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December 21, 2015 -- Agenda
Selectmen’s Board Meeting Agenda
MONDAY December 21, 2015
Regular Meeting at 4:30 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes:
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – December 10, 2015
  • Update on 12.10.15 Action Items
  • Police Report
  • Public Comment
  • Building Inspector:
  • Weekly Report - Kevin Bennett
  • Building Permit 2015-82 Map V07 Lot 61 - (Owner – Graham – 17 Tin Mine Road) – Extend Building Permit – 2014-56
  • Building Permit 2015-83 Map V07 Lot 129 - (Owner – Wasson-Seybold Trust – 116 North Hampshire Ridge) – Install Solar Panel System
  • New Business:
  • Intent to cut – Signatures Required
  • Planning Board Resignation – FYI
  • Old Business
  • New Hampshire Community Rights Network – Michelle Sanborn
  • Public Comment
  • Budget Hearing #2
This Agenda is Subject to Change