recommended.  The motion passed unanimously. 
  1. Myers, Patricia E.  (Map V10, Lot 7) Certificate of Occupancy   Inspector Chalmers noted this permit is for the accessory apartment that she created on Wildflower Lane; this creates two single bedroom dwelling units; the fire inspector pointed out some smoke detector issues that have since been remedied.  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the permit as recommended.  The motion passed unanimously. 
  1. Adoption and Execution of the Jackson Emergency Operations Plan  June Garneau presented the documents for signature.  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to adopt the Jackson Operations Plan.  The motion passed unanimously.  Selectman Dougherty thanked June for the work she did and he also thanked all who have worked on this document; especially Chairman Davis.  June suggests in the future doing a dry exercise based on the EOP; Road Agent/Fire Chief Henry noted he went to Pine Tree Power and saw their tabletop exercise; it gives participants an opportunity to learn a lot about what happens.   
  1. Jackson Conservation Commission: Larry Siebert, Chair  Larry Siebert noted the Conservation Commission needs the Board’s approval on two projects the Commission has approved.
  1. Baker Prospect Farm Timber Management Proposal  Larry noted this was put together in the ‘90s and the Commission never got going on it; it’s a plan to manage the four-to-five-hundred acres there.  Their Forester recommends doing more cutting even though some was just done; it’s supposed to be done every ten years but the wood that’s there isn’t very valuable.  Garland is up there so he’ll do it and the Commission would like to move forward.  The work they are going to do will be paid for out of the timber cut; Don Johnson will be paid out of the cut as well.  Office Administrator Falcey noted the funds raised by the cut go into the general fund; the voters can vote to put that money back into the Baker Trust if they choose to.  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the Timber Management Proposal.  The motion passed unanimously. 
  1. Gray’s Inn DES Permitting Process  The Commission has a DES permit to clean up the old building site.  John Pietkiewicz came in with one of these offers that couldn’t be refused.  The Commission has spoken to one or two other people but this was not formally put out to bid.  Prices are normally $50 to $60 per hour for equipment; John would be $40-$50 per hour; he’s coming in at $20 per hour for equipment and $20 per hour for his time.  There are stipulations set and one is that the JCC is to set the priority; they will finish cleaning up the building that Road Agent Henry did most of the work on already.  The plan is to use the town’s chipper or to ask the Highway Department to help out with things like hauling boulders in order to cut the cost to the town.  John’s bid was $12,000 but the Commission has asked him to stop when he hits $10,000; he said it wouldn’t get to $10,000.  John has donated a lot of time here doing landscaping around the office; he’s perfect so why go to bid.  The Commission spoke with Bushnell Nurseries; there was no formal bid on everything but the one bid he did for just the dam work was $3,500.  Another stipulation is that the Commission doesn’t want this to look like a park; it should look like woodland except over by the parking lot; that will be cleared out and will be a lawn, like what is by the town offices.  Larry thanked Road Agent Henry for all the work he’s already done; he noted that one day he mentioned needing boulders in the parking lot and the next day they were there.  Selectman Allen asked what the timeframe for this is; they plan to start in two weeks and finish by September.  Another reason for using John is that he’s accessible to the town and he would accommodate any concerns that are raised.  Roger Chambers noted this should have been put out to bid.  The funds for this work are coming out of the conservation fund.  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to approve the work as outlined.  The motion passed unanimously. 
  1. Timber Tax Levy: Dinsmore, Stephen & Denise  Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen made a motion to approve the tax levy for Stephen and Denise Dinsmore.  The motion passed 2-0-1 (Davis abstains).  The document was signed. 
  1. Intent to Cut Report
  1. Garland Lumber (WMNF Than unit #7) 11-231-01T  The document was signed. 
  1. NH DRA 2012 Inventory of Taxable Property Form  This is done on an annual basis; the town sends out a notice to homeowners asking if they have made improvements and if they don’t respond then they lose the option to ask for an abatement for that tax year.  The document was signed. 
  1. Tax Collector’s Warrant  This document was signed.
  1. Town Clerk: Unlicensed Dogs  In accordance with RSA 466.14 notifications of unlicensed dogs have been sent out.  The town has valid rabies certificates and has attempted to reach the listed owners via letter/e-mail and has received no status update.  In accordance with the RSA the town is authorized to issue a warrant within twenty days to seize unlicensed dogs.  Chairman Davis suggested that the information be put out again via e-news in the hopes that will get folks to take care of their dogs.
  1. Public Comment  Martha Benesh thanked Sarah Clemons for doing the tapes of these meetings for years and years.  Sarah Clemons also thanked Hank for his work; once he’s set up the plan is to have the meetings downloaded onto the internet and also to be put onto Channel 3 should that service be approved.  Sarah would also like to know if the town finds out the cost for Jackson to have broadcast time if the townsfolk will be informed as to how much that is going to cost.  The plan is for this to be on the warrant for next year.  Selectman Dougherty has spoken with Conway Selectman DiGregorio who thinks it’ll be another three-thousand dollars to do what Jackson is looking for.  That information will be included in budget discussion for placement on the March 2012 Warrant. 
  1. Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (e): Holly Lewis & Bartlett-Jackson Transfer Station Litigations Selectman Dougherty, seconded by Selectman Allen, made a motion to go into Non-Public Session at 4:55 p.m. in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 to discuss pending litigation.
The Board returned to Public Session at 7:04 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Martha D. Tobin
Recording Secretary