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January 28, 2016 -- Agenda
Selectmen’s Board Meeting Agenda
January 28, 2016
Regular Meeting at 4:30 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes:
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – January 14, 2016
  • Update on 1.14.16 Action Items
  • Police Report
  • Public Comment
  • Building Inspector:
  • Weekly Report - Kevin Bennett
  • Building Permit 2016-06 Map R12 Lot 164 - (Owner – Brooks – 226 Green Hill Road) – Bathroom
  • Trustees of the Trust Funds – Warrant Article - Linda Terry
  • New Business:
  • Report of Cut
  • Old Library Management Committee
  • Ordinance Discussion
  • Building Code Change
  • Resignation as Alternate to the Library Board of Trustees – Warren Schomaker
  • NHEC – Winter Cutting - FYI
  • Old Business
  • Annual Update – Investment Policy
  • Caldwell Case

  • Public Comment

This Agenda is Subject to Change