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Jaclson School Board Minutes -- 12/21/2015
Jackson Grammar  School
December 21, 2015

  • Call to Order:  The Dec. 21st meeting of the Jackson School Board was called to order at 6:05 p.m. Present were Jerry Dougherty, Daniel Mahood, Jessica DellaValla, Genn Anzaldi, Keith Bradley, Supt. Kevin Richard, Asst. Supt. Kadie Wilson, Finance Director, Becky Jefferson, and Principal, Gayle Dembowski.  There were four members of the public present.  
A lovely presentation was made to outgoing Recording Secretary, Gail Currier, and her profound appreciation was expressed.  
  • Approve Minutes (11-16-15) – Ms. DellaValla offered the following amendment Pg. 1, Item 6,B:  Ms. DellaValla questioned whether the form attached was the one that parents had already signed and which had already been presented at a public meeting as an official school board policy.  Mr. Richard explained a public hearing was held, a policy was developed – it is a new policy with a new form.  Ms. DellaValla expressed concern about the process.  She questioned why we already had a public hearing on a policy that we are only considering the first reading of tonight.  And why we had parents commit to and sign an official school board policy that the school board had neither read nor adopted.  It was reported that the new form is the one that parents signed.  Mr. Dougherty stated what parents signed was not official until we approved the policy.  Motion was made by Mr. Bradley, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi, that the Minutes of the Nov. 16th meeting be approved as amended.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  
  • Citizen Comments:  None.   
  • Presentation of School Programs/FYI Items:  Mr. Richard reported that No Child Left Behind has been replaced with ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, which transfers it from the national level into the State and local level – all the components are there, there is still accountability for State assessment data.  They are developing guidelines for local districts; there is no longer AYP.  He said this does not mean that the Smarter Balanced has gone away, it will just be more control at the State and local level. It gives more flexibility for some grant funding, specifically Title II.  We will see more of the competency based education.  He said people were previously getting frustrated with giving the kids so many tests.  Mr. Richard stated if more information is required by anyone, he will be happy to provide it.  There will be a presentation at the next SAU 9 Board meeting.  
Mr. Richard then announced the resignation of the School District Clerk and questioned whether the Board wishes to appoint a member or advertise the position.  It was noted that technically we have to have a Clerk in place for the annual School District meeting.  Gino Funicella volunteered to serve.  Motion was made by Ms. Anzaldi, seconded by Ms. DellaValla, that the Board appoint Gino Funicella to the position of School District Clerk.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

  •  Old Business:  
  •  Preschool Committee – Ms. DellaValla reported that she and Ms.
Dembowski have been meeting to set up the framework for the process, and a meeting has been scheduled for January 21st at 11:00 a.m. at the Jackson Library.  The public is welcome at all meetings.  She said the initial meeting idea was gathering information to see where we are at and we have decided we need clarification from the Board.  Does the Board want us to come up with a plan for a preschool, or is there a need?  Mr. Dougherty said he thought that what we wanted to further look into was what our preschool options were.  Ms. DellaValla said we need to see what the actual need is.

Mr. Bradley said we all know sooner or later it will be mandatory.  Ms. DellaValla said “so put together a plan for a preschool in Jackson.”  Mr. Dougherty said we cannot subsidize it so you either tuition it to someone else or have it in-house.  Ms. Dembowski said this is what it would look like if we were to tuition to Bartlett; to be able to compare what if we did a partnership with child care, or perhaps someone from North Conway.  What is it that the families here in Jackson want for their kids, as well as a survey of some of those folks that may not come to story hour.  Ms. DellaValla said she has been hearing there is a need for after school care.  She said she does not want to waste time doing what Bartlett just did.  

Mr. Dougherty said we are interested in what it looks like for us to do it in-house.  Ms. Dembowski said if we look at a number of different options, we may find that is the most cost effective.  She said it behooves us to get some feedback from families with preschool age children.  Ms. DellaValla said there have been a number of suggestions thrown at us, why not start with the preschool model?  Mr. Dougherty said he thought we left it that we were looking for it in-house.  Emily Benson stated it was all about being here in Jackson.  

Ms. Benson asked Mr. Richard about ESSA, questioning whether it is now right that we could conceivably have public funds support that voucher system.  Mr. Richard stated it is not a voucher system – is there money there that could be used to support a public preschool?  Maybe. It would be grant money through the federal government. He stated Title I funding was established for economically disadvantaged students in order to give them a leg up.  Ms. Wilson noted that free and reduced lunch numbers are what they use; Jackson does not presently get Title I money.  Mr. Richard said Title II is different, there is some flexibility built in for that.  

Lisa McAllister noted that Mr. Bradley mentioned that preschool will be mandated and questioned whether he knew when.  Mr. Bradley said he was making a comment that that is the direction it is going, but could be 5 to 10 years down the road.  Mr. Dougherty said we are not proposing to appropriate any funds this year for the 2016-17 school year.  

  •  Consider Approval of Bartlett/Jackson Tuition Contract for the
2016-19 School Years.  Mr. Dougherty said the 3-year contract with Bartlett was supposed to have been approved last year and was not so it has lapsed - the towns are supposed to get together to discuss the contract and did not.  He said we wanted to look at what other tuitions would cost, acknowledging that what we are paying to Bartlett is well within the range of what other towns are paying.  He said we have three new Board members who have never seen this contract.  We have other options and have discussed the idea of a 1-year contract.  It was noted that Bartlett already approved the 3-year contract. Mr. Richard said there has been discussion of putting together a 1-year contract if given direction to do so he will.  

Mr. Dougherty questioned whether all are comfortable with budgeting the funds for the 3-year contract?  Ms. McAllister commented if you do not sign the 3-year contract they could raise it.  Mr. Dougherty said that is the risk with the unknown.  He said if we are willing to support a 3-year contract we should understand what is in it - it is our duty to look into the terms of a long term contract and we have not had that opportunity.  Mr. Funicella questioned what the option would be if they decided not to?  Mr. Bradley said there are lots of options.  Mr. Dougherty said no one at this point has even considered that.  

Mr. Dougherty said we have the ability to amend the 3-year contract, there is a process that is written into the 3-year contract.  He said there are some numbers that are not in that he would want to look at.  He stated that discussion should be in a meeting with the Bartlett School Board.  Scott Grant suggested meeting with Bartlett at 5:00 p.m. on Jan. 6th prior to their regular monthly meeting.  Mr. Richard said Bartlett has to set their budget as well, and if there is not an agreement they have to consider the revenue.  Mr. Bradley suggested voting with the assumption that Bartlett would give us the contract for one year.  Mr. Grant stated the danger would be if Bartlett voted down the 1-year contract.  He suggested a joint meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Jan. 6th with Bartlett to discuss the contract.  Ms. Jefferson said if you end up going for the multi-year contract, the decisions have to be done before the meetings in February.  Motion was made by Mr. Dougherty, seconded by Mr. Bradley, that Jackson enter into a one year contract with Bartlett based on the terms of the three year contract.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

      6.        Instructional Issues:  None.  
     7.        Consider Personnel Actions:
  • Election of Rebecca Garland as Recording Secretary - Motion was made by
Mr. Bradley, seconded by Mr. Mahood, to hire Rebecca Garland as the Board’s Recording Secretary.   Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

  • Consider Request by Sarah Rowe for Extension of Maternity Leave – Motion
made by Mr. Bradley, seconded by Ms. Anzaldi, to grant request by Sarah Rowe for Extension of Maternity Leave.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

C.  Appointment of Holly Preece as long-term Substitute Teacher to fill the position of Art Teacher on a long term basis - FYI.  

8.    Business Affairs:  

  •  FYI – 2015-16 Budget Status Report – There were no questions.
Mr. Dougherty pointed out how well done the budget is, noting year after year the estimates are always “spot on” and applauded the work that Becky Jefferson does.   

  •  Review Draft of 2016-17 Proposed Budget -  Ms. Jefferson said if you want to
move forward with no changes, we will show you estimated revenue and tax rate and then in January will move it forward to the budget hearing.  Mr. Richard proceeded to go through the summary noting the overall budget is down, showing a savings of $41,842, noting the recommended budget is a decrease in salary and benefits which is a reduction of .70 teacher (.20 Enrichment teacher and .50 regular ed. teacher) and the Nurse going to Contracted Services is an increase. Ms. Dembowski said there would be three classroom teachers doing regular ed. with one full time teacher doing half time regular ed. and half time special ed.  That educator would co-teach with the teacher that has three grade levels, and would provide special ed. services.  Mr. Richard pointed out this is a savings of $33,600.  

Mr. Richard noted an increase in health/ dental/ life insurance because there was an increase in the health insurance premium of 8.76%.  Contracted Services-Psych Testing/Counseling is $5,000.  Special Ed tuition is up due to preschool services required.  He noted a decrease in the tuition due to decrease in enrollment.  Insurance-Multi-Peril was moved to another line because of the insurance provider; Contracted Services-Grounds is up due to cost of fencing.  He noted fuel is locked in at $1.98.  There is a decrease in fuel for the buses.  Contracted Services-Nurse is up $14,105 through a relationship with Bartlett.  Mr. Bradley questioned whether we should try to hire our own nurse for less than half the money.  Ms. DellaValla questioned Course Reimbursement and was told they have fewer staff members and no one is planning on going back to school at this point.  

Mr. Bradley said he would like to see us wait one more year before we reduce a teacher.  Ms. Dembowski said Kindergarten numbers are between 5 & 7 students for the 2016-17 school year and we have 7 leaving.  She said she has discussed this with staff and they are prepared and support this.   

Mr. Dougherty questioned whether it compromises the multi-age classroom by reducing staff.  Ms. Dembowski said she has confidence in our current staff in meeting all needs.  Mr. Bradley said he knows how much students look forward to the time when they have their own stand-alone classroom; also we are talking about saving $30,000 – this budget is going to be a little scarier next year.  Ms. DellaValla questioned whether we are also looking at increased Special Ed Services.  Ms. Dembowski stated that is an unknown.  

Mr. Bradley said he appreciates Ms. Dembowski trying to be fiscally responsible in suggesting we do this.  Ms. Anzaldi said she would like to see a little more flexibility for the upper grades, enrichment in higher grades.  Mr. Dougherty said he has no problem with it as long as it is not compromising it in any way.  Ms. DellaValla said students in general have more needs coming to school.  Ms. Dembowski said we do a great job with kids who come in with needs and when they go on to Bartlett we have been able to close the gap.  Ms. Anzaldi stated this is what makes this school great.  

Ms. McAllister said one of the things that gets talked about in town is how many people we have working at the school compared to years past, so that is a concern – there are a lot of adults here for 38 children.  Mr. Bradley pointed out times have changed.  Mr. Dougherty said everything is different than it was 30 years ago; for instance, all the cars parked here – the post office is nearby and there are businesses - not all those cars are people at the school.  Ms. Anzaldi said everyone was mainstreamed, now we need one-on-one aides.  Mr. Mahood said we are definitely more bureaucratic now.  He said there are four teachers in this building - do we want to cut one of these four?  He stated we have a really good thing here.  

Mr. Funicella said one of the big problems is what our demographics will look like down the road – he can see cutting back now makes some sense.  He stated long term it looks bad for Jackson to have enough kids to keep the school going.  Mr. Dougherty stated he does not disagree, but someone said the same thing 30 years ago.  Mr. Bradley said he would agree if we were talking about a saving of 15%, but we are talking miniscule numbers.  Ms. DellaValla said she is not for cutting a teacher.  

It was the unanimous consensus to add the .70 teacher back into the budget.  Ms. DellaValla said the moment these kids are dropped off these teachers are acting as educators, nurses, caretakers.    

Discussion of Warrant Articles:  Article 2 - $15,000 to be added to the Capital Reserve Fund for buses.  Mr. Bradley noted we just bought a bus so are two more years from buying a bus.  Ms. Anzaldi stated it would put us right back where we need to be.  Ms. Jefferson said generally you have been putting $15,000 per year in that fund, last year you put in $25,000, so you are slightly ahead of where you usually are.  Mr. Bradley said we could put in $15,000 this year and $15,000 the following year and not have to put anything in our budget the next year.  Mr. Dougherty suggested knocking it down to $10,000 for this year.  It was agreed Article 2 would be included at $10,000.

Article 3 - $20,000 to be added to the Whitney Maintenance Trust Fund.  Mr. Bradley said we can get rid of the Whitney Center Trust Fund, but we cannot use the funds in there.  He said the Whitney Center Fund currently has about $36,000 in it.  He said he wants to change Article 3 to $3,000.  Mr. Bradley noted the Whitney Center could possibly need all new siding next year.  Ms. Dembowski stated it is probably not likely to be next year, but the siding was not a good technology when it first came out.  Mr. Bradley said it is not entirely the product, but maybe should not have been put on that building.  Mr. Dougherty said part of the problem is the construction; the siding may not have been appropriate for use on that board, but was done through advice of a professional.  Mr. Bradley will discuss it again with Steve Weeder.  

Article 4 - $10,000 to be added to the Expendable Trust Fund for Tuition.  Mr. Bradley suggested decreasing this.  Ms. Jefferson stated Conway’s tuition formula is a fixed number now.  It was decided to replace this with a new Article 4 in the amount of $15,000 for the School Maintenance Trust Fund and reduce the amount for the Whitney Center Trust Fund to $3,000.  

Article 5 – Discontinue the Technology Reserve Fund established in 1993 and transferring those funds to the School District’s general fund.  It was noted the idea at the time was for things like computers which were fairly new to us at that time.  Ms. Dembowski said we have line items in our regular budget for technology purposes; she has not needed this reserve fund since she has been here.  Ms. Jefferson stated the Board will be required to hold a hearing before they can spend that money.

9.     Administrator’s Reports:

  •  Superintendent – Mr. Richard had covered this in his earlier report.  
  •   Principal – Ms. Dembowski said during pick up and drop off times they are
trying to enforce more safety measures for the kids as it is sometimes chaotic.  As soon as the buses leave a cone is placed there stating “school,” along with a yellow tape from tree to tree so the kids getting dropped off at the post office are not racing across the lot.  Ms. Anzaldi questioned whether we can work with the plaza because technically it is one way and we constantly have people come out the other way.  Ms. Dembowski said we have not communicated with the plaza folks.  Mr. Bradley suggested asking the police to help out with it for a week or so.  Ms. Anzaldi stated it does get confusing – there is an arrow that is supposed to be there.  Mr. Dougherty said the main problem is parents dropping their kids off – we might need to be more aggressive about getting the message out.  He suggested a reminder at our all school meeting.  Ms. Dembowski said she has put it in the newsletter and discussed it at an all school meeting.

Ms. Dembowski said we have wanted to do a facebook page for our school, have looked into that, and want to do a Jackson Grammar School Facebook page.  Mrs. Groves has volunteered to set it up and monitor it on a daily basis.  It will not include photos of the children.  Mr. Bradley said he is against promoting facebook for these kids.  Other members of the Board supported the idea.

10.      Citizen Comments:   None.
11.     Board Member Issues:  
A.  Set Date for Next Meeting – Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

Ms. DellaValla provided a copy of an email she had received from Jette Glazer which states “with concerns about low numbers at JGS there is an opportunity to expand the school and add to the Jackson Community.  I would like the board to please consider allowing employees of the Town of Jackson to send their children to Jackson Grammar.  Please look into the costs and feasibility of this idea.”  Mr. Dougherty said he is open to discuss it.  Mr. Bradley stated he could fashion it similar to the staff benefits.

Ms. DellaValla said when talking about the ESSA can we talk about student privacy regarding technology.  Also she had talked about after school enrichment and wants to bring that back around.  She requested Ms. Dembowski bring a report to the next meeting.

12.     Signing of Manifest:  Manifests were duly signed.

13.     Nonpublic Session:  None.   

14.     Adjourn:   Motion made by Mr. Bradley, second by Ms. DellaValla and carried by unanimous vote, that the meeting be adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                Gail T. Currier, Recording Secretary