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August 27, 2015 -- Agenda
 Selectmen’s Board Meeting Agenda
August 27th, 2015
Regular Meeting at 4:30 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes:
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – August 13, 2015
  • Update on 8.13.15 Action Items
  • Police Report
  • Public Comment
  • Historical Society – Building Update – Norman Head
  • Building Inspector:
  • Weekly Report - Kevin Bennett
  • Building Permit 2015000036 Map V03 Lot 17 - (Owner – Fitzgerald – Cameron Drive) – Build new 29x48 house and 24x28 garage
  • Building Permit 2015000037 Map V10 Lot 04 - (Owner – Lutjen – 244 Tin Mine Road) – Build 5x8 covered porch entry
  • Building Permit 2015000038 Map V10 Lot 01 - (Owner – McDonough – 12 Wildflower Lane) – Extend permit #2014000048
  • Driveway permit – V10 Lot 109
  • Driveway permit – R12 Lot 55-1
  • Driveway permit – R12 Lot 55-2
  • Driveway permit – R12 Lot 55-3
  • Fire Department  - Bathroom – Signatures Required
  • Building permit application and fees
  • New Business:
  • Updated Welfare Guidelines
  • Hazardous Waste Day – FYI
  • Support Carroll County Sheriff – Homeland Security Grant – Signatures Required
  • MS1
  • Eastern Slope Regional Airport  - Jackson Representative
  • Open Position – Trustees of the Trust Funds
  • Transfer Station – NRRA SWAT – Recommendations & Suggestions
  • State Aid – Update
  • High Pastures – Agreement Letter
  • Old Business
  • Public Comment